25 research outputs found

    Secure data group sharing with attribute and time based encrypted data access over cloud

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    We propose a character based information bunch sharing and scattering plan out in the public cloud, where information proprietor could communicate encoded information to a gathering of collectors one after another by indicating these beneficiaries' personalities in a helpful and secure manner. So as to accomplish secure and adaptable information group spread, we receive property based and planned discharge restrictive intermediary re-encryption to ensure that solitary information disseminators whose properties fulfill the entrance approach of scrambled information can scatter it to different gatherings after the discharging time by appointing a re-encryption key to cloud server. The re-encryption conditions are related with traits and discharging time, which enables information proprietor to uphold fine-grained and coordinated discharge get to power over dispersed ciphertexts

    Exclusion-intersection encryption

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    Identity-based encryption (IBE) has shown to be a useful cryptographic scheme enabling secure yet flexible role-based access control. We propose a new variant of IBE named as exclusion-intersection encryption: during encryption, the sender can specify the targeted groups that are legitimate and interested in reading the documents; there exists a trusted key generation centre generating the intersection private decryption keys on request. This special private key can only be used to decrypt the ciphertext which is of all the specified groups' interests, its holders are excluded from decrypting when the documents are not targeted to all these groups (e.g., the ciphertext of only a single group's interest). While recent advances in cryptographic techniques (e.g., attribute-based encryption or wicked IBE) can support a more general access control policy, the private key size may be as long as the number of attributes or identifiers that can be specified in a ciphertext, which is undesirable, especially when each user may receive a number of such keys for different decryption power. One of the applications of our notion is to support an ad-hoc joint project of two or more groups which needs extra helpers that are not from any particular group. © 2011 IEEE.published_or_final_versionThe 1st IEEE International Workshop on Security in Computers, Networking and Communications (SCNC 2011) in conjuntion with IEEE INFOCOM 2011, Shanghai, China, 10-15 April 2011. In Conference Proceedings of INFOCOM WKSHPS, 2011, p. 1048-1053The 1st IEEE International Workshop on Security in Computers, Networking and Communications (SCNC 2011) in conjuntion with IEEE INFOCOM 2011, Shanghai, China, 10-15 April 2011. In Conference Proceedings of INFOCOM WKSHPS, 2011, p. 1048-105

    An Efficient CP-ABE with Constant Size Secret Keys using ECC for Lightweight Devices

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    The energy cost of asymmetric cryptography is a vital component of modern secure communications, which inhibits its wide spread adoption within the ultra-low energy regimes such as Implantable Medical Devices (IMDs) and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags. The ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption (CP-ABE) is a promising cryptographic tool, where an encryptor can decide the access policy that who can decrypt the data. Thus, the data will be protected from the unauthorized users. However, most of the existing CP-ABE schemes require huge storage and computational overheads. Moreover, CP-ABE schemes based on bilinear map loose the high efficiency over the elliptic curve cryptography because of the requirement of the security parameters of larger size. These drawbacks prevent the use of ultra-low energy devices in practice. In this paper, we aim to propose a novel expressive AND-gate access structured CP-ABE scheme with constant-size secret keys (CSSK) with the cost efficient solutions for the encryption and decryption using ECC, called the CP-ABE-CSSK scheme. In the proposed CP-ABE-CSSK, the size of secret key is as small as 320 bits. In addition, ECC is efficient and more suitable for the lightweight devices as compared to the bilinear pairing based cryptosystem. Thus, the proposed CP-ABE-CSSK scheme provides the low computation and storage overheads with an expressive AND-gate access structure as compared to the related existing schemes in the literature. As a result, our scheme is very suitable for CP-ABE key storage and computation cost in the ultra-low energy devices

