94 research outputs found

    ISCB Honors Temple F. Smith and Eran Segal

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    ISMB 2008 Toronto

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    The International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB) presents the Sixteenth International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB 2008), to be held in Toronto, Canada, July 19–23, 2008. Now in the final phases of scheduling selected presentations, demonstrations, and posters, the organizers are preparing what will likely be recognized as the premier conference on computational biology in 2008. ISMB 2008 (http://www.iscb.org/ismb2008/) will follow the road paved by the ISMB/ ECCB 2007 (http://www.iscb.org/ ismbeccb2007/) in Vienna in the attempt to specifically encourage increased participation from previously under-represented disciplines of computational biology. This conference will feature the best of the computer and life sciences through a variety of core sessions running in multiple parallel tracks, along with single-tracked Keynote Presentations, posters on display throughout the duration of the conference, and an extensive commercial exposition. The first day (July 18) of the meeting is reserved for two-day Special Interest Group (SIG) and Satellite meetings, the second day (July 19) runs SIGs for the first time in parallel with Tutorials and the Student Council Symposium, and for the first time two SIGs are running in parallel with the main ISMB meeting (July 20–23)Other Research Uni

    ISMB/ECCB 2009 Stockholm

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    The International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB; http://www.iscb.org) presents the Seventeenth Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB), organized jointly with the Eighth Annual European Conference on Computational Biology (ECCB; http://bioinf.mpi-inf.mpg.de/conferences/eccb/eccb.htm), in Stockholm, Sweden, 27 June to 2 July 2009. The organizers are putting the finishing touches on the year's premier computational biology conference, with an expected attendance of 1400 computer scientists, mathematicians, statisticians, biologists and scientists from other disciplines related to and reliant on this multi-disciplinary science. ISMB/ECCB 2009 (http://www.iscb.org/ismbeccb2009/) follows the framework introduced at the ISMB/ECCB 2007 (http://www.iscb.org/ismbeccb2007/) in Vienna, and further refined at the ISMB 2008 (http://www.iscb.org/ismb2008/) in Toronto; a framework developed to specifically encourage increased participation from often under-represented disciplines at conferences on computational biology. During the main ISMB conference dates of 29 June to 2 July, keynote talks from highly regarded scientists, including ISCB Award winners, are the featured presentations that bring all attendees together twice a day. The remainder of each day offers a carefully balanced selection of parallel sessions to choose from: proceedings papers, special sessions on emerging topics, highlights of the past year's published research, special interest group meetings, technology demonstrations, workshops and several unique sessions of value to the broad audience of students, faculty and industry researchers. Several hundred posters displayed for the duration of the conference has become a standard of the ISMB and ECCB conference series, and an extensive commercial exhibition showcases the latest bioinformatics publications, software, hardware and services available on the market today. The main conference is preceded by 2 days of Special Interest Group (SIG) and Satellite meetings running in parallel to the fifth Student Council Symposium on 27 June, and in parallel to Tutorials on 28 June. All scientific sessions take place at the Stockholmsmässan/Stockholm International Fairs conference and exposition facility

    Proposta de utilização de mineração de textos para análise e priorização de genes candidatos de interesse para a agricultura.

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    RESUMO: Neste artigo é apresentado um projeto para utilização de técnicas de mineração de textos para análise e priorização de genes candidatos em experimentos de varredura genômica, visando a inclusão de novos genes em programas de melhoramento animal e vegetal. Embora no presente estágio do projeto, os resultados ainda sejam preliminares, é apresentado um experimento que demonstra como a descrição da função biológica de genes pode ser capturada a partir de textos que descrevem sua função biológica, que é o primeiro passo no sentido de comparar genes funcionalmente, visando priorizá-los segundo um critério específico.SBIAgro 2011

    Learning to extract relations for protein annotation

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    Motivation: Protein annotation is a task that describes protein X in terms of topic Y. Usually, this is constructed using information from the biomedical literature. Until now, most of literature-based protein annotation work has been done manually by human annotators. However, as the number of biomedical papers grows ever more rapidly, manual annotation becomes more difficult, and there is increasing need to automate the process. Recently, information extraction (IE) has been used to address this problem. Typically, IE requires pre-defined relations and hand-crafted IE rules or annotated corpora, and these requirements are difficult to satisfy in real-world scenarios such as in the biomedical domain. In this article, we describe an IE system that requires only sentences labelled according to their relevance or not to a given topic by domain experts. Results: We applied our system to meet the annotation needs of a well-known protein family database; the results show that our IE system can annotate proteins with a set of extracted relations by learning relations and IE rules for disease, function and structure from only relevant and irrelevant sentences. Contact: [email protected]


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    Motivation: Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) is a powerful experimental approach to identify in vivo binding sites of sequence-specific transcription factors (TFs). These experiments are designed to specifically enrich DNA fragments that are bound to the TF. Tiling arrays have become more and more popular for the identification of these DNA fragments. However, many studies showed that only a fraction of the identified DNA fragments contains bona fide binding sites for the TF, suggesting that indirect binding mechanisms play a very important role. We explored the possibility that the lack of binding sites can also be explained by problems in identifying ChIP-enriched DNA fragments from the measured intensities. Results: We derived a physical model that explains some (but not all) variation of the measured probe intensities of Affymetrix tilling arrays. We used the physical model to estimate the probe-specific behavior and corrected for it. Subsequently, we developed a method to identify ChIP-enriched DNA fragments. We termed it physical model for tiling array analysis (PMT). We applied PMT to the data of ChIP-chip experiments interrogating chromosome 21 and 22 of the human genome for binding of the TFs MYC, SP1 and P53. Almost all regions recovered by PMT showed evidence for sequence-specific binding of the TFs
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