1 research outputs found

    Optic Disc Detection on Retina Image using Extreme Learning Machine

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    Optic disk detection on retina image has become one of many initial steps in evaluation of Diabetic Macular Edema (DME) severity.  As much as early the step is, the result of the step is extremely essential. This article discusses the optic disk detection on retina image based on the color histogram value. The detection is done by using color histogram value which is taken from window sliding process with the size of 50x50 pixels. First, the candidates of optic disc were detected using Extreme Learning Machine towards the histogram value. Then the optic disc was selected form the candidates of optic which has highest average intensity. 4 retina image datasets were employed in the evaluation, including Drions dataset, DRIVE dataset, DiaretDB1 dataset, and Messidor dataset. The result of evaluation then validated by medical expert. The model outcome reaches the accuracy as much as 85,39 % for DiaretDB1 dataset, 95% for DRIVE dataset, 98,18% for Drions and 99% for Messidor dataset