3 research outputs found

    Elastic-Tweak: A Framework for Short Tweak Tweakable Block Cipher

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    Tweakable block cipher (TBC), a stronger notion than standard block ciphers, has wide-scale applications in symmetric-key schemes. At a high level, it provides flexibility in design and (possibly) better security bounds. In multi-keyed applications, a TBC with short tweak values can be used to replace multiple keys. However, the existing TBC construction frameworks, including TWEAKEY and XEX, are designed for general purpose tweak sizes. Specifically, they are not optimized for short tweaks, which might render them inefficient for certain resource constrained applications. So a dedicated paradigm to construct short-tweak TBCs (tBC) is highly desirable. In this paper, as a first contribution, we present a dedicated framework, called the Elastic-Tweak framework (ET in short), to convert any reasonably secure SPN block cipher into a secure tBC. We apply the ET framework on GIFT and AES to construct efficient tBCs, named TweGIFT and TweAES. These short-tweak TBCs have already been employed in recent NIST lightweight competition candidates, LOTUS-LOCUS and ESTATE. As our second contribution, we show some concrete applications of ET-based tBCs, which are better than their block cipher counterparts in terms of key size, state size, number of block cipher calls, and short message processing. Some notable applications include, Twe-FCBC (reduces the key size of FCBC and gives better security than CMAC), Twe-LightMAC Plus (better rate than LightMAC Plus), Twe-CLOC, and Twe-SILC (reduces the number of block cipher calls and simplifies the design of CLOC and SILC)

    INT-RUP Secure Lightweight Parallel AE Modes

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    Owing to the growing demand for lightweight cryptographic solutions, NIST has initiated a standardization process for lightweight cryptographic algorithms. Specific to authenticated encryption (AE), the NIST draft demands that the scheme should have one primary member that has key length of 128 bits, and it should be secure for at least 250 − 1 byte queries and 2112 computations. Popular (lightweight) modes, such as OCB, OTR, CLOC, SILC, JAMBU, COFB, SAEB, Beetle, SUNDAE etc., require at least 128-bit primitives to meet the NIST criteria, as all of them are just birthday bound secure. Furthermore, most of them are sequential, and they either use a two pass mode or they do not offer any security when the adversary has access to unverified plaintext (RUP model). In this paper, we propose two new designs for lightweight AE modes, called LOCUS and LOTUS, structurally similar to OCB and OTR, respectively. These modes achieve notably higher AE security bounds with lighter primitives (only a 64-bit tweakable block cipher). Especially, they satisfy the NIST requirements: secure as long as the data complexity is less than 264 bytes and time complexity is less than 2128, even when instantiated with a primitive with 64-bit block and 128-bit key. Both these modes are fully parallelizable and provide full integrity security under the RUP model. We use TweGIFT-64[4,16,16,4] (also referred as TweGIFT-64), a tweakable variant of the GIFT block cipher, to instantiate our AE modes. TweGIFT-64-LOCUS and TweGIFT-64-LOTUS are significantly light in hardware implementation. To justify, we provide our FPGA based implementation results, which demonstrate that TweGIFT-64-LOCUS consumes only 257 slices and 690 LUTs, while TweGIFT-64-LOTUS consumes only 255 slices and 664 LUTs

    Offset-Based BBB-Secure Tweakable Block-ciphers with Updatable Caches

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    A nonce-respecting tweakable blockcipher is the building-block for the OCB authenticated encryption mode. An XEX-based TBC is used to process each block in OCB. However, XEX can provide at most birthday bound privacy security, whereas in Asiacrypt 2017, beyond-birthday-bound (BBB) forging security of OCB3 was shown by Bhaumik and Nandi. In this paper we study how at a small cost we can construct a nonce-respecting BBB-secure tweakable blockcipher. We propose the OTBC-3 construction, which maintains a cache that can be easily updated when used in an OCB-like mode. We show how this can be used in a BBB-secure variant of OCB with some additional keys and a few extra blockcipher calls but roughly the same amortised rate