3 research outputs found

    How are hospitals using artificial intelligence in strategic decision making? —a scoping review

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) is a useful tool for clinical decision-making in hospitals, and for strategic decision-making in other industries. This scoping review provides a comprehensive review of the potential for AI to improve strategic decision-making in hospitals by exploring current applications of AI in this area. Peer-reviewed publications and conference presentations associated with AI for strategic decision-making were identified in Health Administration, Computer Science and Business and Management databases to answer the research question; how are hospitals using AI in strategic decision-making? The review found 19 published AI applications for hospital strategic decision-making. The applications used a variety of knowledge-based, probabilistic reasoning and data-driven AI, that generally followed the course of AI maturity. They focused on specific decisions, with none providing a comprehensive framework for strategic decision-making drawing on existing enterprise- or system-wide data. There was little evidence of evaluation of the AI applications, with no cost-benefit evaluation. The scoping review suggests the need for substantial improvement in the understanding of AI and its application among hospital decision-makers leading to greater organisational maturity. This would suggest that journals and researchers require evaluative and economic research and that training to improve understanding of AI be provided for board members, managers and clinicians

    A scoping literature review of natural language processing application to safety occurrence reports

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    Safety occurrence reports can contain valuable information on how incidents occur, revealing knowledge that can assist safety practitioners. This paper presents and discusses a literature review exploring how Natural Language Processing (NLP) has been applied to occurrence reports within safety-critical industries, informing further research on the topic and highlighting common challenges. Some of the uses of NLP include the ability for occurrence reports to be automatically classified against categories, and entities such as causes and consequences to be extracted from the text as well as the semantic searching of occurrence databases. The review revealed that machine learning models form the dominant method when applying NLP, although rule-based algorithms still provide a viable option for some entity extraction tasks. Recent advances in deep learning models such as Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding are now achieving a high accuracy while eliminating the need to substantially pre-process text. The construction of safety-themed datasets would be of benefit for the application of NLP to occurrence reporting, as this would allow the fine-tuning of current language models to safety tasks. An interesting approach is the use of topic modelling, which represents a shift away from the prescriptive classification taxonomies, splitting data into “topics”. Where many papers focus on the computational accuracy of models, they would also benefit from real-world trials to further inform usefulness. It is anticipated that NLP will soon become a mainstream tool used by safety practitioners to efficiently process and gain knowledge from safety-related text