3,266 research outputs found

    DFT and BIST of a multichip module for high-energy physics experiments

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    Engineers at Politecnico di Torino designed a multichip module for high-energy physics experiments conducted on the Large Hadron Collider. An array of these MCMs handles multichannel data acquisition and signal processing. Testing the MCM from board to die level required a combination of DFT strategie

    Online and Offline BIST in IP-Core Design

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    This article presents an online and offline built-in self-test architecture implemented as an SRAM intellectual-property core for telecommunication applications. The architecture combines fault-latency reduction, code-based fault detection, and architecture-based fault avoidance to meet reliability constraint

    A Hierachical Infrastrucutre for SOC Test Management

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    HD2BIST - a complete hierarchical framework for BIST scheduling, data-patterns delivery, and diagnosis of complex systems - maximizes and simplifies the reuse of built-in test architectures. HD2BIST optimizes the flexibility for chip designers in planning an overall SoC test strategy by defining a test access method that provides direct virtual access to each core of the system

    Testing mixed-signal cores: a practical oscillation-based test in an analog macrocell

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    A formal set of design decisions can aid in using oscillation-based test (OBT) for analog subsystems in SoCs. The goal is to offer designers testing options that do not have significant area overhead, performance degradation, or test time. This work shows that OBT is a potential candidate for IP providers to use in combination with functional test techniques. We have shown how to modify the basic concept of OBT to come up with a practical method. Using our approach, designers can use OBT to pave the way for future developments in SoC testing, and it is simple to extend this idea to BIST.European Union 2635

    Testing microelectronic biofluidic systems

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    According to the 2005 International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors, the integration of emerging nondigital CMOS technologies will require radically different test methods, posing a major challenge for designers and test engineers. One such technology is microelectronic fluidic (MEF) arrays, which have rapidly gained importance in many biological, pharmaceutical, and industrial applications. The advantages of these systems, such as operation speed, use of very small amounts of liquid, on-board droplet detection, signal conditioning, and vast digital signal processing, make them very promising. However, testable design of these devices in a mass-production environment is still in its infancy, hampering their low-cost introduction to the market. This article describes analog and digital MEF design and testing method

    Adaptive Latency Insensitive Protocols

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    Latency-insensitive design copes with excessive delays typical of global wires in current and future IC technologies. It achieves its goal via encapsulation of synchronous logic blocks in wrappers that communicate through a latency-insensitive protocol (LIP) and pipelined interconnects. Previously proposed solutions suffer from an excessive performance penalty in terms of throughput or from a lack of generality. This article presents an adaptive LIP that outperforms previous static implementations, as demonstrated by two relevant cases — a microprocessor and an MPEG encoder — whose components we made insensitive to the latencies of their interconnections through a newly developed wrapper. We also present an informal exposition of the theoretical basis of adaptive LIPs, as well as implementation detail

    Are IEEE 1500 compliant cores really compliant to the standard?

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    Functional verification of complex SoC designs is a challenging task, which fortunately is increasingly supported by automation. This article proposes a verification component for IEEE Std 1500, to be plugged into a commercial verification tool suit

    Online self-repair of FIR filters

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    Chip-level failure detection has been a target of research for some time, but today's very deep-submicron technology is forcing such research to move beyond detection. Repair, especially self-repair, has become very important for containing the susceptibility of today's chips. This article introduces a self-repair-solution for the digital FIR filter, one of the key blocks used in DSPs

    Seven strategies for tolerating highly defective fabrication

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    In this article we present an architecture that supports fine-grained sparing and resource matching. The base logic structure is a set of interconnected PLAs. The PLAs and their interconnections consist of large arrays of interchangeable nanowires, which serve as programmable product and sum terms and as programmable interconnect links. Each nanowire can have several defective programmable junctions. We can test nanowires for functionality and use only the subset that provides appropriate conductivity and electrical characteristics. We then perform a matching between nanowire junction programmability and application logic needs to use almost all the nanowires even though most of them have defective junctions. We employ seven high-level strategies to achieve this level of defect tolerance
