8 research outputs found

    Double Public Key Signing Function Oracle Attack on EdDSA Software Implementations

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    EdDSA is a standardised elliptic curve digital signature scheme introduced to overcome some of the issues prevalent in the more established ECDSA standard. Due to the EdDSA standard specifying that the EdDSA signature be deterministic, if the signing function were to be used as a public key signing oracle for the attacker, the unforgeability notion of security of the scheme can be broken. This paper describes an attack against some of the most popular EdDSA implementations, which results in an adversary recovering the private key used during signing. With this recovered secret key, an adversary can sign arbitrary messages that would be seen as valid by the EdDSA verification function. A list of libraries with vulnerable APIs at the time of publication is provided. Furthermore, this paper provides two suggestions for securing EdDSA signing APIs against this vulnerability while it additionally discusses failed attempts to solve the issue

    The curious case of the half-half Bitcoin ECDSA nonces

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    We report on a new class of ECDSA signature vulnerability observed in the wild on the Bitcoin blockchain that results from a signature nonce generated by concatenating half of the bits of the message hash together with half of the bits of the secret signing key. We give a lattice-based attack for efficiently recovering the secret key from a single signature of this form. We then search the entire Bitcoin blockchain for such signatures, and identify and track the activities of an apparently custom ECDSA/Bitcoin implementation that has been used to empty hundreds of compromised Bitcoin addresses for many years

    Biased Nonce Sense: Lattice Attacks against Weak ECDSA Signatures in Cryptocurrencies

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    In this paper, we compute hundreds of Bitcoin private keys and dozens of Ethereum, Ripple, SSH, and HTTPS private keys by carrying out cryptanalytic attacks against digital signatures contained in public blockchains and Internet-wide scans. The ECDSA signature algorithm requires the generation of a per-message secret nonce. If this nonce is not generated uniformly at random, an attacker can potentially exploit this bias to compute the long-term signing key. We use a lattice-based algorithm for solving the hidden number problem to efficiently compute private ECDSA keys that were used with biased signature nonces due to multiple apparent implementation vulnerabilities

    SoK: Design, Vulnerabilities and Defense of Cryptocurrency Wallets

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    The rapid growth of decentralized digital currencies, enabled by blockchain technology, has ushered in a new era of peer-to-peer transactions, revolutionizing the global economy. Cryptocurrency wallets, serving as crucial endpoints for these transactions, have become increasingly prevalent. However, the escalating value and usage of these wallets also expose them to significant security risks and challenges. This research aims to comprehensively explore the security aspects of cryptocurrency wallets. It provides a taxonomy of wallet types, analyzes their design and implementation, identifies common vulnerabilities and attacks, and discusses defense mechanisms and mitigation strategies. The taxonomy covers custodial, non-custodial, hot, and cold wallets, highlighting their unique characteristics and associated security considerations. The security analysis scrutinizes the theoretical and practical aspects of wallet design, while assessing the efficacy of existing security measures and protocols. Notable wallet attacks, such as Binance, Mt. Gox are examined to understand their causes and consequences. Furthermore, the paper surveys defense mechanisms, transaction monitoring, evaluating their effectiveness in mitigating threats

    Cross-Domain Attribute-Based Access Control Encryption

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    Logic access control enforces who can read and write data; the enforcement is typically performed by a fully trusted entity. At TCC 2016, Damg\aa rd et al. proposed Access Control Encryption (ACE) schemes where a predicate function decides whether or not users can read (decrypt) and write (encrypt) data, while the message secrecy and the users\u27 anonymity are preserved against malicious parties. Subsequently, several ACE constructions with an arbitrary identity-based access policy have been proposed, but they have huge ciphertext and key sizes and/or rely on indistinguishability obfuscation. At IEEE S&P 2021, Wang and Chow proposed a Cross-Domain ACE scheme with constant-size ciphertext and arbitrary identity-based policy; the key generators are separated into two distinct parties, called Sender Authority and Receiver Authority. In this paper, we improve over their work with a novel construction that provides a more expressive access control policy based on attributes rather than on identities, the security of which relies on standard assumptions. Our generic construction combines Structure-Preserving Signatures, Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge proofs, and Re-randomizable Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption schemes. Moreover, we propose an efficient scheme in which the sizes of ciphertexts and encryption and decryption keys are constant and thus independent of the number of receivers and their attributes. Our experiments demonstrate that not only is our system more flexible, but it also is more efficient and results in shorter decryption keys (reduced from about 100 to 47 bytes) and ciphertexts (reduced from about 1400 to 1047 bytes)

