129,474 research outputs found

    Enhancing Perceptual Attributes with Bayesian Style Generation

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    Deep learning has brought an unprecedented progress in computer vision and significant advances have been made in predicting subjective properties inherent to visual data (e.g., memorability, aesthetic quality, evoked emotions, etc.). Recently, some research works have even proposed deep learning approaches to modify images such as to appropriately alter these properties. Following this research line, this paper introduces a novel deep learning framework for synthesizing images in order to enhance a predefined perceptual attribute. Our approach takes as input a natural image and exploits recent models for deep style transfer and generative adversarial networks to change its style in order to modify a specific high-level attribute. Differently from previous works focusing on enhancing a specific property of a visual content, we propose a general framework and demonstrate its effectiveness in two use cases, i.e. increasing image memorability and generating scary pictures. We evaluate the proposed approach on publicly available benchmarks, demonstrating its advantages over state of the art methods.Comment: ACCV-201

    STaDA: Style Transfer as Data Augmentation

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    The success of training deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) heavily depends on a significant amount of labelled data. Recent research has found that neural style transfer algorithms can apply the artistic style of one image to another image without changing the latter's high-level semantic content, which makes it feasible to employ neural style transfer as a data augmentation method to add more variation to the training dataset. The contribution of this paper is a thorough evaluation of the effectiveness of the neural style transfer as a data augmentation method for image classification tasks. We explore the state-of-the-art neural style transfer algorithms and apply them as a data augmentation method on Caltech 101 and Caltech 256 dataset, where we found around 2% improvement from 83% to 85% of the image classification accuracy with VGG16, compared with traditional data augmentation strategies. We also combine this new method with conventional data augmentation approaches to further improve the performance of image classification. This work shows the potential of neural style transfer in computer vision field, such as helping us to reduce the difficulty of collecting sufficient labelled data and improve the performance of generic image-based deep learning algorithms.Comment: 14th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, 201

    Convolutional Neural Networks for Image Style Transfer

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    In this thesis we will use deep learning tools to tackle an interesting and complex problem of image processing called style transfer. Given a content image and a style image as inputs, the aim is to create a new image preserving the global structure of the content image but showing the artistic patterns of the style image. Before the renaissance of Arti�cial Neural Networks, early work in the �field called texture synthesis, only transferred limited and repeatitive geometric patterns of textures. Due to the avaibility of large amounts of data and cheap computational resources in the last decade Convolutional Neural Networks and Graphics Processing Units have been at the core of a paradigm shift in computer vision research. In the seminal work of Neural Style Transfer, Gatys et al. consistently disentangled style and content from different images to combine them in artistic compositions of high perceptual quality. This was done using the image representation derived from Convolutional Neural Networks trained for large-scale object recognition, which make high level image informations explicit. In this thesis, inspired by the work of Li et al., we build an efficient neural style transfer method able to transfer arbitrary styles. Existing optimisation-based methods (Gatys et al.), produce visually pleasing results but are limited because of the time consuming optimisation procedure. More recent feedforward based methods, while enjoying the inference efficiency, are mainly limited by inability of generalizing to unseen styles. The key ingredients of our approach are a Convolutional Autoencoder and a pair of feature transforms, Whitening and Coloring, reflecting a direct matching of feature covariance of the content image to the given style image. The algorithm allows us to produce images of high perceptual quality that combine the content of an arbitrary photograph with the appearance of arbitrary well known artworks

    Employing Neural Style Transfer for Generating Deep Dream Images

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    In recent years, deep dream and neural style transfer emerged as hot topics in deep learning. Hence, mixing those two techniques support the art and enhance the images that simulate hallucinations among psychiatric patients and drug addicts. In this study, our model combines deep dream and neural style transfer (NST) to produce a new image that combines the two technologies. VGG-19 and Inception v3 pre-trained networks are used for NST and deep dream, respectively. Gram matrix is a vital process for style transfer. The loss is minimized in style transfer while maximized in a deep dream using gradient descent for the first case and gradient ascent for the second. We found that different image produces different loss values depending on the degree of clarity of that images. Distorted images have higher loss values in NST and lower loss values with deep dreams. The opposite happened for the clear images that did not contain mixed lines, circles, colors, or other shapes