14,725 research outputs found

    Single Image Restoration for Participating Media Based on Prior Fusion

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    This paper describes a method to restore degraded images captured in a participating media -- fog, turbid water, sand storm, etc. Differently from the related work that only deal with a medium, we obtain generality by using an image formation model and a fusion of new image priors. The model considers the image color variation produced by the medium. The proposed restoration method is based on the fusion of these priors and supported by statistics collected on images acquired in both non-participating and participating media. The key of the method is to fuse two complementary measures --- local contrast and color data. The obtained results on underwater and foggy images demonstrate the capabilities of the proposed method. Moreover, we evaluated our method using a special dataset for which a ground-truth image is available.Comment: This paper is under consideration at Pattern Recognition Letter

    Analysis of Probabilistic multi-scale fractional order fusion-based de-hazing algorithm

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    In this report, a de-hazing algorithm based on probability and multi-scale fractional order-based fusion is proposed. The proposed scheme improves on a previously implemented multiscale fraction order-based fusion by augmenting its local contrast and edge sharpening features. It also brightens de-hazed images, while avoiding sky region over-enhancement. The results of the proposed algorithm are analyzed and compared with existing methods from the literature and indicate better performance in most cases.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figures, journal preprin

    A Little Bit More: Bitplane-Wise Bit-Depth Recovery

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    Imaging sensors digitize incoming scene light at a dynamic range of 10--12 bits (i.e., 1024--4096 tonal values). The sensor image is then processed onboard the camera and finally quantized to only 8 bits (i.e., 256 tonal values) to conform to prevailing encoding standards. There are a number of important applications, such as high-bit-depth displays and photo editing, where it is beneficial to recover the lost bit depth. Deep neural networks are effective at this bit-depth reconstruction task. Given the quantized low-bit-depth image as input, existing deep learning methods employ a single-shot approach that attempts to either (1) directly estimate the high-bit-depth image, or (2) directly estimate the residual between the high- and low-bit-depth images. In contrast, we propose a training and inference strategy that recovers the residual image bitplane-by-bitplane. Our bitplane-wise learning framework has the advantage of allowing for multiple levels of supervision during training and is able to obtain state-of-the-art results using a simple network architecture. We test our proposed method extensively on several image datasets and demonstrate an improvement from 0.5dB to 2.3dB PSNR over prior methods depending on the quantization level

    Illumination Normalization via Merging Locally Enhanced Textures for Robust Face Recognition

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    In order to improve the accuracy of face recognition under varying illumination conditions, a local texture enhanced illumination normalization method based on fusion of differential filtering images (FDFI-LTEIN) is proposed to weaken the influence caused by illumination changes. Firstly, the dynamic range of the face image in dark or shadowed regions is expanded by logarithmic transformation. Then, the global contrast enhanced face image is convolved with difference of Gaussian filters and difference of bilateral filters, and the filtered images are weighted and merged using a coefficient selection rule based on the standard deviation (SD) of image, which can enhance image texture information while filtering out most noise. Finally, the local contrast equalization (LCE) is performed on the fused face image to reduce the influence caused by over or under saturated pixel values in highlight or dark regions. Experimental results on the Extended Yale B face database and CMU PIE face database demonstrate that the proposed method is more robust to illumination changes and achieve higher recognition accuracy when compared with other illumination normalization methods and a deep CNNs based illumination invariant face recognition methodComment: 10 page

    An Image Based Technique for Enhancement of Underwater Images

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    The underwater images usually suffers from non-uniform lighting, low contrast, blur and diminished colors. In this paper, we proposed an image based preprocessing technique to enhance the quality of the underwater images. The proposed technique comprises a combination of four filters such as homomorphic filtering, wavelet denoising, bilateral filter and contrast equalization. These filters are applied sequentially on degraded underwater images. The literature survey reveals that image based preprocessing algorithms uses standard filter techniques with various combinations. For smoothing the image, the image based preprocessing algorithms uses the anisotropic filter. The main drawback of the anisotropic filter is that iterative in nature and computation time is high compared to bilateral filter. In the proposed technique, in addition to other three filters, we employ a bilateral filter for smoothing the image. The experimentation is carried out in two stages. In the first stage, we have conducted various experiments on captured images and estimated optimal parameters for bilateral filter. Similarly, optimal filter bank and optimal wavelet shrinkage function are estimated for wavelet denoising. In the second stage, we conducted the experiments using estimated optimal parameters, optimal filter bank and optimal wavelet shrinkage function for evaluating the proposed technique. We evaluated the technique using quantitative based criteria such as a gradient magnitude histogram and Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR). Further, the results are qualitatively evaluated based on edge detection results. The proposed technique enhances the quality of the underwater images and can be employed prior to apply computer vision techniques

