5 research outputs found

    Novel Features for Brain-Computer Interfaces

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    While conventional approaches of BCI feature extraction are based on the power spectrum, we have tried using nonlinear features for classifying BCI data. In this paper, we report our test results and findings, which indicate that the proposed method is a potentially useful addition to current feature extraction techniques

    Profiling BCI users based on contralateral activity to improve kinesthetic motor imagery detection

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    International audienceKinesthetic motor imagery (KMI) tasks induce brain oscillations over specific regions of the primary motor cortex within the contralateral hemisphere of the body part involved in the process. This activity can be measured through the analysis of electroencephalographic (EEG) recordings and is particularly interesting for Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) applications. The most common approach for classification consists of analyzing the signal during the course of the motor task within a frequency range including the alpha band, which attempts to detect the Event-Related Desynchronization (ERD) characteristics of the physiological phenomenon. However, to discriminate right-hand KMI and left-hand KMI, this scheme can lead to poor results on subjects for which the lateralization is not significant enough. To solve this problem, we propose that the signal be analyzed at the end of the motor imagery within a higher frequency range, which contains the Event-Related Synchronization (ERS). This study found that 6 out of 15 subjects have a higher classification rate after the KMI than during the KMI, due to a higher lateralization during this period. Thus, for this population we can obtain a significant improvement of 13% in classification taking into account the users lateralization profile

    Channel Selection and Feature Projection for Cognitive Load Estimation Using Ambulatory EEG

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    We present an ambulatory cognitive state classification system to assess the subject's mental load based on EEG measurements. The ambulatory cognitive state estimator is utilized in the context of a real-time augmented cognition (AugCog) system that aims to enhance the cognitive performance of a human user through computer-mediated assistance based on assessments of cognitive states using physiological signals including, but not limited to, EEG. This paper focuses particularly on the offline channel selection and feature projection phases of the design and aims to present mutual-information-based techniques that use a simple sample estimator for this quantity. Analyses conducted on data collected from 3 subjects performing 2 tasks (n-back/Larson) at 2 difficulty levels (low/high) demonstrate that the proposed mutual-information-based dimensionality reduction scheme can achieve up to 94% cognitive load estimation accuracy

    A review of techniques for detection of movement intention using movement-related cortical potentials

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    The movement-related cortical potential (MRCP) is a low-frequency negative shift in the electroencephalography (EEG) recording that takes place about 2 seconds prior to voluntary movement production. MRCP replicates the cortical processes employed in planning and preparation of movement. In this study, we recapitulate the features such as signal’s acquisition, processing, and enhancement and different electrode montages used for EEG data recoding from different studies that used MRCPs to predict the upcoming real or imaginary movement. An authentic identification of human movement intention, accompanying the knowledge of the limb engaged in the performance and its direction of movement, has a potential implication in the control of external devices. This information could be helpful in development of a proficient patient-driven rehabilitation tool based on brain-computer interfaces (BCIs). Such a BCI paradigm with shorter response time appears more natural to the amputees and can also induce plasticity in brain. Along with different training schedules, this can lead to restoration of motor control in stroke patients

    Enhancing brain-computer interfacing through advanced independent component analysis techniques

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    A Brain-computer interface (BCI) is a direct communication system between a brain and an external device in which messages or commands sent by an individual do not pass through the brain’s normal output pathways but is detected through brain signals. Some severe motor impairments, such as Amyothrophic Lateral Sclerosis, head trauma, spinal injuries and other diseases may cause the patients to lose their muscle control and become unable to communicate with the outside environment. Currently no effective cure or treatment has yet been found for these diseases. Therefore using a BCI system to rebuild the communication pathway becomes a possible alternative solution. Among different types of BCIs, an electroencephalogram (EEG) based BCI is becoming a popular system due to EEG’s fine temporal resolution, ease of use, portability and low set-up cost. However EEG’s susceptibility to noise is a major issue to develop a robust BCI. Signal processing techniques such as coherent averaging, filtering, FFT and AR modelling, etc. are used to reduce the noise and extract components of interest. However these methods process the data on the observed mixture domain which mixes components of interest and noise. Such a limitation means that extracted EEG signals possibly still contain the noise residue or coarsely that the removed noise also contains part of EEG signals embedded. Independent Component Analysis (ICA), a Blind Source Separation (BSS) technique, is able to extract relevant information within noisy signals and separate the fundamental sources into the independent components (ICs). The most common assumption of ICA method is that the source signals are unknown and statistically independent. Through this assumption, ICA is able to recover the source signals. Since the ICA concepts appeared in the fields of neural networks and signal processing in the 1980s, many ICA applications in telecommunications, biomedical data analysis, feature extraction, speech separation, time-series analysis and data mining have been reported in the literature. In this thesis several ICA techniques are proposed to optimize two major issues for BCI applications: reducing the recording time needed in order to speed up the signal processing and reducing the number of recording channels whilst improving the final classification performance or at least with it remaining the same as the current performance. These will make BCI a more practical prospect for everyday use. This thesis first defines BCI and the diverse BCI models based on different control patterns. After the general idea of ICA is introduced along with some modifications to ICA, several new ICA approaches are proposed. The practical work in this thesis starts with the preliminary analyses on the Southampton BCI pilot datasets starting with basic and then advanced signal processing techniques. The proposed ICA techniques are then presented using a multi-channel event related potential (ERP) based BCI. Next, the ICA algorithm is applied to a multi-channel spontaneous activity based BCI. The final ICA approach aims to examine the possibility of using ICA based on just one or a few channel recordings on an ERP based BCI. The novel ICA approaches for BCI systems presented in this thesis show that ICA is able to accurately and repeatedly extract the relevant information buried within noisy signals and the signal quality is enhanced so that even a simple classifier can achieve good classification accuracy. In the ERP based BCI application, after multichannel ICA the data just applied to eight averages/epochs can achieve 83.9% classification accuracy whilst the data by coherent averaging can reach only 32.3% accuracy. In the spontaneous activity based BCI, the use of the multi-channel ICA algorithm can effectively extract discriminatory information from two types of singletrial EEG data. The classification accuracy is improved by about 25%, on average, compared to the performance on the unpreprocessed data. The single channel ICA technique on the ERP based BCI produces much better results than results using the lowpass filter. Whereas the appropriate number of averages improves the signal to noise rate of P300 activities which helps to achieve a better classification. These advantages will lead to a reliable and practical BCI for use outside of the clinical laboratory