98 research outputs found

    Six Sigma in Human Resource Management of Selected Organisation in Bangalore

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    The aim of the study is to examine the six sigma practices and its impact on strategic decision. Six sigma as a business process is now allowing organizations to improve their bottom line by designing and monitoring business activities in a way that minimizes wastes and resources without, however, compromising with customer satisfaction. Most of the companies attempted to implement this methodology and got backward from attempt in middle of the process or beginning due to the challenges in implementing Six Sigma in HRM. Measurability of a process depends on the perception of an individual HR person. HR is that it is not considered as a major line function in many organizations. This is mainly due to the non-measurable nature of HR processes, Most of the organizations not considered Human resources as human capital. HR must ensure that there’s good return on investment in human capital’. This paper made an attempt to frame a Five C’s concept for easy and better implementing of Six Sigma in HRM by putting the outcome of discussion with five black belt experts, who worked on six sigma projects as the tools to successful implementation of six sigma methodologies in HR functions. Research on significance of Six Sigma and implementing of Six Sigma in HR functions abounds in the literature. The paper shall review the opportunity and challenges in implementing Six Sigma in HRM

    Marketing Mix Strategies of Retailing and Buyers Behavior towards FMCG-A Study in Bangalore

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    The purpose of the study is to examine the general shopping behavior includes such variables as days of the week, presence of a shopping list, period of shopping and shopping with a credit card. It also included variables like whether people thought themselves to be impulse purchasers and also if they thought themselves to be impulse purchasers. To investigate the relationship between the touching and cognitive processes on impulse buying among consumers. and also to evaluate the effects of various demographic segments of customers. This leads us to conclude that consumers most often have an irresistible urge to buy, suffer from emotional conflict, manage their moods and like to increase their pleasurable moods states while indulging in impulse purchases. It may be concluded that the number of members in the family does not have a significant impact on cognitive deliberation with respect to impulse buyin

    Expectation of Potential Management Education Aspirants towards Management Education Institutions

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    Today’s market demands are good and active managers for the development of country. Managers should know all the facts, logic and strategies. For this they should get education from good institutions. Today in India we have large numbers of management institutions but they are not producing the Managers who can meet the global competition. Low quality of education in higher levels is increasingly becoming a cause of concern. Though lots has been written about the factors required to increase the quality of our business management institutions, much research has not been done into the other aspects of business schools such as related to the course content, teaching learning process and the basic methodologies of lecture delivery and understanding of the student’s needs and physical infrastructure. In particular by improving the quality in higher education, Indian business management schools may make themselves competitive in the long run. In this paper researcher has tried to study the mindset of current management education aspirants. The samples of 100 students were obtained; Frequency analysis and percentage analysis methods are used for the analysis of data. This paper concludes with the result - Management institutes must try to develop their quality as good as premier institutes in India. Today’s market demands are good and active managers for the development of country. Managers should know all the facts, logic and strategies. For this they should get education from good institutions. Today in India we have large numbers of management institutions but they are not producing the Managers who can meet the global competition. Low quality of education in higher levels is increasingly becoming a cause of concern. Though lots has been written about the factors required to increase the quality of our business management institutions, much research has not been done into the other aspects of business schools such as related to the course content, teaching learning process and the basic methodologies of lecture delivery and understanding of the student’s needs and physical infrastructure. In particular by improving the quality in higher education, Indian business management schools may make themselves competitive in the long run. In this paper researcher has tried to study the mindset of current management education aspirants. The samples of 100 students were obtained; Frequency analysis and percentage analysis methods are used for the analysis of data. This paper concludes with the result - Management institutes must try to develop their quality as good as premier institutes in India

    “Measuring Service Quality on the Indian International Airline Service Industry-With Reference to South India”

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    The very essence of airline survivability is the services and facilities provided. This paper is an attempt to compare the service quality of four airlines on equal grounds towards passengers’ expectations and perceptions. The aim of this paper is to investigate the relationship between airline service quality, passengers’ satisfaction and loyalty towards Indian international Airlines. A comparison of customer satisfaction based on service quality as perceived by air travellers was done among four international airlines. The study was conducted in the departure of Bangalore and Bajpe (Mangalore) International Airport. The respondents consisting of 400 passengers of whom have had experience with four airlines were selected based on convenience sampling. Descriptive analysis and mean comparison were used to analyze the data. The study examines which dimensions have a positive influence on service quality and which dimensions have the most and least important impact on service quality in international air travel, as perceived by airline passengers