    Combined Approach for Image Segmentation

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    Many image segmentation techniques have been developed over the past two decades for segmenting the images, which help for object recognition, occlusion boundary estimation within motion or stereo systems, image compression, image editing. In this, there is a combined approach for segmenting the image. By using histogram equalization to the input image, from which it gives contrast enhancement output image .After that by applying median filtering,which will remove noise from contrast output image . At last I applied fuzzy c-mean clustering algorithm to denoising output image, which give segmented output image. In this way it produce better segmented image with less computation time.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, Published with International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT

    A Bio-Inspired Multi-Exposure Fusion Framework for Low-light Image Enhancement

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    Low-light images are not conducive to human observation and computer vision algorithms due to their low visibility. Although many image enhancement techniques have been proposed to solve this problem, existing methods inevitably introduce contrast under- and over-enhancement. Inspired by human visual system, we design a multi-exposure fusion framework for low-light image enhancement. Based on the framework, we propose a dual-exposure fusion algorithm to provide an accurate contrast and lightness enhancement. Specifically, we first design the weight matrix for image fusion using illumination estimation techniques. Then we introduce our camera response model to synthesize multi-exposure images. Next, we find the best exposure ratio so that the synthetic image is well-exposed in the regions where the original image is under-exposed. Finally, the enhanced result is obtained by fusing the input image and the synthetic image according to the weight matrix. Experiments show that our method can obtain results with less contrast and lightness distortion compared to that of several state-of-the-art methods.Comment: Project website: https://baidut.github.io/BIMEF

    Blind Stereo Image Quality Assessment Inspired by Brain Sensory-Motor Fusion

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    The use of 3D and stereo imaging is rapidly increasing. Compression, transmission, and processing could degrade the quality of stereo images. Quality assessment of such images is different than their 2D counterparts. Metrics that represent 3D perception by human visual system (HVS) are expected to assess stereoscopic quality more accurately. In this paper, inspired by brain sensory/motor fusion process, two stereo images are fused together. Then from every fused image two synthesized images are extracted. Effects of different distortions on statistical distributions of the synthesized images are shown. Based on the observed statistical changes, features are extracted from these synthesized images. These features can reveal type and severity of distortions. Then, a stacked neural network model is proposed, which learns the extracted features and accurately evaluates the quality of stereo images. This model is tested on 3D images of popular databases. Experimental results show the superiority of this method over state of the art stereo image quality assessment approachesComment: 11 pages, 13 figures, 3 table

    Photo-unrealistic Image Enhancement for Subject Placement in Outdoor Photography

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    Camera display reflections are an issue in bright light situations, as they may prevent users from correctly positioning the subject in the picture. We propose a software solution to this problem, which consists in modifying the image in the viewer, in real time. In our solution, the user is seeing a posterized image which roughly represents the contour of the objects. Five enhancement methods are compared in a user study. Our results indicate that the problem considered is a valid one, as users had problems locating landmarks nearly 37% of the time under sunny conditions, and that our proposed enhancement method using contrasting colors is a practical solution to that problem

    Enhancement of long range correlations in a 2D vortex lattice by incommensurate 1D disorder potential

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    Long range correlations in two-dimensional (2D) systems are significantly altered by disorder potentials. Theory has predicted the existence of disorder induced phenomena such as Anderson localization and the emergence of novel glass and insulating phases as the Bose glass. More recently, it has been shown that disorder breaking the 2D continuous symmetry, such as a one dimensional (1D) modulation, can enhance long range correlations. Experimentally, developments in quantum gases have allowed the observation of a wealth of phenomena induced by the competition between interaction and disorder. However, there are no experiments exploring the effect of symmetry-breaking disorder. Here, we create a 2D vortex lattice at 0.1 K in a superconducting thin film with a well-defined 1D thickness modulation and track the field induced modification using scanning tunneling microscopy. We find that the 1D modulation becomes incommensurate to the vortex lattice and drives an order-disorder transition, behaving as a scale-invariant disorder potential. We show that the transition occurs in two steps and is mediated by the proliferation of topological defects. We find that critical exponents determining the loss of positional and orientational order are far above theoretical expectations for scale-invariant disorder and follow instead the critical behaviour which describes dislocation unbinding melting. Our data show for the first time that randomness disorders a 2D crystal, and evidence enhanced long range correlations in presence of a 1D modulation demonstrating the transformation induced by symmetry breaking disorder in interactions and the critical behaviour of the transition.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures and supplementary information (11 pages, 9 figures
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