13 research outputs found

    Pixel-wise Graph Attention Networks for Person Re-identification

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    Graph convolutional networks (GCN) is widely used to handle irregular data since it updates node features by using the structure information of graph. With the help of iterated GCN, high-order information can be obtained to further enhance the representation of nodes. However, how to apply GCN to structured data (such as pictures) has not been deeply studied. In this paper, we explore the application of graph attention networks (GAT) in image feature extraction. First of all, we propose a novel graph generation algorithm to convert images into graphs through matrix transformation. It is one magnitude faster than the algorithm based on K Nearest Neighbors (KNN). Then, GAT is used on the generated graph to update the node features. Thus, a more robust representation is obtained. These two steps are combined into a module called pixel-wise graph attention module (PGA). Since the graph obtained by our graph generation algorithm can still be transformed into a picture after processing, PGA can be well combined with CNN. Based on these two modules, we consulted the ResNet and design a pixel-wise graph attention network (PGANet). The PGANet is applied to the task of person re-identification in the datasets Market1501, DukeMTMC-reID and Occluded-DukeMTMC (outperforms state-of-the-art by 0.8\%, 1.1\% and 11\% respectively, in mAP scores). Experiment results show that it achieves the state-of-the-art performance. \href{https://github.com/wenyu1009/PGANet}{The code is available here}

    Towards Privacy-Preserving Person Re-identification via Person Identify Shift

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    Recently privacy concerns of person re-identification (ReID) raise more and more attention and preserving the privacy of the pedestrian images used by ReID methods become essential. De-identification (DeID) methods alleviate privacy issues by removing the identity-related of the ReID data. However, most of the existing DeID methods tend to remove all personal identity-related information and compromise the usability of de-identified data on the ReID task. In this paper, we aim to develop a technique that can achieve a good trade-off between privacy protection and data usability for person ReID. To achieve this, we propose a novel de-identification method designed explicitly for person ReID, named Person Identify Shift (PIS). PIS removes the absolute identity in a pedestrian image while preserving the identity relationship between image pairs. By exploiting the interpolation property of variational auto-encoder, PIS shifts each pedestrian image from the current identity to another with a new identity, resulting in images still preserving the relative identities. Experimental results show that our method has a better trade-off between privacy-preserving and model performance than existing de-identification methods and can defend against human and model attacks for data privacy

    Dynamic Prototype Mask for Occluded Person Re-Identification

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    Although person re-identification has achieved an impressive improvement in recent years, the common occlusion case caused by different obstacles is still an unsettled issue in real application scenarios. Existing methods mainly address this issue by employing body clues provided by an extra network to distinguish the visible part. Nevertheless, the inevitable domain gap between the assistant model and the ReID datasets has highly increased the difficulty to obtain an effective and efficient model. To escape from the extra pre-trained networks and achieve an automatic alignment in an end-to-end trainable network, we propose a novel Dynamic Prototype Mask (DPM) based on two self-evident prior knowledge. Specifically, we first devise a Hierarchical Mask Generator which utilizes the hierarchical semantic to select the visible pattern space between the high-quality holistic prototype and the feature representation of the occluded input image. Under this condition, the occluded representation could be well aligned in a selected subspace spontaneously. Then, to enrich the feature representation of the high-quality holistic prototype and provide a more complete feature space, we introduce a Head Enrich Module to encourage different heads to aggregate different patterns representation in the whole image. Extensive experimental evaluations conducted on occluded and holistic person re-identification benchmarks demonstrate the superior performance of the DPM over the state-of-the-art methods. The code is released at https://github.com/stone96123/DPM.Comment: Accepted by ACM MM 202

    Semantic-aware Consistency Network for Cloth-changing Person Re-Identification

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    Cloth-changing Person Re-Identification (CC-ReID) is a challenging task that aims to retrieve the target person across multiple surveillance cameras when clothing changes might happen. Despite recent progress in CC-ReID, existing approaches are still hindered by the interference of clothing variations since they lack effective constraints to keep the model consistently focused on clothing-irrelevant regions. To address this issue, we present a Semantic-aware Consistency Network (SCNet) to learn identity-related semantic features by proposing effective consistency constraints. Specifically, we generate the black-clothing image by erasing pixels in the clothing area, which explicitly mitigates the interference from clothing variations. In addition, to fully exploit the fine-grained identity information, a head-enhanced attention module is introduced, which learns soft attention maps by utilizing the proposed part-based matching loss to highlight head information. We further design a semantic consistency loss to facilitate the learning of high-level identity-related semantic features, forcing the model to focus on semantically consistent cloth-irrelevant regions. By using the consistency constraint, our model does not require any extra auxiliary segmentation module to generate the black-clothing image or locate the head region during the inference stage. Extensive experiments on four cloth-changing person Re-ID datasets (LTCC, PRCC, Vc-Clothes, and DeepChange) demonstrate that our proposed SCNet makes significant improvements over prior state-of-the-art approaches. Our code is available at: https://github.com/Gpn-star/SCNet.Comment: Accepted by ACM MM 202

    Learning Disentangled Representation Implicitly via Transformer for Occluded Person Re-Identification

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    Person re-identification (re-ID) under various occlusions has been a long-standing challenge as person images with different types of occlusions often suffer from misalignment in image matching and ranking. Most existing methods tackle this challenge by aligning spatial features of body parts according to external semantic cues or feature similarities but this alignment approach is complicated and sensitive to noises. We design DRL-Net, a disentangled representation learning network that handles occluded re-ID without requiring strict person image alignment or any additional supervision. Leveraging transformer architectures, DRL-Net achieves alignment-free re-ID via global reasoning of local features of occluded person images. It measures image similarity by automatically disentangling the representation of undefined semantic components, e.g., human body parts or obstacles, under the guidance of semantic preference object queries in the transformer. In addition, we design a decorrelation constraint in the transformer decoder and impose it over object queries for better focus on different semantic components. To better eliminate interference from occlusions, we design a contrast feature learning technique (CFL) for better separation of occlusion features and discriminative ID features. Extensive experiments over occluded and holistic re-ID benchmarks (Occluded-DukeMTMC, Market1501 and DukeMTMC) show that the DRL-Net achieves superior re-ID performance consistently and outperforms the state-of-the-art by large margins for Occluded-DukeMTMC