12,458 research outputs found

    FPGA-based Accelerators of Deep Learning Networks for Learning and Classification: A Review

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    Due to recent advances in digital technologies, and availability of credible data, an area of artificial intelligence, deep learning, has emerged, and has demonstrated its ability and effectiveness in solving complex learning problems not possible before. In particular, convolution neural networks (CNNs) have demonstrated their effectiveness in image detection and recognition applications. However, they require intensive CPU operations and memory bandwidth that make general CPUs fail to achieve desired performance levels. Consequently, hardware accelerators that use application specific integrated circuits (ASICs), field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), and graphic processing units (GPUs) have been employed to improve the throughput of CNNs. More precisely, FPGAs have been recently adopted for accelerating the implementation of deep learning networks due to their ability to maximize parallelism as well as due to their energy efficiency. In this paper, we review recent existing techniques for accelerating deep learning networks on FPGAs. We highlight the key features employed by the various techniques for improving the acceleration performance. In addition, we provide recommendations for enhancing the utilization of FPGAs for CNNs acceleration. The techniques investigated in this paper represent the recent trends in FPGA-based accelerators of deep learning networks. Thus, this review is expected to direct the future advances on efficient hardware accelerators and to be useful for deep learning researchers.Comment: This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Access (December, 2018

    Application-Driven Near-Data Processing for Similarity Search

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    Similarity search is a key to a variety of applications including content-based search for images and video, recommendation systems, data deduplication, natural language processing, computer vision, databases, computational biology, and computer graphics. At its core, similarity search manifests as k-nearest neighbors (kNN), a computationally simple primitive consisting of highly parallel distance calculations and a global top-k sort. However, kNN is poorly supported by today's architectures because of its high memory bandwidth requirements. This paper proposes an application-driven near-data processing accelerator for similarity search: the Similarity Search Associative Memory (SSAM). By instantiating compute units close to memory, SSAM benefits from the higher memory bandwidth and density exposed by emerging memory technologies. We evaluate the SSAM design down to layout on top of the Micron hybrid memory cube (HMC), and show that SSAM can achieve up to two orders of magnitude area-normalized throughput and energy efficiency improvement over multicore CPUs; we also show SSAM is faster and more energy efficient than competing GPUs and FPGAs. Finally, we show that SSAM is also useful for other data intensive tasks like kNN index construction, and can be generalized to semantically function as a high capacity content addressable memory.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, 7 table

    Morph: Flexible Acceleration for 3D CNN-based Video Understanding

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    The past several years have seen both an explosion in the use of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and the design of accelerators to make CNN inference practical. In the architecture community, the lion share of effort has targeted CNN inference for image recognition. The closely related problem of video recognition has received far less attention as an accelerator target. This is surprising, as video recognition is more computationally intensive than image recognition, and video traffic is predicted to be the majority of internet traffic in the coming years. This paper fills the gap between algorithmic and hardware advances for video recognition by providing a design space exploration and flexible architecture for accelerating 3D Convolutional Neural Networks (3D CNNs) - the core kernel in modern video understanding. When compared to (2D) CNNs used for image recognition, efficiently accelerating 3D CNNs poses a significant engineering challenge due to their large (and variable over time) memory footprint and higher dimensionality. To address these challenges, we design a novel accelerator, called Morph, that can adaptively support different spatial and temporal tiling strategies depending on the needs of each layer of each target 3D CNN. We codesign a software infrastructure alongside the Morph hardware to find good-fit parameters to control the hardware. Evaluated on state-of-the-art 3D CNNs, Morph achieves up to 3.4x (2.5x average) reduction in energy consumption and improves performance/watt by up to 5.1x (4x average) compared to a baseline 3D CNN accelerator, with an area overhead of 5%. Morph further achieves a 15.9x average energy reduction on 3D CNNs when compared to Eyeriss.Comment: Appears in the proceedings of the 51st Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO), 201

    A Design Methodology for Efficient Implementation of Deconvolutional Neural Networks on an FPGA

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    In recent years deep learning algorithms have shown extremely high performance on machine learning tasks such as image classification and speech recognition. In support of such applications, various FPGA accelerator architectures have been proposed for convolutional neural networks (CNNs) that enable high performance for classification tasks at lower power than CPU and GPU processors. However, to date, there has been little research on the use of FPGA implementations of deconvolutional neural networks (DCNNs). DCNNs, also known as generative CNNs, encode high-dimensional probability distributions and have been widely used for computer vision applications such as scene completion, scene segmentation, image creation, image denoising, and super-resolution imaging. We propose an FPGA architecture for deconvolutional networks built around an accelerator which effectively handles the complex memory access patterns needed to perform strided deconvolutions, and that supports convolution as well. We also develop a three-step design optimization method that systematically exploits statistical analysis, design space exploration and VLSI optimization. To verify our FPGA deconvolutional accelerator design methodology we train DCNNs offline on two representative datasets using the generative adversarial network method (GAN) run on Tensorflow, and then map these DCNNs to an FPGA DCNN-plus-accelerator implementation to perform generative inference on a Xilinx Zynq-7000 FPGA. Our DCNN implementation achieves a peak performance density of 0.012 GOPs/DSP

