1,270 research outputs found

    Evolution of Alfv\'enic fluctuations inside an interplanetary coronal mass ejection and their contributions to local plasma heating: Joint observations from 1.0 AU to 5.4 AU

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    Directly tracking an interplanetary coronal mass ejection (ICME) by widely separated spacecrafts is a great challenge. However, such an event could provide us a good opportunity to study the evolution of embedded Alfv\'enic fluctuations (AFs) inside ICME and their contributions to local plasma heating directly. In this study, an ICME observed by Wind at 1.0 au on March 4-6 1998 is tracked to the location of Ulysess at 5.4 au. AFs are commonly found inside the ICME at 1.0 au, with an occurrence rate of 21.7% and at broadband frequencies from 4Γ—10βˆ’4\times 10^{-4} to 5Γ—10βˆ’2\times 10^{-2} Hz. When the ICME propagates to 5.4 au, the Aflv\'enicity decreases significantly, and AFs are rare and only found at few localized frequencies with the occurrence rate decreasing to 3.0%. At the same time, the magnetic field intensity at the AF-rich region has an extra magnetic dissipation except ICME expansion effect. The energetics of the ICME at different radial distance is also investigated here. Under similar magnetic field intensity situations at 1.0 au, the turbulence cascade rate at the AF-rich region is much larger than the value at the AF-lack region. Moreover, it can maintain as the decrease of magnetic field intensity if there is lack of AFs. However, when there exists many AFs, it reduces significantly as the AFs disappear. The turbulence cascade dissipation rate within the ICME is inferred to be 1622.3 Jβ‹…kgβˆ’1β‹…sβˆ’1J\cdot kg^{-1}\cdot s^{-1}, which satisfies the requirement of local ICME plasma heating rate, 1653.2 Jβ‹…kgβˆ’1β‹…sβˆ’1J\cdot kg^{-1}\cdot s^{-1}. We suggest that AF dissipation is responsible for extra magnetic dissipation and local plasma heating inside ICME.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Study on 2015 June 22 Forbush decrease with the muon telescope in Antarctic

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    By the end of 2014, a cosmic ray muon telescope was installed at Zhongshan Station in Antarctic and has been continuously collecting data since then. It is the first surface muon telescope to be built in Antarctic. In June 2015, five CMEs were ejected towards the Earth initiating a big large Forbush decrease (FD) event. We conduct a comprehensive study of the galactic cosmic ray intensity fluctuations during the FD using the data from cosmic ray detectors of multiple stations (Zhongshan, McMurdo, South Polar and Nagoya) and he solar wind measurements from ACE and WIND. A pre-increase before the shock arrival was observed. Distinct differences exist in the timelines of the galactic cosmic ray recorded by the neutron monitors and the muon telescopes. FD onset for Zhongshan muon telescope is delayed (2.5h) with respect to SSC onset. This FD had a profile of four-step decrease. The traditional one- or two-step classification of FDs was inadequate to explain this FD.Comment: 10 pages,6 figure

    Kinetic Properties of an Interplanetary Shock Propagating inside a Coronal Mass Ejection

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    We investigate the kinetic properties of a typical fast-mode shock inside an interplanetary coronal mass ejection (ICME) observed on 1998 August 6 at 1 AU, including particle distributions and wave analysis with the in situ measurements from Wind. Key results are obtained concerning the shock and the shock-ICME interaction at kinetic scales: (1) gyrating ions, which may provide energy dissipation at the shock in addition to wave-particle interactions, are observed around the shock ramp; (2) despite the enhanced proton temperature anisotropy of the shocked plasma, the low plasma beta inside the ICME constrains the shocked plasma under the thresholds of the ion cyclotron and mirror-mode instabilities; (3) whistler heat flux instabilities, which can pitch--angle scatter halo electrons through a cyclotron resonance, are observed around the shock, and can explain the disappearance of bidirectional electrons inside the ICME together with normal betatron acceleration; (4) whistler waves near the shock are likely associated with the whistler heat flux instabilities excited at the shock ramp, which is consistent with the result that the waves may originate from the shock ramp; (5) the whistlers share a similar characteristic with the shocklet whistlers observed by Wilson et al, providing possible evidence that the shock is decaying because of the strong magnetic field inside the ICME.Comment: Published in ApJ

