542 research outputs found

    Human Detection and Tracking for Video Surveillance A Cognitive Science Approach

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    With crimes on the rise all around the world, video surveillance is becoming more important day by day. Due to the lack of human resources to monitor this increasing number of cameras manually new computer vision algorithms to perform lower and higher level tasks are being developed. We have developed a new method incorporating the most acclaimed Histograms of Oriented Gradients the theory of Visual Saliency and the saliency prediction model Deep Multi Level Network to detect human beings in video sequences. Furthermore we implemented the k Means algorithm to cluster the HOG feature vectors of the positively detected windows and determined the path followed by a person in the video. We achieved a detection precision of 83.11% and a recall of 41.27%. We obtained these results 76.866 times faster than classification on normal images.Comment: ICCV 2017 Venice, Italy Pages 5 Figures

    CIAGAN: Conditional Identity Anonymization Generative Adversarial Networks

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    The unprecedented increase in the usage of computer vision technology in society goes hand in hand with an increased concern in data privacy. In many real-world scenarios like people tracking or action recognition, it is important to be able to process the data while taking careful consideration in protecting people's identity. We propose and develop CIAGAN, a model for image and video anonymization based on conditional generative adversarial networks. Our model is able to remove the identifying characteristics of faces and bodies while producing high-quality images and videos that can be used for any computer vision task, such as detection or tracking. Unlike previous methods, we have full control over the de-identification (anonymization) procedure, ensuring both anonymization as well as diversity. We compare our method to several baselines and achieve state-of-the-art results.Comment: CVPR 202
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