470 research outputs found

    Offshore Neopycnodonte oyster reefs in the Mediterranean Sea

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    © The Author(s), 2020. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Angeletti, L., & Taviani, M. Offshore Neopycnodonte oyster reefs in the Mediterranean Sea. Diversity, 12(3), (2020): 92, doi:10.3390/d12030092.Oysters are important ecosystem engineers best known to produce large bioconstructions at shallow depth, whilst offshore deep-subtidal oyster reefs are less widely known. Oyster reefs engineered by Neopycnodonte cochlear (family Gryphaeidae) occur at various sites in the Mediterranean Sea, between 40 and 130 m water depths. Remotely Operated Vehicle surveys provide new insights on this rather neglected reef types with respect to their shape, dimensions and associated biodiversity. We suggest that these little contemplated reefs should be taken in due consideration for protection.This work was partly supported by the EU FP-VI and VII HERMES and HERMIONE, by the ‘Convenzione MATTM-CNR per i Programmi di Monitoraggio per la Direttiva sulla Strategia Marina (MSFD, Art. 11, Dir. 2008/56/CE), and is part of the DG Environment programme IDEM (grant agreement no. 11.0661/2017/750680/SUB/EN V.C2)

    Augmented and virtual reality evolution and future tendency

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    Augmented reality and virtual reality technologies are increasing in popularity. Augmented reality has thrived to date mainly on mobile applications, with games like Pokémon Go or the new Google Maps utility as some of its ambassadors. On the other hand, virtual reality has been popularized mainly thanks to the videogame industry and cheaper devices. However, what was initially a failure in the industrial field is resurfacing in recent years thanks to the technological improvements in devices and processing hardware. In this work, an in-depth study of the different fields in which augmented and virtual reality have been used has been carried out. This study focuses on conducting a thorough scoping review focused on these new technologies, where the evolution of each of them during the last years in the most important categories and in the countries most involved in these technologies will be analyzed. Finally, we will analyze the future trend of these technologies and the areas in which it is necessary to investigate to further integrate these technologies into society.Universidad de Sevilla, Spain Telefonica Chair “Intelligence in Networks

    Off-Line Camera-Based Calibration for Optical See-Through Head-Mounted Displays

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    In recent years, the entry into the market of self contained optical see-through headsets with integrated multi-sensor capabilities has led the way to innovative and technology driven augmented reality applications and has encouraged the adoption of these devices also across highly challenging medical and industrial settings. Despite this, the display calibration process of consumer level systems is still sub-optimal, particularly for those applications that require high accuracy in the spatial alignment between computer generated elements and a real-world scene. State-of-the-art manual and automated calibration procedures designed to estimate all the projection parameters are too complex for real application cases outside laboratory environments. This paper describes an off-line fast calibration procedure that only requires a camera to observe a planar pattern displayed on the see-through display. The camera that replaces the user’s eye must be placed within the eye-motion-box of the see-through display. The method exploits standard camera calibration and computer vision techniques to estimate the projection parameters of the display model for a generic position of the camera. At execution time, the projection parameters can then be refined through a planar homography that encapsulates the shift and scaling effect associated with the estimated relative translation from the old camera position to the current user’s eye position. Compared to classical SPAAM techniques that still rely on the human element and to other camera based calibration procedures, the proposed technique is flexible and easy to replicate in both laboratory environments and real-world settings

    Обеспечение визуальной когерентности в обучающих системах дополненной реальности с учетом авиакосмической специфики

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    In May 2022, Saudi Arabian Military Industries, a Saudi government agency, acquired an augmented reality training platform for pilots. In September, the Boeing Corporation began the development of an augmented reality pilot simulator. In November, a similar project was launched by BAE Systems, a leading British developer of aeronautical engineering. These facts allow us to confidently speak about the beginning of a new era of aviation simulators – simulators using the augmented reality technology. One of the promising advantages of this technology is the ability to safely simulate dangerous situations in the real world. A necessary condition for using this advantage is to ensure the visual coherence of augmented reality scenes: virtual objects must be indistinguishable from real ones. All the global IT leaders consider augmented reality as the subsequent surge of radical changes in digital electronics, so visual coherence is becoming a key issue for the future of IT, and in aerospace applications, visual coherence has already acquired practical significance. The Russian Federation lags far behind in studying the problems of visual coherence in general and for augmented reality flight simulators in particular: at the time of publication the authors managed to find only two papers on the subject in the Russian research space, while abroad their number is already approximately a thousand. The purpose of this review article is to create conditions for solving the problem. Visual coherence depends on many factors: lighting, color tone, shadows from virtual objects on real ones, mutual reflections, textures of virtual surfaces, optical aberrations, convergence and accommodation, etc. The article reviews the publications devoted to methods for assessing the conditions of illumination and color tone of a real scene and transferring them to virtual objects using various probes and by individual images, as well as by rendering virtual objects in augmented reality scenes, using neural networks.В мае 2022 года саудовская правительственная структура Saudi Arabian Military Industries приобрела обучающую платформу дополненной реальности для летчиков, в сентябре корпорация Boeing начала разработку тренажера пилота дополненной реальности, в ноябре стартовал аналогичный проект ведущего британского разработчика авиационной техники BAE Systems. Эти факты позволяют уверенно говорить о начале новой эпохи авиационных тренажеров – тренажеров с применением технологии дополненной реальности. Одно из перспективных преимуществ данной технологии – возможность безопасного моделирования опасных ситуаций в реальном мире. Необходимым условием использования этого преимущества является обеспечение визуальной когерентности сцен дополненной реальности: виртуальные объекты должны быть неотличимы от реальных. Все мировые IT-лидеры рассматривают дополненную реальность как следующую «большую волну» радикальных изменений в цифровой электронике, поэтому визуальная когерентность становится ключевым вопросом для будущего IT, а в аэрокосмических приложениях визуальная когерентность уже приобрела практическое значение. В РФ имеет место серьезное отставание в изучении проблематики визуальной когерентности в целом и для авиатренажеров дополненной реальности в частности: на момент публикации авторам удалось обнаружить в российском научном пространстве только две работы по теме, тогда как за рубежом их число уже около тысячи. Цель настоящей обзорной статьи – создать условия для купирования проблемы. Визуальная когерентность зависит от многих факторов: освещения, цветового тона, теней от виртуальных объектов на реальных, взаимных отражений, текстур виртуальных поверхностей, оптических аберраций, конвергенции и аккомодации и др. В статье анализируются публикации, посвященные методам оценки условий освещенности и цветового тона реальной сцены и переноса таковых на виртуальные объекты с использованием зондов и по отдельным изображениям, а также по рендерингу виртуальных объектов в сценах дополненной реальности, в том числе с применением нейросетей