    Inclusive Education: Key Role of Teachers for its Success

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    Inclusion of children with sensorial impairment in mainstream education demands the preparation of teachers to suit their needs. It requires skilled and motivated teachers who are competent enough to deal with the complexities in the classroom. Inclusive education as stressed by EFA, is not achieved, may be due to the lack of competent teachers. Inadequate staff training has been identified as a significant factor leading to the failure of inclusive program. In general, administration usually focuses on organizing in-service education program for inclusive education. It is being carried through DIETs, CTEs, IASEs and other national level institutes. The duration of the program varies from two lectures to five days intensive programs depending upon the type of program, target group, availability of time, funds and resources. Arranging, only in-service teacher education programs do not serve the purpose and maintain quality in regard to meet the challenges posed by inclusion of sensory impaired children in mainstream education. It is also observed that the curriculum they received during pre-service teacher education course is not adequate enough to meet the special education needs of sensory impaired children in inclusive setting. Hence teachers were unable to meet the demands of modifying and delivery of appropriate curriculum children with disabilities. The teacher himself demands the training on inclusive education. This paper throws its light on In-Service Training Programs, role of key teachers in inclusive educatio

    Fdi Inflows towards Selected Indian Manufacturing Industries-An Analytical Study

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    India is been identified as one of the most attractive long-term investment destinations. The presence of large domestic market, fairly well developed financial architecture and skilled human resources are attracting the FDI inflows to the country. The automobile sector is also in the race of receiving FDI inflows from foreign countries. This paper is an attempt to show the trends and determinants of FDI inflows to the automobile sector of India. It is been identified that even though the FDI inflows to the automobile sector is fluctuating year after year the sector is developing and is able to receive good amount of capital inflows

    Human Rights Education at Elementary School Level

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    Human rights could be commonly defined as the rights which are inherent in our nature and without which we cannot live as human beings. These are the minimal rights that every individual must have by virtue f his being a member of human family. Human rights, today, is rightly and universally regarded as a most fundamental value in life. The history of mankind proves that many persons died for it, killed for it, some desire for it, while others fear it. Human rights are as old as humanity itself, but human rights as a democratic society experiences today is the result of the evolution of human consciousness son the basis of the necessary demand for life based on equality, freedom and justice in a civilized society. Hence, human rights are the reflections of a civil society to protect and promote rule of law and human dignity. These are the claims of the individual for such conditions as are essential for the fullest realization of the innate characteristic which nature has bestowed him / her with as a human being. In other words, they imply that there are inherent and inalienable rights which are due to an individual by virtue of his / her being a human being and that they are necessary to ensure the dignity of every person as human being irrespective of one’s race, religion, age, nationality language or any other factor. The knowledge and awareness of human rights is equally important in times of peace and war. The knowledge of human rights is essential as a tool for the observance and the promotion of human rights and also the creation of a climate of public opinion in which gross violations of human rights are unacceptable

    The Trends and Determinants of Fdi Inflows of Selected Indian Automobile Industries

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    India is been identified as one of the most attractive long-term investment destinations. The presence of large domestic market, fairly well developed financial architecture and skilled human resources are attracting the FDI inflows to the country. The automobile sector is also in the race of receiving FDI inflows from foreign countries. This paper is an attempt to show the trends and determinants of FDI inflows to the automobile sector of India. It is been identified that even though the FDI inflows to the automobile sector is fluctuating year after year the sector is developing and is able to receive good amount of capital inflows

    An Overview of the Effective Green Process for Nanopartical Synthesis and its Uses

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    Nanoparticles have drawn a lot of attention because of their special qualities and wide range of uses in industries including electronics, medicine, and catalysis. However, hazardous chemicals and energy-intensive procedures are frequently used in conventional nanoparticle synthesis methods, which raises manufacturing costs and pollutes the environment. As a result, the necessity for effective and environmentally friendly green ways of synthesising nanoparticles is increasing.This presentation focuses on a cutting-edge green approach to nanoparticle manufacturing that consumes less energy and environmentally favourable materials. To aid in the creation of nanoparticles, the process makes use of plant extracts or bio-waste products as stabilisers and reducing agents. Rich in phytochemicals or biomolecules that can effectively bind to and decrease metal ions are the plant extracts and bio-waste products

    Friendbook: An Advanced Friend Recommendation System For Social Networking sites

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    A couple of years ago, people had a limited social circle. In this century of evolving technology, it has become easier for people to socialize on a large scale via social media. There are several methods in the existing social networking sites where friend recommendation is based on pre-existing relationships like mutual friends, geographical distances, etc. This is not best way to suggest friends based on recent social findings. Hence we have developed a friend recommendation system that recommends friends to the user based on the lifestyle vector. Inspired by Data Mining, this method uses Apriori algorithm to match the websites visited by the users, which is the similarity metric used in this method
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