    Satistical Study of the Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections from 1996 to 2014

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    In this work, we establish an ICME list from 1996 to 2014 based on the in-situ observations from the WIND and ACE satellites. Based on this ICME list, we extend the statistical analysis of the ICMEs to the solar maximum phase of solar cycle 24th. The analysis of the annual variations of the properties of ICMEs show that the number of ICMEs, the number of shocks, the percentage of ICMEs drove shocks, the magnetic field and plasma properties of ICMEs are well correlated with the solar cycle variation. The number of MCs do not show any correlation with sunspot number. But, the percentage of the MCs in ICMEs show good anti-correlation with the sunspot number. By comparison the parameters of MCs with None-MC ICMEs, we found that the MCs are stronger than the None-MC ICMEs . In addition, we compare the parameters of ICMEs with and without shocks. It is found that the ICMEs with shocks are much stronger than the ICME without shocks. Meanwhile, we discuss the distribution of the magnetic field and solar wind plasmas parameters of the sheath regions of ICMEs at first time. We find that the magnetic field and solar wind velocity in the sheath region are higher than them in the ejecta of ICMEs from statistical point of view.Comment: 8 Pages, 10 figure

    Multi-spacecraft Observations of the Coronal and Interplanetary Evolution of a Solar Eruption Associated with Two Active Regions

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    We investigate the coronal and interplanetary evolution of a coronal mass ejection (CME) launched on 2010 September 4 from a source region linking two active regions (ARs) 11101 and 11103, using extreme ultraviolet imaging, magnetogram, white-light and in situ observations from SDO, STEREO, SOHO, VEX and Wind. A potential-field source-surface model is employed to examine the configuration of the coronal magnetic field surrounding the source region. The graduated cylindrical shell model and a triangulation method are applied to determine the kinematics of the CME in the corona and interplanetary space. From the remote sensing and in situ observations we obtain some key results: (1) the CME was deflected in both the eastward and southward directions in the low corona by the magnetic pressure from the two ARs and possibly interacted with another ejection, which caused that the CME arrived at VEX that was longitudinally distant from the source region; (2) although VEX was closer to the Sun, the observed and derived CME arrival times at VEX are not earlier than those at Wind, which suggests the importance of determining both the frontal shape and propagation direction of the CME in interplanetary space; (3) the ICME was compressed in the radial direction while the longitudinal transverse size was extended.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figures, 1 table; accepted by Ap

    Propagation and Interaction Properties of Successive Coronal Mass Ejections in Relation to a Complex Type II Radio Burst

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    We examine the propagation and interaction properties of three successive coronal mass ejections (CMEs) from 2001 November 21-22, with a focus on their connection with the behaviors of the associated long-duration complex type II radio burst. In combination with coronagraph and multi-point in situ observations, the long-duration type II burst provides key features for resolving the propagation and interaction complexities of the three CMEs. The two CMEs from November 22 interacted first and then overtook the November 21 CME at a distance of about 0.85 AU from the Sun. The time scale for the shock originally driven by the last CME to propagate through the preceding two CMEs is estimated to be about 14 and 6 hr, respectively. We present a simple analytical model without any free parameters to characterize the whole Sun-to-Earth propagation of the shock, which shows a remarkable consistency with all the available data and MHD simulations even out to the distance of Ulysses (2.34 AU). The coordination of in situ measurements at the Earth and Ulysses, which were separated by about 71.4∘71.4^{\circ} in latitude, gives important clues for the understanding of shock structure and the interpretation of in situ signatures. The results also indicate means to increase geo-effectiveness with multiple CMEs, which can be considered as another manifestation of the "perfect storm" scenario proposed by [liu14a] although the current case is not "super" in the same sense as the 2012 July 23 event.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Dynamically Expanded CNN Array for Video Coding