    Exploring Computation-Communication Tradeoffs in Camera Systems

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    Cameras are the defacto sensor. The growing demand for real-time and low-power computer vision, coupled with trends towards high-efficiency heterogeneous systems, has given rise to a wide range of image processing acceleration techniques at the camera node and in the cloud. In this paper, we characterize two novel camera systems that use acceleration techniques to push the extremes of energy and performance scaling, and explore the computation-communication tradeoffs in their design. The first case study targets a camera system designed to detect and authenticate individual faces, running solely on energy harvested from RFID readers. We design a multi-accelerator SoC design operating in the sub-mW range, and evaluate it with real-world workloads to show performance and energy efficiency improvements over a general purpose microprocessor. The second camera system supports a 16-camera rig processing over 32 Gb/s of data to produce real-time 3D-360 degree virtual reality video. We design a multi-FPGA processing pipeline that outperforms CPU and GPU configurations by up to 10x in computation time, producing panoramic stereo video directly from the camera rig at 30 frames per second. We find that an early data reduction step, either before complex processing or offloading, is the most critical optimization for in-camera systems

    Recent Advances in Convolutional Neural Network Acceleration

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    In recent years, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have shown great performance in various fields such as image classification, pattern recognition, and multi-media compression. Two of the feature properties, local connectivity and weight sharing, can reduce the number of parameters and increase processing speed during training and inference. However, as the dimension of data becomes higher and the CNN architecture becomes more complicated, the end-to-end approach or the combined manner of CNN is computationally intensive, which becomes limitation to CNN's further implementation. Therefore, it is necessary and urgent to implement CNN in a faster way. In this paper, we first summarize the acceleration methods that contribute to but not limited to CNN by reviewing a broad variety of research papers. We propose a taxonomy in terms of three levels, i.e.~structure level, algorithm level, and implementation level, for acceleration methods. We also analyze the acceleration methods in terms of CNN architecture compression, algorithm optimization, and hardware-based improvement. At last, we give a discussion on different perspectives of these acceleration and optimization methods within each level. The discussion shows that the methods in each level still have large exploration space. By incorporating such a wide range of disciplines, we expect to provide a comprehensive reference for researchers who are interested in CNN acceleration.Comment: submitted to Neurocomputin

    Optimizing Temporal Convolutional Network inference on FPGA-based accelerators

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    Convolutional Neural Networks are extensively used in a wide range of applications, commonly including computer vision tasks like image and video classification, recognition, and segmentation. Recent research results demonstrate that multilayer(deep) networks involving mono-dimensional convolutions and dilation can be effectively used in time series and sequences classification and segmentation, as well as in tasks involving sequence modelling. These structures, commonly referred to as Temporal Convolutional Networks (TCNs), have been demonstrated to consistently outperform Recurrent Neural Networks in terms of accuracy and training time [1]. While FPGA-based inference accelerators for classic CNNs are widespread, literature is lacking in a quantitative evaluation of their usability on inference for TCN models. In this paper we present such an evaluation, considering a CNN accelerator with specific features supporting TCN kernels as a reference and a set of state-of-the-art TCNs as a benchmark. Experimental results show that, during TCN execution, operational intensity can be critical for the overall performance. We propose a convolution scheduling based on batch processing that can boost efficiency up to 96% of theoretical peak performance. Overall we can achieve up to 111,8 GOPS/s and power efficiency of 33,9 GOPS/s/W on an Ultrascale+ ZU3EG (up to 10x speedup and 3x power efficiency improvement with respect to pure software implementation)

    SqueezeJet: High-level Synthesis Accelerator Design for Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Deep convolutional neural networks have dominated the pattern recognition scene by providing much more accurate solutions in computer vision problems such as object recognition and object detection. Most of these solutions come at a huge computational cost, requiring billions of multiply-accumulate operations and, thus, making their use quite challenging in real-time applications that run on embedded mobile (resource-power constrained) hardware. This work presents the architecture, the high-level synthesis design, and the implementation of SqueezeJet, an FPGA accelerator for the inference phase of the SqueezeNet DCNN architecture, which is designed specifically for use in embedded systems. Results show that SqueezeJet can achieve 15.16 times speed-up compared to the software implementation of SqueezeNet running on an embedded mobile processor with less than 1% drop in top-5 accuracy.Comment: The final publication is available at Springer via https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-78890-6_

    Recent Advances in Efficient Computation of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Deep neural networks have evolved remarkably over the past few years and they are currently the fundamental tools of many intelligent systems. At the same time, the computational complexity and resource consumption of these networks also continue to increase. This will pose a significant challenge to the deployment of such networks, especially in real-time applications or on resource-limited devices. Thus, network acceleration has become a hot topic within the deep learning community. As for hardware implementation of deep neural networks, a batch of accelerators based on FPGA/ASIC have been proposed in recent years. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive survey of recent advances in network acceleration, compression and accelerator design from both algorithm and hardware points of view. Specifically, we provide a thorough analysis of each of the following topics: network pruning, low-rank approximation, network quantization, teacher-student networks, compact network design and hardware accelerators. Finally, we will introduce and discuss a few possible future directions.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure

    DeCoILFNet: Depth Concatenation and Inter-Layer Fusion based ConvNet Accelerator

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    Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are rapidly gaining popularity in varied fields. Due to their increasingly deep and computationally heavy structures, it is difficult to deploy them on energy constrained mobile applications. Hardware accelerators such as FPGAs have come up as an attractive alternative. However, with the limited on-chip memory and computation resources of FPGA, meeting the high memory throughput requirement and exploiting the parallelism of CNNs is a major challenge. We propose a high-performance FPGA based architecture - Depth Concatenation and Inter-Layer Fusion based ConvNet Accelerator - DeCoILFNet which exploits the intra-layer parallelism of CNNs by flattening across depth and combines it with a highly pipelined data flow across the layers enabling inter-layer fusion. This architecture significantly reduces off-chip memory accesses and maximizes the throughput. Compared to a 3.5GHz hexa-core Intel Xeon E7 caffe-implementation, our 120MHz FPGA accelerator is 30X faster. In addition, our design reduces external memory access by 11.5X along with a speedup of more than 2X in the number of clock cycles compared to state-of-the-art FPGA accelerators