    Dynamic Threshold Public-Key Encryption

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    The original publication is available at www.springerlink.comInternational audienceThis paper deals with threshold public-key encryption which allows a pool of players to decrypt a ciphertext if a given threshold of authorized players cooperate. We generalize this primitive to the dynamic setting, where any user can dynamically join the system, as a possible recipient; the sender can dynamically choose the authorized set of recipients, for each ciphertext; and the sender can dynamically set the threshold t for decryption capability among the authorized set. We first give a formal security model, which includes strong robustness notions, and then we propose a candidate achieving all the above dynamic properties, that is semantically secure in the standard model, under a new non-interactive assumption, that fits into the general Diffie-Hellman exponent framework on groups with a bilinear map. It furthermore compares favorably with previous proposals, a.k.a. threshold broadcast encryption, since this is the first threshold public-key encryption, with dynamic authorized set of recipients and dynamic threshold that provides constant-size ciphertexts

    An Efficient Identity-Based Signcryption Scheme for Multiple Receivers

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    This paper puts forward a new efficient construction for Multi-Receiver Signcryption in the Identity-based setting. We consider a scenario where a user wants to securely send a message to a dynamically changing subset of the receivers in such a way that non-members of the of this subset cannot learn the message. The obvious solution is to transmit an individually signcrypted message to every member of the subset. This requires a very long transmission (the number of receivers times the length of the message) and high computation cost. Another simple solution is to provide every possible subset of receivers with a key. This requires every user to store a huge number of keys. In this case, the storage efficiency is compromised. The goal of this paper is to provide solutions which are efficient in all three measures i.e. transmission length, storage of keys and computation at both ends. We propose a new scheme that achieve both confidentiality and authenticity simultaneously in this setting and is the most efficient scheme to date, in the parameters described above. It breaks the barrier of ciphertext length of linear order in the number of receivers, and achieves constant sized ciphertext, independent of the size of the receiver set. This is the first Multi-receiver Signcryption scheme to do so. We support the scheme with security proofs under a precisely defined formal security mode

    Puncturable Encryption: A Generic Construction from Delegatable Fully Key-Homomorphic Encryption

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    Puncturable encryption (PE), proposed by Green and Miers at IEEE S&P 2015, is a kind of public key encryption that allows recipients to revoke individual messages by repeatedly updating decryption keys without communicating with senders. PE is an essential tool for constructing many interesting applications, such as asynchronous messaging systems, forward-secret zero round-trip time protocols, public-key watermarking schemes and forward-secret proxy re-encryptions. This paper revisits PEs from the observation that the puncturing property can be implemented as efficiently computable functions. From this view, we propose a generic PE construction from the fully key-homomorphic encryption, augmented with a key delegation mechanism (DFKHE) from Boneh et al. at Eurocrypt 2014. We show that our PE construction enjoys the selective security under chosen plaintext attacks (that can be converted into the adaptive security with some efficiency loss) from that of DFKHE in the standard model. Basing on the framework, we obtain the first post-quantum secure PE instantiation that is based on the learning with errors problem, selective secure under chosen plaintext attacks (CPA) in the standard model. We also discuss about the ability of modification our framework to support the unbounded number of ciphertext tags inspired from the work of Brakerski and Vaikuntanathan at CRYPTO 2016

    Non-Zero Inner Product Encryption with Short Ciphertexts and Private Keys

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    International audienceWe describe two constructions of non-zero inner product encryption (NIPE) systems in the public index setting, both having ciphertexts and secret keys of constant size. Both schemes are obtained by tweaking the Boneh-Gentry-Waters broadcast encryption system (Crypto 2005) and are proved selectively secure without random oracles under previously considered assumptions in groups with a bilinear map. Our first realization builds on prime-order bilinear groups and is proved secure under the Decisional Bilinear Diffie-Hellman Exponent assumption, which is parameterized by the length n of vectors over which the inner product is defined. By moving to composite order bilinear groups, we are able to obtain security under static subgroup decision assumptions following the DĂ©j a Q framework of Chase and Meiklejohn (Eurocrypt 2014) and its extension by Wee (TCC 2016). Our schemes are the first NIPE systems to achieve such parameters, even in the selective security setting. Moreover, they are the first proposals to feature optimally short private keys, which only consist of one group element. Our prime-order-group realization is also the first one with a deterministic key generation mechanism