773,628 research outputs found

    Design considerations for a space database

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    Part of the information used in a real-time simulator is stored in the visual database. This information is processed by an image generator and displayed as a real-time visual image. The database must be constructed in a specific format, and it should efficiently utilize the capacities of the image generator that is was created for. A visual simulation is crucially dependent upon the success with which the database provides visual cues and recognizable scenes. For this reason, more and more attention is being paid to the art and science of creating effective real-time visual databases. Investigated here are the database design considerations required for a space-oriented real-time simulator. Space applications often require unique designs that correspond closely to the particular image-generator hardware and visual-database-management software. Specific examples from the databases constructed for NASA and its Evans and Sutherland CT6 image generator illustrate the various design strategies used in a space-simulation environment. These database design considerations are essential for all who would create a space database

    Concurrent Image Processing Executive (CIPE). Volume 1: Design overview

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    The design and implementation of a Concurrent Image Processing Executive (CIPE), which is intended to become the support system software for a prototype high performance science analysis workstation are described. The target machine for this software is a JPL/Caltech Mark 3fp Hypercube hosted by either a MASSCOMP 5600 or a Sun-3, Sun-4 workstation; however, the design will accommodate other concurrent machines of similar architecture, i.e., local memory, multiple-instruction-multiple-data (MIMD) machines. The CIPE system provides both a multimode user interface and an applications programmer interface, and has been designed around four loosely coupled modules: user interface, host-resident executive, hypercube-resident executive, and application functions. The loose coupling between modules allows modification of a particular module without significantly affecting the other modules in the system. In order to enhance hypercube memory utilization and to allow expansion of image processing capabilities, a specialized program management method, incremental loading, was devised. To minimize data transfer between host and hypercube, a data management method which distributes, redistributes, and tracks data set information was implemented. The data management also allows data sharing among application programs. The CIPE software architecture provides a flexible environment for scientific analysis of complex remote sensing image data, such as planetary data and imaging spectrometry, utilizing state-of-the-art concurrent computation capabilities

    Corporate reputation correlation as a strategic marketing tool in service design management

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    This paper focused on the scope of the Design Management as a differentiating agent in the use of resources of the design and its interaction with the strategies and goals of a Service Sector, particularly in Higher Education Institutions (HEI). Currently the Reputation of HEI represents an intangible capital and a valuable asset and is recognized an important role in the differentiation and competitive advantage (Ruão, 2008). This competitive environment together with limitations of public resources for Higher Education makes the image an essential part of the strategic management of HEI (Luque-Martinez & Del Barrio Garcia, 2009). Conducting a correlations were obtained in most of the Corporate Character Scale dimensions, which reflects that these are very important when IPB's strong and sustained reputation. However, the presence of strong and positive relationships in dimensions such as ruthlessness, informality and machismo reflect the need to pay more attention to these characteristics in order to contribute to the overall satisfaction of the image perceived by the IPB Community. This paper aims to show that one of the ways to create new communication strategies can be through correlational analysis as a strategic marketing tool in Service Design Management in order to add value to the services, increasing their corporate reputation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Assessing design options for a Nutrient Trading System using an integrated model

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    Water quality in many New Zealand waterways is currently declining leading to lakes and rivers being closed for contact recreation such as swimming and potentially threatening our clean, green image. Much of this decline is associated with an increase in the nutrient loss from agriculture in the surrounding catchment. Nutrient trading systems are being considered in a number of catchments across the county to restrict the nutrient loss entering the waterways and thus improve the water quality. Such a system is currently being implemented in Lake Taupo and Environment Bay of Plenty is exploring actively the use of such a system to manage nutrient loss in the Lake Rotorua catchment. Yet the design of such systems is challenging. In a collaborative effort between Motu, NIWA and GNS-Science, we are developing a spatial, stochastic, dynamic simulation model, N-TRADER to simulate the effect of different aspects of nutrient trading policy for the Lake Rotorua catchment. This model combines the economics of land use and management decision making, the functioning of temporal nutrient allowance markets and a model of nutrient flows and lags and is based on the best available empirical information on the geophysical and economic conditions for this catchment. This paper will discuss the design of N-TRADER and some of the nutrient trading system design questions that we plan to explore with the model including what is the impact of different nutrient caps and what is the impact of higher transaction costs.Environmental Economics and Policy, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,

    Using Raster Sketches for Digital Image Retrieval

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    This research addresses the problem of content-based image retrieval using queries on image-object shape, completely in the raster domain. It focuses on the particularities of image databases encountered in typical topographic applications and presents the development of an environment for visual information management that enables such queries. The query consists of a user-provided raster sketch of the shape of an imaged object. The objective of the search is to retrieve images that contain an object sufficiently similar to the one specified in the query. The new contribution of this work combines the design of a comprehensive digital image database on-line query access strategy through the development of a feature library, image library and metadata library and the necessary matching tools. The matching algorithm is inspired by least-squares matching (lsm), and represents an extension of lsm to function with a variety of raster representations. The image retrieval strategy makes use of a hierarchical organization of linked feature (image-object) shapes within the feature library. The query results are ranked according to statistical scores and the user can subsequently narrow or broaden his/her search according to the previously obtained results and the purpose of the search

    The Effect of Brand Image on Loyalty through General Patient Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable in Makassar City Hospital