    A Formal Treatment of Deterministic Wallets

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    In cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum, users control funds via secret keys. To transfer funds from one user to another, the owner of the money signs a new transaction that transfers the funds to the new recipient. This makes secret keys a highly attractive target for attacks and has led to prominent examples where millions of dollars worth in cryptocurrency were stolen. To protect against these attacks, a widely used approach are so-called hot/cold wallets. In a hot/cold wallet system, the hot wallet is permanently connected to the network, while the cold wallet stores the secret key and is kept without network connection. In this work, we propose the first comprehensive security model for hot/cold wallets and develop wallet schemes that are provably secure within these models. At the technical level, our main contribution is to provide a new, provably secure ECDSA-based hot/cold wallet scheme that can be integrated into legacy cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. Our scheme makes several subtle changes to the BIP32 proposal and requires a technically involved security analysis

    Security of Hedged Fiat-Shamir Signatures under Fault Attacks

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    Deterministic generation of per-signature randomness has been a widely accepted solution to mitigate the catastrophic risk of randomness failure in Fiat--Shamir type signature schemes. However, recent studies have practically demonstrated that such de-randomized schemes, including EdDSA, are vulnerable to differential fault attacks, which enable adversaries to recover the entire secret signing key, by artificially provoking randomness reuse or corrupting computation in other ways. In order to balance concerns of both randomness failures and the threat of fault injection, some signature designs are advocating a ``hedged\u27\u27 derivation of the per-signature randomness, by hashing the secret key, message, and a nonce. Despite the growing popularity of the hedged paradigm in practical signature schemes, to the best of our knowledge, there has been no attempt to formally analyze the fault resilience of hedged signatures. We perform a formal security analysis of the fault resilience of signature schemes constructed via the Fiat--Shamir transform. We propose a model to characterize bit-tampering fault attacks, and investigate their impact across different steps of the signing operation. We prove that, for some types of faults, attacks are mitigated by the hedged paradigm, while attacks remain possible for others. As concrete case studies, we then apply our results to XEdDSA, a hedged version of EdDSA used in the Signal messaging protocol, and to Picnic2, a hedged Fiat--Shamir signature scheme in Round 2 of the NIST Post-Quantum standardization process

    Identifying Key Leakage of Bitcoin Users

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    We study key leakage in the context of cryptocurrencies. First, we consider the problem of explicit key leakage occurring on open-source intelligence platforms. To do this, we monitor the Pastebin feed from Sep 2017–Mar 2018 to find exposed secret Bitcoin keys, revealing that attackers could have stolen 22.40 BTC worth roughly 178,000givencurrentexchangerates.Then,wefocusonimplicitkeyleakagebyexploitingthewrongusageofcryptographicprimitivesandscanBitcoin’sblockchainforECDSAnoncereuse.Wesystematicallyoutlinehowanattackercanuseduplicatervaluestoleaknoncesandsecretkeys,whichgoesbeyondthesimplecasewherethesamenonceandthesamekeyhavebeenusedinconjunctionmorethanonce.OurresultsshowthatECDSAnoncereusehasbeenarecurringproblemintheBitcoinecosystemandhasalreadybeenexploitedbyattackers.Infact,anattackercouldhaveexploitednoncereusetosteal412.80BTCworthroughly178,000 given current exchange rates. Then, we focus on implicit key leakage by exploiting the wrong usage of cryptographic primitives and scan Bitcoin’s blockchain for ECDSA nonce reuse. We systematically outline how an attacker can use duplicate r values to leak nonces and secret keys, which goes beyond the simple case where the same nonce and the same key have been used in conjunction more than once. Our results show that ECDSA nonce reuse has been a recurring problem in the Bitcoin ecosystem and has already been exploited by attackers. In fact, an attacker could have exploited nonce reuse to steal 412.80 BTC worth roughly 3.3 million