72 research outputs found

    Probabilistic Modelling of Signal Mixtures with Differentiable Dictionaries

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    We introduce a novel way to incorporate prior information into (semi-) supervised non-negative matrix factorization, which we call differentiable dictionary search. It enables general, highly flexible and principled modelling of mixtures where non-linear sources are linearly mixed. We study its behavior on an audio decomposition task, and conduct an extensive, highly controlled study of its modelling capabilities.Comment: Published in the Proceedings of the 29th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2021), Dublin, Ireland, August 23-27, 2021 (IEEE), 441-44

    ZeroPrompt: Streaming Acoustic Encoders are Zero-Shot Masked LMs

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    In this paper, we present ZeroPrompt (Figure 1-(a)) and the corresponding Prompt-and-Refine strategy (Figure 3), two simple but effective \textbf{training-free} methods to decrease the Token Display Time (TDT) of streaming ASR models \textbf{without any accuracy loss}. The core idea of ZeroPrompt is to append zeroed content to each chunk during inference, which acts like a prompt to encourage the model to predict future tokens even before they were spoken. We argue that streaming acoustic encoders naturally have the modeling ability of Masked Language Models and our experiments demonstrate that ZeroPrompt is engineering cheap and can be applied to streaming acoustic encoders on any dataset without any accuracy loss. Specifically, compared with our baseline models, we achieve 350 ∼\sim 700ms reduction on First Token Display Time (TDT-F) and 100 ∼\sim 400ms reduction on Last Token Display Time (TDT-L), with theoretically and experimentally equal WER on both Aishell-1 and Librispeech datasets.Comment: accepted by interspeech 202

    RawNet: Fast End-to-End Neural Vocoder

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    Neural networks based vocoders have recently demonstrated the powerful ability to synthesize high quality speech. These models usually generate samples by conditioning on some spectrum features, such as Mel-spectrum. However, these features are extracted by using speech analysis module including some processing based on the human knowledge. In this work, we proposed RawNet, a truly end-to-end neural vocoder, which use a coder network to learn the higher representation of signal, and an autoregressive voder network to generate speech sample by sample. The coder and voder together act like an auto-encoder network, and could be jointly trained directly on raw waveform without any human-designed features. The experiments on the Copy-Synthesis tasks show that RawNet can achieve the comparative synthesized speech quality with LPCNet, with a smaller model architecture and faster speech generation at the inference step.Comment: Submitted to Interspeech 2019, Graz, Austri

    Differentiable Dictionary Search: Integrating Linear Mixing with Deep Non-Linear Modelling for Audio Source Separation

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    This paper describes several improvements to a new method for signal decomposition that we recently formulated under the name of Differentiable Dictionary Search (DDS). The fundamental idea of DDS is to exploit a class of powerful deep invertible density estimators called normalizing flows, to model the dictionary in a linear decomposition method such as NMF, effectively creating a bijection between the space of dictionary elements and the associated probability space, allowing a differentiable search through the dictionary space, guided by the estimated densities. As the initial formulation was a proof of concept with some practical limitations, we will present several steps towards making it scalable, hoping to improve both the computational complexity of the method and its signal decomposition capabilities. As a testbed for experimental evaluation, we choose the task of frame-level piano transcription, where the signal is to be decomposed into sources whose activity is attributed to individual piano notes. To highlight the impact of improved non-linear modelling of sources, we compare variants of our method to a linear overcomplete NMF baseline. Experimental results will show that even in the absence of additional constraints, our models produce increasingly sparse and precise decompositions, according to two pertinent evaluation measures.Comment: Published in the Proceedings of the 24th International Congress on Acoustics (ICA 2022), Gyeongju, Korea, October 24-28, 202
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