154 research outputs found

    SeamSAR: Seamless, Secure And Robust Handover Model for Mobile IPTV Network Using Enhanced FMIPv6

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    Multimedia becomes one of the most wanted content in the modern Internet world. Since the Mobile Internet Protocol version 6 (MIPv6) was proposed, many researchers have tried to develop a new protocol based on this technology in order to improve the performance of mobile multimedia services. The world is emerging toward the Mobile Internet Protocol Television (MIPTV) era where people are enabled to watch television while roaming. The MIPTV technology requires high bandwidth and low latency handover. This paper proposes a new model of secure and robust handover with low handover latency, called SeamSAR. The model introduces a new way to perform home binding update and correspondent binding update simultaneously. Simulation results show that the proposed model reduced the handover latency to 63% compared to FMIPv6. Moreover, the secureness of the proposed model was verified using CMurphi simulator

    An Investigation Study on Optimizing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Implementation in Emerging Public University: Al Baha University Case Study

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    This project investigates the correlation between the organizational readiness in Albaha University (ABU) and the respective Critical Success Factors (CSFs) with regards to the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) implementation. The investigation also considers some suggestions to improve the ABU’s ERP systems and roadmap towards the self –development strategy and reduce vendor-dependency. A survey regarding ERP to the end-user, expert and developer in ABU was conducted. The analysis of the results in this work confirmed with the results of an existing work. The four significance success factors: Project Management, Business Process Re-engineering (BPR), System Integration, and Training and Education are recommended to be adopted to assure the smooth adoption of ERP at Albaha Universit

    A Secure and Efficient Cluster-Based Authentication Scheme for Internet of Things (IoTs)

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    IPv6 over Low Power Wireless Personal Area Network 6LoWPAN) provides IP connectivity to the highly constrained nodes in the Internet of Things (IoTs). 6LoWPAN allows nodes with limited battery power and storage capacity to carry IPv6 datagrams over the lossy and error-prone radio links offered by the IEEE 802.15.4 standard, thus acting as an adoption layer between the IPv6 protocol and IEEE 802.15.4 network. The data link layer of IEEE 802.15.4 in 6LoWPAN is based on AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), but the 6LoWPAN standard lacks and has omitted the security and privacy requirements at higher layers. The sensor nodes in 6LoWPAN can join the network without requiring the authentication procedure. Therefore, from security perspectives, 6LoWPAN is vulnerable to many attacks such as replay attack, Man-in-the-Middle attack, Impersonation attack, and Modification attack. This paper proposes a secure and efficient cluster-based authentication scheme (CBAS) for highly constrained sensor nodes in 6LoWPAN. In this approach, sensor nodes are organized into a cluster and communicate with the central network through a dedicated sensor node. The main objective of CBAS is to provide efficient and authentic communication among the 6LoWPAN nodes. To ensure the low signalling overhead during the registration, authentication, and handover procedures, we also introduce lightweight and efficient registration, de-registration, initial authentication, and handover procedures, when a sensor node or group of sensor nodes join or leave a cluster. Our security analysis shows that the proposed CBAS approach protects against various security attacks, including Identity Confidentiality attack, Modification attack, Replay attack, Man-in-the-middle attack, and Impersonation attack. Our simulation experiments show that CBAS has reduced the registration delay by 11%, handoff authentication delay by 32%, and signalling coby 37% compared to the SGMS (Secure Group Mobility Scheme) and LAMS (Light-Wight Authentication & Mobility Scheme)

    Issues of the adoption of HIT related standards at the decision-making stage of six tertiary healthcare organisations in Saudi Arabia

