3 research outputs found

    Identity-Concealed Authenticated Encryption from Ring Learning With Errors (Full version)

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    Authenticated encryption (AE) is very suitable for a resources constrained environment for it needs less computational costs and AE has become one of the important technologies of modern communication security. Identity concealment is one of research focuses in design and analysis of current secure transport protocols (such as TLS1.3 and Google\u27s QUIC). In this paper, we present a provably secure identity-concealed authenticated encryption in the public-key setting over ideal lattices, referred to as RLWE-ICAE. Our scheme can be regarded as a parallel extension of higncryption scheme proposed by Zhao (CCS 2016), but in the lattice-based setting. RLWE-ICAE can be viewed as a monolithic integration of public-key encryption, key agreement over ideal lattices, identity concealment and digital signature. The security of RLWE-ICAE is directly relied on the Ring Learning with Errors (RLWE) assumption. Two concrete choices of parameters are provided in the end

    Muckle+: End-to-End Hybrid Authenticated Key Exchanges

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    End-to-end authenticity in public networks plays a significant role. Namely, without authenticity, the adversary might be able to retrieve even confidential information straight away by impersonating others. Proposed solutions to establish an authenticated channel cover pre-shared key-based, password-based, and certificate-based techniques. To add confidentiality to an authenticated channel, authenticated key exchange (AKE) protocols usually have one of the three solutions built in. As an amplification, hybrid AKE (HAKE) approaches are getting more popular nowadays and were presented in several flavors to incorporate classical, post-quantum, or quantum-key-distribution components. The main benefit is redundancy, i.e., if some of the components fail, the primitive still yields a confidential and authenticated channel. However, current HAKE instantiations either rely on pre-shared keys (which yields inefficient end-to-end authenticity) or only support one or two of the three above components (resulting in reduced redundancy and flexibility). In this work, we present an extension of a modular HAKE framework due to Dowling, Brandt Hansen, and Paterson (PQCrypto\u2720) that does not suffer from the above constraints. While their instantiation, dubbed Muckle, requires pre-shared keys (and hence yields inefficient end-to-end authenticity), our extended instantiation called Muckle+ utilizes post-quantum digital signatures. While replacing pre-shared keys with digital signatures is rather straightforward in general, this turned out to be surprisingly non-trivial when applied to HAKE frameworks (resulting in a significant model change with adapted proof techniques)

    Optimal Key Consensus in Presence of Noise

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    In this work, we abstract some key ingredients in previous key exchange protocols based on LWE and its variants, by introducing and formalizing the building tool, referred to as key consensus (KC) and its asymmetric variant AKC. KC and AKC allow two communicating parties to reach consensus from close values obtained by some secure information exchange. We then discover upper bounds on parameters for any KC and AKC. KC and AKC are fundamental to lattice based cryptography, in the sense that a list of cryptographic primitives based on LWE and its variants (including key exchange, public-key encryption, and more) can be modularly constructed from them. As a conceptual contribution, this much simplifies the design and analysis of these cryptosystems in the future. We then design and analyze both general and highly practical KC and AKC schemes, which are referred to as OKCN and AKCN respectively for presentation simplicity. Based on KC and AKC, we present generic constructions of key exchange (KE) from LWR, LWE, RLWE and MLWE. The generic construction allows versatile instantiations with our OKCN and AKCN schemes, for which we elaborate on evaluating and choosing the concrete parameters in order to achieve a well-balanced performance among security, computational cost, bandwidth efficiency, error rate, and operation simplicity