5,903 research outputs found

    The Andrews-Gordon identities and qq-multinomial coefficients

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    We prove polynomial boson-fermion identities for the generating function of the number of partitions of nn of the form n=βˆ‘j=1Lβˆ’1jfjn=\sum_{j=1}^{L-1} j f_j, with f1≀iβˆ’1f_1\leq i-1, fLβˆ’1≀iβ€²βˆ’1f_{L-1} \leq i'-1 and fj+fj+1≀kf_j+f_{j+1}\leq k. The bosonic side of the identities involves qq-deformations of the coefficients of xax^a in the expansion of (1+x+β‹―+xk)L(1+x+\cdots+ x^k)^L. A combinatorial interpretation for these qq-multinomial coefficients is given using Durfee dissection partitions. The fermionic side of the polynomial identities arises as the partition function of a one-dimensional lattice-gas of fermionic particles. In the limit Lβ†’βˆžL\to\infty, our identities reproduce the analytic form of Gordon's generalization of the Rogers--Ramanujan identities, as found by Andrews. Using the qβ†’1/qq \to 1/q duality, identities are obtained for branching functions corresponding to cosets of type (A1(1))kΓ—(A1(1))β„“/(A1(1))k+β„“({\rm A}^{(1)}_1)_k \times ({\rm A}^{(1)}_1)_{\ell} / ({\rm A}^{(1)}_1)_{k+\ell} of fractional level β„“\ell.Comment: 31 pages, Latex, 9 Postscript figure

    Note on Ward-Horadam H(x) - binomials' recurrences and related interpretations, II

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    We deliver here second new H(x)βˆ’binomialsβ€²\textit{H(x)}-binomials' recurrence formula, were H(x)βˆ’binomialsβ€²H(x)-binomials' array is appointed by Wardβˆ’HoradamWard-Horadam sequence of functions which in predominantly considered cases where chosen to be polynomials . Secondly, we supply a review of selected related combinatorial interpretations of generalized binomial coefficients. We then propose also a kind of transfer of interpretation of p,qβˆ’binomialp,q-binomial coefficients onto qβˆ’binomialq-binomial coefficients interpretations thus bringing us back to GyoΒ¨rgyPoˊlyaGy{\"{o}}rgy P\'olya and Donald Ervin Knuth relevant investigation decades ago.Comment: 57 pages, 8 figure

    Canonical characters on quasi-symmetric functions and bivariate Catalan numbers

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    Every character on a graded connected Hopf algebra decomposes uniquely as a product of an even character and an odd character (Aguiar, Bergeron, and Sottile, math.CO/0310016). We obtain explicit formulas for the even and odd parts of the universal character on the Hopf algebra of quasi-symmetric functions. They can be described in terms of Legendre's beta function evaluated at half-integers, or in terms of bivariate Catalan numbers: C(m,n)=(2m)!(2n)!m!(m+n)!n!. C(m,n)=\frac{(2m)!(2n)!}{m!(m+n)!n!}. Properties of characters and of quasi-symmetric functions are then used to derive several interesting identities among bivariate Catalan numbers and in particular among Catalan numbers and central binomial coefficients
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