    A framework for realistic 3D tele-immersion

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    Meeting, socializing and conversing online with a group of people using teleconferencing systems is still quite differ- ent from the experience of meeting face to face. We are abruptly aware that we are online and that the people we are engaging with are not in close proximity. Analogous to how talking on the telephone does not replicate the experi- ence of talking in person. Several causes for these differences have been identified and we propose inspiring and innova- tive solutions to these hurdles in attempt to provide a more realistic, believable and engaging online conversational expe- rience. We present the distributed and scalable framework REVERIE that provides a balanced mix of these solutions. Applications build on top of the REVERIE framework will be able to provide interactive, immersive, photo-realistic ex- periences to a multitude of users that for them will feel much more similar to having face to face meetings than the expe- rience offered by conventional teleconferencing systems

    Augmenting Reality with Intelligent Interfaces

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    It is clear that our daily reality will increasingly interface with virtual inputs. We already integrate the virtual into real life through constantly evolving sensor technologies embedded into our smartphones, digital assistants, and connected devices. Simultaneously, we seek more virtual input into our reality through intelligent interfaces for the applications that these devices can run in a context rich, socially connected, and personalized way. As we progress toward a future of ubiquitous Augmented Reality (AR) interfaces, it will be important to consider how this technology can best serve the various populations that can benefit most from the addition of these intelligent interfaces. This paper proposes a new terminological framework to discuss the way AR interacts with users. An intelligent interface that combines digital objects in a real-world context can be referred to as a Pose-Interfaced Presentation (PIP): Pose refers to user location and orientation in space; Interfaced means that the program responds to a user’s intention and actions in an intelligent way; and Presentation refers to the virtual object or data being layered onto the perceptive field of the user. Finally, various benefits of AR are described and examples are provided in the areas of education, worker training, and ESL learning

    Benthic habitat map of the southern Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean Sea) from object-based image analysis of multi-source acoustic backscatter data

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    © The Author(s), 2021. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Prampolini, M., Angeletti, L., Castellan, G., Grande, V., Le Bas, T., Taviani, M., & Foglini, F. Benthic habitat map of the southern Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean Sea) from object-based image analysis of multi-source acoustic backscatter data. Remote Sensing, 13(15), (2021): 2913, https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13152913.A huge amount of seabed acoustic reflectivity data has been acquired from the east to the west side of the southern Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean Sea) in the last 18 years by CNR-ISMAR. These data have been used for geological, biological and habitat mapping purposes, but a single and consistent interpretation of them has never been carried out. Here, we aimed at coherently interpreting acoustic data images of the seafloor to produce a benthic habitat map of the southern Adriatic Sea showing the spatial distribution of substrates and biological communities within the basin. The methodology here applied consists of a semi-automated classification of acoustic reflectivity, bathymetry and bathymetric derivatives images through object-based image analysis (OBIA) performed by using the ArcGIS tool RSOBIA (Remote Sensing OBIA). This unsupervised image segmentation was carried out on each cruise dataset separately, then classified and validated through comparison with bottom samples, images, and prior knowledge of the study areas.This research was funded by EUROSTRATAFORM (EC contract no. EVK3-CT-2002-00079), EU-FP-VI HERMES (GOCE-CT-2005-511234-1), EU-FP-VII HERMIONE (contract no. 226354) and COCONET (Grant agreement no: 287844); Convenzione MATTM-CNR per i Programmi di Monitoraggio per la Direttiva sulla Strategia Marina (MSFD, Art. 11, Dir. 2008/56/CE); Italian Flag Project Ritmare (Ricerca Italiana per il Mare); MAGIC (Accordo di Programma Quadro Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche—CNR, Dipartimento della protezione civile della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri); MIUR-PRIN 2009 “Carbonate conduits linked to hydrocarbons enriched seepages” and MIUR-PRIN 2017 GLIDE 2017FREXZY. This paper contributes to H2020 Projects EVER-EST (Grant agreement no: 674907) and RELIANCE (Grant agreement no: 101017501). This is ISMAR-CNR contribution number 1975

