589 research outputs found

    Stigmergy-based modeling to discover urban activity patterns from positioning data

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    Positioning data offer a remarkable source of information to analyze crowds urban dynamics. However, discovering urban activity patterns from the emergent behavior of crowds involves complex system modeling. An alternative approach is to adopt computational techniques belonging to the emergent paradigm, which enables self-organization of data and allows adaptive analysis. Specifically, our approach is based on stigmergy. By using stigmergy each sample position is associated with a digital pheromone deposit, which progressively evaporates and aggregates with other deposits according to their spatiotemporal proximity. Based on this principle, we exploit positioning data to identify high density areas (hotspots) and characterize their activity over time. This characterization allows the comparison of dynamics occurring in different days, providing a similarity measure exploitable by clustering techniques. Thus, we cluster days according to their activity behavior, discovering unexpected urban activity patterns. As a case study, we analyze taxi traces in New York City during 2015

    Identifying and understanding road-constrained areas of interest (AOIs) through spatiotemporal taxi GPS data: A case study in New York City

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    Urban areas of interest (AOIs) represent areas within the urban environment featuring high levels of public interaction, with their understanding holding utility for a wide range of urban planning applications. Within this context, our study proposes a novel space-time analytical framework and implements it to the taxi GPS data for the extent of Manhattan, NYC to identify and describe 31 road-constrained AOIs in terms of their spatiotemporal distribution and contextual characteristics. Our analysis captures many important locations, including but not limited to primary transit hubs, famous cultural venues, open spaces, and some other tourist attractions, prominent landmarks, and commercial centres. Moreover, we respectively analyse these AOIs in terms of their dynamics and contexts by performing further clustering analysis, formulating five temporal clusters delineating the dynamic evolution of the AOIs and four contextual clusters representing their salient contextual characteristics

    Trajectory data mining: A review of methods and applications

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    The increasing use of location-aware devices has led to an increasing availability of trajectory data. As a result, researchers devoted their efforts to developing analysis methods including different data mining methods for trajectories. However, the research in this direction has so far produced mostly isolated studies and we still lack an integrated view of problems in applications of trajectory mining that were solved, the methods used to solve them, and applications using the obtained solutions. In this paper, we first discuss generic methods of trajectory mining and the relationships between them. Then, we discuss and classify application problems that were solved using trajectory data and relate them to the generic mining methods that were used and real world applications based on them. We classify trajectory-mining application problems under major problem groups based on how they are related. This classification of problems can guide researchers in identifying new application problems. The relationships between the methods together with the association between the application problems and mining methods can help researchers in identifying gaps between methods and inspire them to develop new methods. This paper can also guide analysts in choosing a suitable method for a specific problem. The main contribution of this paper is to provide an integrated view relating applications of mining trajectory data and the methods used

    T-PickSeer: Visual Analysis of Taxi Pick-up Point Selection Behavior

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    Taxi drivers often take much time to navigate the streets to look for passengers, which leads to high vacancy rates and wasted resources. Empty taxi cruising remains a big concern for taxi companies. Analyzing the pick-up point selection behavior can solve this problem effectively, providing suggestions for taxi management and dispatch. Many studies have been devoted to analyzing and recommending hot-spot regions of pick-up points, which can make it easier for drivers to pick up passengers. However, the selection of pick-up points is complex and affected by multiple factors, such as convenience and traffic management. Most existing approaches cannot produce satisfactory results in real-world applications because of the changing travel demands and the lack of interpretability. In this paper, we introduce a visual analytics system, T-PickSeer, for taxi company analysts to better explore and understand the pick-up point selection behavior of passengers. We explore massive taxi GPS data and employ an overview-to-detail approach to enable effective analysis of pick-up point selection. Our system provides coordinated views to compare different regularities and characteristics in different regions. Also, our system assists in identifying potential pick-up points and checking the performance of each pick-up point. Three case studies based on a real-world dataset and interviews with experts have demonstrated the effectiveness of our system.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures; The 10th China Visualization and Visual Analytics Conferenc

    Hierarchical accompanying and inhibiting patterns on the spatial arrangement of taxis' local hotspots

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    Due to the large volume of recording, the complete spontaneity, and the flexible pick-up and drop-off locations, taxi data portrays a realistic and detailed picture of urban space use to a certain extent. The spatial arrangement of pick-up and drop-off hotspots reflects the organizational space, which has received attention in urban structure studies. Previous studies mainly explore the hotspots at a large scale by visual analysis or some simple indexes, where the hotspots usually cover the entire central business district, train stations, or dense residential areas, reaching a radius of hundreds or even thousands of meters. However, the spatial arrangement patterns of small-scale hotspots, reflecting the specific popular pick-up and drop-off locations, have not received much attention. Using two taxi trajectory datasets in Wuhan and Beijing, China, this study quantitatively explores the spatial arrangement of fine-grained pick-up and drop-off local hotspots with different levels of popularity, where the sizes are adaptively set as 90m*90m in Wuhan and 105m*105m in Beijing according to the local hotspot identification method. Results show that popular hotspots tend to be surrounded by less popular hotspots, but the existence of less popular hotspots is inhibited in regions with a large number of popular hotspots. We use the terms hierarchical accompany and inhibiting patterns for these two spatial configurations. Finally, to uncover the underlying mechanism, a KNN-based model is proposed to reproduce the spatial distribution of other less popular hotspots according to the most popular ones. These findings help decision-makers construct reasonable urban minimum units for precise traffic and disease control, as well as plan a more humane spatial arrangement of points of interest

    Ranking places in attributed temporal urban mobility networks

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    Drawing on the recent advances in complex network theory, urban mobility flow patterns, typically encoded as origin-destination (OD) matrices, can be represented as weighted directed graphs, with nodes denoting city locations and weighted edges the number of trips between them. Such a graph can further be augmented by node attributes denoting the various socio-economic characteristics at a particular location in the city. In this paper, we study the spatio-temporal characteristics of “hotspots” of different types of socio-economic activities as characterized by recently developed attribute-augmented network centrality measures within the urban OD network. The workflow of the proposed paper comprises the construction of temporal OD networks using two custom data sets on urban mobility in Rome and London, the addition of socio-economic activity attributes to the OD network nodes, the computation of network centrality measures, the identification of “hotspots” and, finally, the visualization and analysis of measures of their spatio-temporal heterogeneity. Our results show structural similarities and distinctions between the spatial patterns of different types of human activity in the two cities. Our approach produces simple indicators thus opening up opportunities for practitioners to develop tools for real-time monitoring and visualization of interactions between mobility and economic activity in cities.This work is supported by the Spanish Government, Ministerio de Economía y Competividad, grant number TIN2017-84821-P. It is also funded by the EU H2020 programme under Grant Agreement No. 780754, “Track & Know”

    Identifying and understanding road-constrained areas of interest (AOIs) through spatiotemporal taxi GPS data: A case study in New York City

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    Urban areas of interest (AOIs) represent areas within the urban environment featuring high levels of public interaction, with their understanding holding utility for a wide range of urban planning applications. Within this context, our study proposes a novel space-time analytical framework and implements it to the taxi GPS data for the extent of Manhattan, NYC to identify and describe 31 road-constrained AOIs in terms of their spatiotemporal distribution and contextual characteristics. Our analysis captures many important locations, including but not limited to primary transit hubs, famous cultural venues, open spaces, and some other tourist attractions, prominent landmarks, and commercial centres. Moreover, we respectively analyse these AOIs in terms of their dynamics and contexts by performing further clustering analysis, formulating five temporal clusters delineating the dynamic evolution of the AOIs and four contextual clusters representing their salient contextual characteristics
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