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    Video coding is a critical step in all popular methods of streaming video. Marked progress has been made in video quality, compression, and computational efficiency. Recently, there has been an interest in finding ways to apply techniques form the fast-progressing field of machine learning to further improve video coding. We present a method that uses convolutional neural networks to help refine the output of various standard coding methods. The novelty of our approach is to train multiple different sets of network parameters, with each set corresponding to a specific, short segment of video. The array of network parameter sets expands dynamically to match a video of any length. We show that our method can improve the quality and compression efficiency of standard video codecs.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figure

    Geometry, Kinematics and Heliospheric Impact of a Large CME-driven Shock in 2017 September

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    A powerful coronal mass ejection (CME) occurred on 2017 September 10 near the end of the declining phase of the historically weak solar cycle 24. We obtain new insights concerning the geometry and kinematics of CME-driven shocks in relation to their heliospheric impacts from the optimal, multi-spacecraft observations of the eruption. The shock, which together with the CME driver can be tracked from the early stage to the outer corona, shows a large oblate structure produced by the vast expansion of the ejecta. The expansion speeds of the shock along the radial and lateral directions are much larger than the translational speed of the shock center, all of which increase during the flare rise phase, peak slightly after the flare maximum and then decrease. The near simultaneous arrival of the CME-driven shock at the Earth and Mars, which are separated by 156.6∘^{\circ} in longitude, is consistent with the dominance of expansion over translation observed near the Sun. The shock decayed and failed to reach STEREO A around the backward direction. Comparison between ENLIL MHD simulations and the multi-point in situ measurements indicates that the shock expansion near the Sun is crucial for determining the arrival or non-arrival and space weather impact at certain heliospheric locations. The large shock geometry and kinematics have to be taken into account and properly treated for accurate predictions of the arrival time and space weather impact of CMEs.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    A Solar Eruption with Relatively Strong Geo-effectiveness Originating from Active Region Peripheral Diffusive Polarities

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    We report the observations of a moderate but relatively intense geo-effective solar eruption on 2015 November 4 from the peripheral diffusive polarities of active region 12443. We use space-borne Solar Dynamics Observatory and ACE observations. EUV images identified helical pattern along a filament channel and we regard this channel as flux-rope structure. Flow velocity derived from tracked magnetograms infers converging motion along the polarity inversion line beneath the filament channel. An associated magnetic cancellation process was detected in the converging region. Further, the pre-eruptive EUV brightening was observed in the converging region, the most intense part of which appeared in the magnetic cancellation region. These observations imply that the converging and cancelling flux probably contributed to the formation of the helical magnetic fields associated with the flux rope. A filament-height estimation method suggests that the middle part of the filament probably lies at a low altitude and was consistent with the initial place of the eruption. A thick current channel associated with the flux rope is also determined. For a expanding thick current channel, the critical height of the decay index for torus instability lies in the range of 37 - 47 Mm. Southward magnetic fields in the sheath and the ejecta induced a geomagnetic storm with a Dst global minimum of ~-90 nT.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    A CME-driven shock analysis of the 14-Dec-2006 SEP event

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    Observations of the interplanetary shock provide us with strong evidence of particle acceleration to multi-MeV energies, even up to GeV energy, in a solar flare or coronal mass ejection (CME). Diffusive shock acceleration is an efficient mechanism for particle acceleration. For investigating the shock structure, the energy injection and energy spectrum of a CME-driven shock, we perform dynamical Monte Carlo simulation of the 14-Dec-2006 CME-driven shock using an anisotropic scattering law. The simulated results of the shock fine structure, particle injection, and energy spectrum are presented. We find that our simulation results give a good fit to the observations from multiple spacecraft.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, 1 tables. Accepted by RA
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