5 research outputs found

    Image Denoising with Kernels based on Natural Image Relations

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    A successful class of image denoising methods is based on Bayesian approaches working in wavelet representations. However, analytical estimates can be obtained only for particular combinations of analytical models of signal and noise, thus precluding its straightforward extension to deal with other arbitrary noise sources. In this paper, we propose an alternative non-explicit way to take into account the relations among natural image wavelet coefficients for denoising: we use support vector regression (SVR) in the wavelet domain to enforce these relations in the estimated signal. Since relations among the coefficients are specific to the signal, the regularization property of SVR is exploited to remove the noise, which does not share this feature. The specific signal relations are encoded in an anisotropic kernel obtained from mutual information measures computed on a representative image database. Training considers minimizing the Kullback-Leibler divergence (KLD) between the estimated and actual probability functions of signal and noise in order to enforce similarity. Due to its non-parametric nature, the method can eventually cope with different noise sources without the need of an explicit re-formulation, as it is strictly necessary under parametric Bayesian formalisms. Results under several noise levels and noise sources show that: (1) the proposed method outperforms conventional wavelet methods that assume coefficient independence, (2) it is similar to state-of-the-art methods that do explicitly include these relations when the noise source is Gaussian, and (3) it gives better numerical and visual performance when more complex, realistic noise sources are considered. Therefore, the proposed machine learning approach can be seen as a more flexible (model-free) alternative to the explicit description of wavelet coefficient relations for image denoising

    Iterative Gaussianization: from ICA to Random Rotations

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    Most signal processing problems involve the challenging task of multidimensional probability density function (PDF) estimation. In this work, we propose a solution to this problem by using a family of Rotation-based Iterative Gaussianization (RBIG) transforms. The general framework consists of the sequential application of a univariate marginal Gaussianization transform followed by an orthonormal transform. The proposed procedure looks for differentiable transforms to a known PDF so that the unknown PDF can be estimated at any point of the original domain. In particular, we aim at a zero mean unit covariance Gaussian for convenience. RBIG is formally similar to classical iterative Projection Pursuit (PP) algorithms. However, we show that, unlike in PP methods, the particular class of rotations used has no special qualitative relevance in this context, since looking for interestingness is not a critical issue for PDF estimation. The key difference is that our approach focuses on the univariate part (marginal Gaussianization) of the problem rather than on the multivariate part (rotation). This difference implies that one may select the most convenient rotation suited to each practical application. The differentiability, invertibility and convergence of RBIG are theoretically and experimentally analyzed. Relation to other methods, such as Radial Gaussianization (RG), one-class support vector domain description (SVDD), and deep neural networks (DNN) is also pointed out. The practical performance of RBIG is successfully illustrated in a number of multidimensional problems such as image synthesis, classification, denoising, and multi-information estimation

    Spatio-Chromatic Information available from different Neural Layers via Gaussianization

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    How much visual information about the retinal images can be extracted from the different layers of the visual pathway?. Separate subsystems (e.g. opponent channels, spatial filters, nonlinearities of the texture sensors) have been suggested to be organized for optimal information transmission. However, the efficiency of these different layers has not been measured when they operate together on colorimetrically calibrated natural images and using multivariate information-theoretic units over the joint spatio-chromatic array of responses. In this work we present a statistical tool to address this question in an appropriate (multivariate) way. Specifically, we propose an empirical estimate of the information transmitted by the system based on a recent Gaussianization technique that reduces the challenging multivariate PDF estimation problem to a set of simpler univariate estimations. Total correlation measured using the proposed estimator is consistent with predictions based on the analytical Jacobian of a standard spatio-chromatic model of the retina-cortex pathway. If the noise at certain representation is proportional to the dynamic range of the response, and one assumes sensors of equivalent noise level, transmitted information shows the following trends: (1) progressively deeper representations are better in terms of the amount of information about the input, (2) the transmitted information up to the cortical representation follows the PDF of natural scenes over the chromatic and achromatic dimensions of the stimulus space, (3) the contribution of spatial transforms to capture visual information is substantially bigger than the contribution of chromatic transforms, and (4) nonlinearities of the responses contribute substantially to the transmitted information but less than the linear transforms

    Image Denoising with Kernels Based on Natural Image Relations

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    A successful class of image denoising methods is based on Bayesian approaches working in wavelet representations. The performance of these methods improves when relations among the local frequency coefficients are explicitly included. However, in these techniques, analytical estimates can be obtained only for particular combinations of analytical models of signal and noise, thus precluding its straightforward extension to deal with other arbitrary noise sources. In this paper, we propose an alternative non-explicit way to take into account the relations among natural image wavelet coefficients for denoising: we use support vector regression (SVR) in the wavelet domain to enforce these relations in the estimated signal. Since relations among the coefficients are specific to the signal, the regularization property of SVR is exploited to remove the noise, which does not share this feature. The specific signal relations are encoded in an anisotropic kernel obtained from mutual information measures computed on a representative image database. In the proposed scheme, training considers minimizing the Kullback-Leibler divergence (KLD) between the estimated and actual probability functions (or histograms) of signal and noise in order to enforce similarity up to the higher (computationally estimable) order. Due to its non-parametri

    Submitted 9/08; Published Image Denoising with Kernels Based on Natural Image Relations

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    A successful class of image denoising methods is based on Bayesian approaches working in wavelet representations. The performance of these methods improves when relations among the local frequency coefficients are explicitly included. However, in these techniques, analytical estimates can be obtained only for particular combinations of analytical models of signal and noise, thus precluding its straightforward extension to deal with other arbitrary noise sources. In this paper, we propose an alternative non-explicit way to take into account the relations among natural image wavelet coefficients for denoising: we use support vector regression (SVR) in the wavelet domain to enforce these relations in the estimated signal. Since relations among the coefficients are specific to the signal, the regularization property of SVR is exploited to remove the noise, which does not share this feature. The specific signal relations are encoded in an anisotropic kernel obtained from mutual information measures computed on a representative image database. In the proposed scheme, training considers minimizing the Kullback-Leibler divergence (KLD) between the estimated and actual probability functions (or histograms) of signal and noise in order to enforce similarity up to the higher (computationally estimable) order. Due to its non-parametri