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    Due to interoperability barriers between clinical information systems, healthcare organisations are facing potential limitations with regard to acquiring the benefits such systems offer; in particular, in terms of reducing the cost of medical services. However, to achieve the level of interoperability required to reduce these problems, a high degree of consensus is required regarding health data standards. Although such standards essentially constitute a solution to the interoperability barriers mentioned above, the level of adoption of these standards remains frustratingly low. One reason for this is that health data standards are an authoritative field in which marketplace mechanisms do not work owing to the fact that health data standards developed for a particular market cannot, in general, be applied in other markets without modification. Many countries have launched national initiatives to develop and promote national health data standards but, although certain authors have mapped the landscape of the standardisation process for health data in some countries, these studies have failed to explain why the healthcare organisations seem unwilling to adopt those standards. In addressing this gap in the literature, a conceptual model of the adoption process of HIT related standards at the decision-making stage in healthcare organisations is proposed in this research. This model was based on two predominant theories regarding IT related standards in the IS field: Rogers paradigm (1995) and the economics of standards theory. In addition, the twenty one constructs of this model resulted from a comprehensive set of factors derived from the related literature; these were then grouped in accordance with the Technology-Organisation Environment (TOE), a well-known taxonomy within innovation adoption studies in the IS field. Moving from a conceptual to an empirical position, an interpretive, exploratory, multiple-case study methodology was conducted in Saudi Arabia to examine the proposed model. The empirical qualitative evidence gained necessitated some revision to be made to the proposed model. One factor was abandoned, four were modified and eight new factors were added. This consistent empirical model makes a novel contribution at two levels. First, with regard to the body of knowledge in the IS area, this model offers an in-depth understanding of the adoption process of HIT related standards which the literature still lacks. It also examines the applicability of IS theories in a new area which allows others to relate their experiences to those reported. Secondly, this model can be used by decision makers in the healthcare sector, particularly those in developing countries, as a guideline while planning for the adoption of health data standards

    Efficient PID Controller based Hexapod Wall Following Robot

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    This paper presents a design of wall following behaviour for hexapod robot based on PID controller. PID controller is proposed here because of its ability to control many cases of non-linear systems. In this case, we proposed a PID controller to improve the speed and stability of hexapod robot movement while following the wall. In this paper, PID controller is used to control the robot legs, by adjusting the value of swing angle during forward or backward movement to maintain the distance between the robot and the wall. The experimental result was verified by implementing the proposed control method into actual prototype of hexapod robot

    Factors Influencing Intention To Use Tax E-Filing Systems: A Study On Taxpayers In West Malaysia

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    In recent years, Malaysian government has increasingly benefited from information technology to enhance their services, known as electronic government (e-government). However, despite considerable investment in e-government initiatives, citizens‟ adoption rate is still low. Tax e-filing system is one of the critical e-government services, which assist taxpayers in filing their tax returns electronically each year since 2006. Since citizens‟ acceptance of tax e-filing system plays an important role in the success of this system, there is a need to understand the factors that predict the users‟ intention to use tax e-filing system. This study, conducted a survey among taxpayers in Malaysia, aims to investigate the relationships between perceived security, perceived privacy, perceived service quality, e-trust, environmental friendliness, and facilitating conditions with the original constructs of combined Technology Acceptance Model-Theory of Planned behavior (Combined TAM-TPB). A total of 290 responses from five major states in Malaysia were analyzed in Smart PLS using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results support all the hypotheses developed except the relationship between perceived usefulness and attitude. Attitude is also examined as a mediator for the relationships between environmental friendliness, e-trust, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use with intention to use. Except for perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use, attitude is shown to be a mediator for all aforementioned relationships

    Benefits and Challenges of Internet of Things for Telecommunication Networks

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    Recently, Internet of things (IoTs) has become the main issue in designing monitoring systems such as smart environments, smart cars, and smart wearable devices. IoTs has transformed the life of people to be more adaptable and intelligent. For example, in a healthcare monitoring system, using smart devices will improve the performance of doctors, nurses, patients, and the healthcare industry. The IoTs revolution is known as the fourth industrial revolution and would change the way humans interact with machines and lead the way to a high-technology machine-to-machine interaction. In fact, almost every device around us would be connected to Internet, collecting and exchanging data with other devices on the cloud. In this chapter, we will introduce the benefits of IoTs on telecommunication networks and its challenges to give a complete overview for researchers to know how to improve our life and society by building smart IoTs systems