1 research outputs found

    Ictiofauna del r铆o Manso (Caldas, Colombia)

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    This paper presents a list of the fishes of the middle and lower part of the Manso River basin, in the department of Caldas, Colombia. It consolidates the results of 33 sampling events at 8 stations distributed in the middle and lower Manso river zone and a tributary stream, in addition to previously available information. A total of 68 species of fish have been recorded for the Manso River. In the period 2012-2014, 55 species were registered, of which 15 are included in the Red Book of Freshwater Fish of Colombia, 12 are species of importance for human consumption and the others that represent biological and ecological interest.Se presenta un listado de los peces de la cuenca media y baja del r铆o Manso (Caldas, Colombia), el cual consolida los resultados de 33 campa帽as de muestreo que se realizaron 聽en ocho estaciones distribuidas en la zona media y baja del r铆o y una quebrada tributaria, adem谩s de la informaci贸n previamente existente. En total se han registrado para el r铆o Manso 68 especies de peces. En el periodo 2012-2014 se registraron 55 especies, de las cuales 15 est谩n incluidas en el Libro Rojo de Peces de Agua Dulce de Colombia, 12 son especies de importancia para consumo humano y las dem谩s representan inter茅s biol贸gico y ecol贸gico