14 research outputs found

    Image abstraction painting of flow-like stylization

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    U radu se predstavlja tehnika ne-fotorealističkog prikaza u kojoj se iz fotografije dobiva stilizirana apstraktna slika s tonovima koji se prelijevaju. Zasnovana na Kuwahara filtrima i integralnim spiralnim linijama, naša metoda simultano apstrahira oblike i boje, zadržavajući u isto vrijeme osnovna obilježja slika. Posebno razvijamo metodu proširenja i detekcije ruba i usmjeravamo pažnju na specifična obilježja i rubne dijelove slike. Predloženi je algoritam promjenljiv i iterativan te se stupanj prelijevanja tonova i apstrakcije može regulirati. Eksperimentalni rezultati pokazuju da je učinkovitost naše metode u postizanju koherentne i stilizirane apstrakcije zadovoljavajuća, uz zadržavanje osnovnih obilježja iz zadanih fotografija.This paper presents a non-photorealistic rendering technique for producing flow-like abstraction stylization from a photograph. Based on anisotropic Kuwahara filtering in conjunction with line integral convolution, our method abstracts shapes and colors simultaneously while preserving features of images. In particular, we develop an edge detection and dilation method, to draw attention to salient features and image boundaries. This proposed algorithm is incremental and iterative, and therefore the degree of flow and abstraction can be controlled. Experimental results demonstrate that the effectiveness of our method in producing a coherent and flow-like abstraction stylization is satisfactory yet preserving features and directions from photographs

    Importance-Driven Composition of Multiple Rendering Styles

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    International audienceWe introduce a non-uniform composition that integrates multiple rendering styles in a picture driven by an importance map. This map, either issued from saliency estimation or designed by a user, is introduced both in the creation of the multiple styles and in the final composition. Our approach accommodates a variety of stylization techniques, such as color desaturation, line drawing, blurring, edge-preserving smoothing and enhancement. We illustrate the versatility of the proposed approach and the variety of rendering styles on different applications such as images, videos, 3D scenes and even mixed reality. We also demonstrate that such an approach may help in directing user attention

    Field Coupling-Based Image Filter for Sand Painting Stylization

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    7th SC@RUG 2010 proceedings:Student Colloquium 2009-2010

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    7th SC@RUG 2010 proceedings:Student Colloquium 2009-2010

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