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    Loyalty is a critical component of success in today's corporate environment. Loyal clients might indirectly aid in the promotion of services to individuals in their immediate vicinity. The purpose of this research is to examine the influence of brand image on general patient loyalty at Makassar City Hospital. This is a quantitative study that combines an observational design with a cross sectional study design. The sample for this research consisted of 187 nurses working in the Makassar City Hospital's outpatient department. The findings indicated that although brand image had a direct influence on patient loyalty, it had no effect on satisfaction-based loyalty. It is recommended that hospital management develop various marketing strategies to promote the hospital's existing health services, pay close attention to patient wait times because the average patient complains about doctors who are frequently late, and pay close attention to various brands or health services such as superior products. As a result, it has become a point of differentiation for the health services supplied by other institutions

    Using Raster Sketches for Digital Image Retrieval

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    This research addresses the problem of content-based image retrieval using queries on image-object shape, completely in the raster domain. It focuses on the particularities of image databases encountered in typical topographic applications and presents the development of an environment for visual information management that enables such queries. The query consists of a user-provided raster sketch of the shape of an imaged object. The objective of the search is to retrieve images that contain an object sufficiently similar to the one specified in the query. The new contribution of this work combines the design of a comprehensive digital image database on-line query access strategy through the development of a feature library, image library and metadata library and the necessary matching tools. The matching algorithm is inspired by least-squares matching (lsm), and represents an extension of lsm to function with a variety of raster representations. The image retrieval strategy makes use of a hierarchical organization of linked feature (image-object) shapes within the feature library. The query results are ranked according to statistical scores and the user can subsequently narrow or broaden his/her search according to the previously obtained results and the purpose of the search

    Penerapan Model Green SCOR untuk Pengukuran Kinerja Green Supply Chain

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    Advances in science and technology that have an impact on the environment resulting in increasing human awareness of the condition of the environment, for example in the selection and use of environmentally friendly products. This requires businesses to apply the concept of environmental concerns in their business process, including the entire supply chain. Green supply chain management is a concept that integrates environmental thinking into supply chain management, which includes product design, procurement and selection of raw materials, manufacturing processes, delivery of final products to consumers, in addition reverse products used by consumers. This study aims to measure the performance of Green Supply Chain Management in the supply chain of a manufacturing industry. Performance measurement was conducted on the two main processes, namely the design of performance measurement model and weighting and scoring performance. This study uses a Green SCOR (Supply Chain Operations Reference) model to design the measurement model and AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) method to determine its weight. There are 16 KPIs (Key Performance Indicator) identified for use in performance measurement. Value performance indicators obtained for each aspect are as follows: Plan for 68, Source of 66.54, Make amounted to 58.89, Delivery of 32.80, and Return As much as 56.85. Referring to the model that is created, the value of the overall supply chain performance amounted at 60.13. Under the statutes of the company, the value is considered sufficient because it includes criteria for good performance, but it was on the threshold between good and bad categories. Continuous improvement in the supply chain by using a model Green SCOR will improve the company's performance, enhance corporate image and ultimately promote environmental sustainability for the future of mankind

    How is web design related to sales? The relationship between sales and web design within Amazon.com

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    Internship Report presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Marketing IntelligenceThe development of technology has caused significant changes in the business environment and the management of companies, and business competitiveness has become an increasingly important factor. Thus, companies must capture consumers' attention and convince them to buy. Therefore, it is necessary to understand how small and medium-sized businesses can differentiate themselves in an extensive medium like the Internet. This study aims to delve into the importance of web design according to the four defined elements - image, text, color, and video - on the Amazon website. An interview was conducted with thirty regular Amazon.com consumers to understand their behavior. The results provided an understanding of consumer perception and feelings about web design through data categorization and in-depth analysis. The results reveal that consumers question several factors before buying, such as the credibility and trustworthiness they have for the brand, which is influenced by its web design. Therefore, brands need to use the four pre-defined elements to positively influence consumers at the time of purchase and segment their audience to understand the type of consumer and, consequently, each element's impact

    A novel data management platform to improve image-guided precision preclinical biological research

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    Objective: Preclinical biological research is mandatory for developing new drugs to investigate the toxicity and efficacy of the drug. In this paper, the focus is on radiobiological research as an example of advanced preclinical biological research. In radiobiology, recent technological advances have produced novel research platforms which can precisely irradiate targets in animals and use advanced onboard image-guidance, mimicking the clinical radiotherapy environment. These platforms greatly facilitate complex research combining several agents simultaneously (in our example, radiation and non-radiation agents). Since these modern platform can produce a large amount of wide-ranging data, one of the main impediments in preclinical research platforms is a proper data management system for preclinical studies. Methods: A preclinical data management system, inspired by current radiotherapy clinical data management systems was designed. The system was designed with InterSystems technology, i.e. a programmable Enterprise Service Bus solution. New DICOM animal imaging standards are used such as DICOM suppl. 187 for storing small animal acquisition context and the DICOM second generation course model. Results: A small animal big data warehouse environment for research is designed to work with modern image-guided precision research platforms. Its modular design includes (1) a study workflow manager, (2) a data manager, and (3) a storage manager. The system provides interfaces to, e.g. preclinical treatment planning systems and data analysis plug-ins, and guides the user efficiently through the many steps involved in preclinical research. The system manages various data source locations, and arranges access to the data centrally. Conclusion: A novel preclinical data management system can be designed to improve preclinical workflow, facilitate data exchange between researchers, and support translation to clinical trials. Advances in knowledge: A preclinical data management system such as the one proposed here would greatly benefit preparation, execution and analysis of biological experiments, and will eventually facilitate translation to clinical trials
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