4 research outputs found

    Network Selection Optimization in a Secured Mobile IP Data Overlay System

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    The purpose of this thesis to so solve a limitation in the switchover mechanism of a Mobile IP (MIP) client device where it fails to change the active Mobile IP leg in a scenario where the current used path is just marginally good. The MIP client is a Cisco 819 router that provides internet connectivity to end users via an internal radio interface to a public Mobile Network Operator (MNO) and an external modem connected via an Ethernet port. When Mobile IP fails to properly select the active leg, the end user’s experience detriments and is unable to continue normal operation, this is why a mechanism is needed to probe the available networks and to select the best one for the end user. This work studies different vertical handover mechanisms that could be used in this type of environments where not only, not all the participants of the handover selection are radio interfaces; as in this case one interface is an external device, but also where most of the physical information of an interface is not available to use as part of a handover algorithm. This thesis proposes three different mechanisms to choose the best available network at any given time to complement the Mobile IP operation. The first mechanism is based on Round-Trip-Time (RTT), the next mechanism uses immediate throughput as the metric for the network selection and the final proposal is a muti-attribute algorithm where very poor networks will be filtered by their larger RTT values first and only then will the immediate available throughput will be measured. The results show that the three mechanisms provided a decrease in the downtime experienced by the end user where the RTT-based algorithm had the lowest increase in performance and the immediate-throughput-based proposal had the highest increase. The multi-attribute mechanism; while not top performing in terms of less downtime, significantly reduced the amount of time it took to select the new network and thus provides better end user experience

    Networking architecture studies for broadband multimedia, mobile multimedia and ubiquitous service offerings

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    制度:新 ; 文部省報告番号:甲2105号 ; 学位の種類:博士(国際情報通信学) ; 授与年月日:2005/9/15 ; 早大学位記番号:新408

    IP-based IMT network platform for mobile-ipv6-mpls systems

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