    User-Centered Evaluation Framework to Support the Interaction Design for Augmented Reality Applications

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    The advancement of Augmented Reality (AR) technology has been remarkable, enabling the augmentation of user perception with timely information. This progress holds great promise in the field of interaction design. However, the mere advancement of technology is not enough to ensure widespread adoption. The user dimension has been somewhat overlooked in AR research due to a lack of attention to user motivations, needs, usability, and perceived value. The critical aspects of AR technology tend to be overshadowed by the technology itself. To ensure appropriate future assessments, it is necessary to thoroughly examine and categorize all the methods used for AR technology validation. By identifying and classifying these evaluation methods, researchers and practitioners will be better equipped to develop and validate new AR techniques and applications. Therefore, comprehensive and systematic evaluations are critical to the advancement and sustainability of AR technology. This paper presents a theoretical framework derived from a cluster analysis of the most efficient evaluation methods for AR extracted from 399 papers. Evaluation methods were clustered according to the application domains and the human–computer interaction aspects to be investigated. This framework should facilitate rapid development cycles prioritizing user requirements, ultimately leading to groundbreaking interaction methods accessible to a broader audience beyond research and development centers

    A 1000-yr-old tsunami in the Indian Ocean points to greater risk for East Africa

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    © The Author(s), 2020. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Maselli, V., Oppo, D., Moore, A. L., Gusman, A. R., Mtelela, C., Iacopini, D., Taviani, M., Mjema, E., Mulaya, E., Che, M., Tomioka, A. L., Mshiu, E., & Ortiz, J. D. A 1000-yr-old tsunami in the Indian Ocean points to greater risk for East Africa. Geology, 48(8), (2020): 808-813, doi:10.1130/G47257.1.The December 2004 Sumatra-Andaman tsunami prompted an unprecedented research effort to find ancient precursors and quantify the recurrence time of such a deadly natural disaster. This effort, however, has focused primarily along the northern and eastern Indian Ocean coastlines, in proximal areas hardest hit by the tsunami. No studies have been made to quantify the recurrence of tsunamis along the coastlines of the western Indian Ocean, leading to an underestimation of the tsunami risk in East Africa. Here, we document a 1000-yr-old sand layer hosting archaeological remains of an ancient coastal Swahili settlement in Tanzania. The sedimentary facies, grain-size distribution, and faunal assemblages indicate a tsunami wave as the most likely cause for the deposition of this sand layer. The tsunami in Tanzania is coeval with analogous deposits discovered at eastern Indian Ocean coastal sites. Numerical simulations of tsunami wave propagation indicate a megathrust earthquake generated by a large rupture of the Sumatra-Andaman subduction zone as the likely tsunami source. Our findings provide evidence that teletsunamis represent a serious threat to coastal societies along the western Indian Ocean, with implications for future tsunami hazard and risk assessments in East Africa.This work was funded by the National Geographic Society (grant N. CP-R008–17). Maselli acknowledges support from the Canada First Research Excellence Fund through the Ocean Frontier Institute. We are extremely grateful to the editor, two anonymous reviewers, J. Bourgeois, G. Eberli, A. Prendergast, and C. Gouramanis for all the suggestions provided, which greatly improved the quality of the manuscript. We would like to thank the United Republic of Tanzania and the University of Dar es Salaam for allowing us to perform the field work activity. This is ISMAR Bologna scientific contribution number 2024

    A 1000-yr-old tsunami in the Indian Ocean points to greater risk for East Africa

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    The December 2004 Sumatra-Andaman tsunami prompted an unprecedented research effort to find ancient precursors and quantify the recurrence time of such a deadly natural disaster. This effort, however, has focused primarily along the northern and eastern Indian Ocean coastlines, in proximal areas hardest hit by the tsunami. No studies have been made to quantify the recurrence of tsunamis along the coastlines of the western Indian Ocean, leading to an underestimation of the tsunami risk in East Africa. Here, we document a 1000-yr- old sand layer hosting archaeological remains of an ancient coastal Swahili settlement in Tanzania. The sedimentary facies, grain-size distribution, and faunal assemblages indicate a tsunami wave as the most likely cause for the deposition of this sand layer. The tsunami in Tanzania is coeval with analogous deposits discovered at eastern Indian Ocean coastal sites. Numerical simulations of tsunami wave propagation indicate a megathrust earthquake generated by a large rupture of the Sumatra-Andaman subduction zone as the likely tsunami source. Our findings provide evidence that teletsunamis represent a serious threat to coastal societies along the western Indian Ocean, with implications for future tsunami hazard and risk assessments in East Africa