2 research outputs found

    Uso de imágenes satelitales para determinar los parámetros de calidad del agua en los ríos amazónicos Neshuya y Aguaytía - Perú

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    Los ecosistemas acuáticos son ambientes naturales que están en constante cambio y esto es debido a las variaciones físico-químicas que pueda ocurrir en el agua, estas variaciones físico-químicas son conocidas como parámetros de calidad de agua. Existen métodos tradicionales para su medición, pero con el transcurrir del tiempo han surgido otros métodos como es el caso de las imágenes satelitales. Los parámetros de calidad de agua que han sido evaluados con imágenes satelitales son la profundidad del disco Secchi, las concentraciones de clorofila, la carga de pigmento, los sedimentos totales suspendidos, la temperatura, Demanda Bioquímica de Oxígeno (BOD), Demanda Química de Oxígeno (COD), Carbono Orgánico Total (TOC), Índice de Permanganato (CODmn) y Nitrógeno Amoniacal. Las imágenes satelitales pueden proporcionar información muy valiosa ya que puede obtener información de lugares remotos y datos en un tiempo pasado que no han sido colectados in situ. El propósito de la presente tesis fue demostrar que el uso de imágenes satelitales puede determinar los valores de calidad de agua de los ríos Neshuya y Aguaytía. Diferentes autores han propuesto métodos haciendo uso de imágenes satelitales, en esta investigación estamos usando el método de correlación y regresión múltiple. Los parámetros evaluados fueron Demanda Bioquímica de Oxígeno (BOD), Demanda Química de Oxígeno (COD), Carbono Orgánico Total (TOC), Índice de Permanganato (CODmn) y Nitrógeno Amoniacal. El análisis de los datos mostró que BOD, COD y TOC tiene un coeficiente de correlación igual a uno es decir tienen una correlación perfecta con la reflectancia de la imagen. Esto quiere decir que se puede determinar los parámetros de calidad de agua haciendo uso de las imágenes satelitales. Finalmente, aunque los datos satelitales pueden usarse para reflejar los parámetros de calidad del agua, esta técnica es valioso e importante para áreas remotas donde el acceso directo no es fácil y donde el costo de la muestra y el análisis de laboratorio es alto, se debe enfatizar que esta técnica no puede sustituir los métodos tradicionales porque algunos parámetros de la calidad del agua, como metales pesados, nitrato, el fosfato y los contaminantes orgánicos no se pueden determinar por teledetección.Aquatic ecosystems are natural environments that are constantly changing and this is due to the physicochemical variations that may occur in the water, these physicochemical variations are known as water quality parameters. There are traditional methods for its measurement, but with the passage of time other methods have emerged such as satellite images. Water quality parameters that have been evaluated with satellite images are Secchi disk depth, chlorophyll concentrations, pigment loading, total suspended sediments, temperature, Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Total Organic Carbon (TOC), Permanganate Index (CODmn) and Ammoniacal Nitrogen. Satellite images can provide very valuable information since you can obtain information from remote locations and data in a past time that have not been collected in situ. The purpose of this thesis was to demonstrate that the use of satellite images can determine the water quality values of the Neshuya and Aguaytía rivers. Different authors have proposed methods using satellite images, in this investigation we are using the method of correlation and multiple regression. The parameters evaluated were Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Total Organic Carbon (TOC), Permanganate Index (CODmn) and Ammoniacal Nitrogen. The analysis of the data showed that BOD, COD and TOC have a correlation coefficient equal to one, that is, they have a perfect correlation with the reflectance of the image. This means that the water quality parameters can be determined using satellite images. Finally, although satellite data can be used to reflect water quality parameters, this technique is valuable and important for remote areas where direct access is not easy and where the cost of the sample and laboratory analysis is high, it should be Emphasize that this technique cannot replace traditional methods because some water quality parameters, such as heavy metals, nitrate, phosphate and organic pollutants cannot be determined by remote sensing

    Water quality assessment using Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 : a case study of the Umdloti estuary, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.

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    Master of Science in Environmental Sciences. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2018.Estuaries are amongst the most productive and important ecosystems on the planet but are vulnerable to physico-chemical alterations within their waters. Water quality and health monitoring therefore requires the timely retrieval of physico-chemical concentrations. Whilst accurate, water quality retrieval performed through field sampling is often expensive, time consuming and unsuitable across larger spatial scales. remote sensing offers a possible solution to these problems. This study therefore assessed the ability of Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 remotely sensed imagery in estimating physico-chemical health within the Umdloti Estuary, South Africa. Sampling of the Umdloti Estuary was conducted over winter and spring where the in situ conditions of temperature, turbidity, secchi disk depth (SDD), salinity, electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved solids (TDS), chlorophyll-a (chl-a), dissolved oxygen (DO) and pH were retrieved through field and lab testing. Remote sensing algorithms were thereafter used to estimate the values of these parameters. Results from the comparison of the two approaches showed that temperature and turbidity were able to be accurately retrieved with best respective coefficients of determination (R2) of 0.96 and 0.97 and root mean squared error (RMSE) of 2.648 °C and 2.944 NTU. Chl-a, TDS and EC had respective inaccurate R2 values of 0.031, 0.576 and 0.037 but accurate RMSE of 0.902 μg/l, 638.159 mg/l and 1.801 μS/cm. These parameters were poorly modelled but accurate absolute concentrations could be estimated. Salinity, DO, pH and SDD estimation was poor. These parameters had a respective R2 values of 0.45, 0.53, 0.23 and 0.0007 as well as RMSE of 5.84, 1.91 ppm, 2.15 and 1.43 m. The optical inactivity of these physico-chemical parameters and unique complexity of estuarine waters were likely culprits in failed estimation. Positively, algorithms modified by this study showed greatly increased accuracy and future promise in the estimation of every parameter except secchi disk depth and pH. The estuary was determined to be in poor health due to a lack of improvements in physico-chemical conditions since it was last classified as poor. In future, studies should continue to refine algorithms for use in Umdloti Estuary and its health should be safeguarded