239 research outputs found

    Enterprise storage report for the 1990's

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    Data processing has become an increasingly vital function, if not the most vital function, in most businesses today. No longer only a mainframe domain, the data processing enterprise also includes the midrange and workstation platforms, either local or remote. This expanded view of the enterprise has encouraged more and more businesses to take a strategic, long-range view of information management rather than the short-term tactical approaches of the past. Some of the significant aspects of data storage in the enterprise for the 1990's are highlighted

    On the interaction of mesoscopic quantum systems with gravity

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    We review the different aspects of the interaction of mesoscopic quantum systems with gravitational fields. We first discuss briefly the foundations of general relativity and quantum mechanics. Then, we consider the non-relativistic expansions of the Klein-Gordon and Dirac equations in the post-Newtonian approximation. After a short overview of classical gravitational waves, we discuss two proposed interaction mechanisms: (i) the use of quantum fluids as generator and/or detector of gravitational waves in the laboratory, and (ii) the inclusion of gravitomagnetic fields in the study of the properties of rotating superconductors. The foundations of the proposed experiments are explained and evaluated.Comment: 27 pages, study for ESA: typos corrected, references and clarifications added. To appear in Annalen der Physi

    Proceedings of the NSSDC Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies for Space and Earth Science Applications

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    The proceedings of the National Space Science Data Center Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies for Space and Earth Science Applications held July 23 through 25, 1991 at the NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center are presented. The program includes a keynote address, invited technical papers, and selected technical presentations to provide a broad forum for the discussion of a number of important issues in the field of mass storage systems. Topics include magnetic disk and tape technologies, optical disk and tape, software storage and file management systems, and experiences with the use of a large, distributed storage system. The technical presentations describe integrated mass storage systems that are expected to be available commercially. Also included is a series of presentations from Federal Government organizations and research institutions covering their mass storage requirements for the 1990's

    The Evolution of Biocompatibility: From Microinflammation to Microvesiscles

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    The outlook of more biocompatible and physiological dialysis is today confronted with a older and sicker population in need of maintenance hemodialysis. The knowledge of biological mechanisms operating at the system level will be approached with the help of improved technologies hopefully able to reduce the deleterious effect of the repetitive contact with a foreign surface and to insure optimal performances for the elimination of small and middle molecule solutes. Advances in dialyzer membranes and geometries, as well as blood tubings The Evolution of Biocompatibility: From Microinflammation to Microvesiscles 107 together with new concepts in machine technology have already shown their great potential to improve survival and cardiovascular stability

    Database machines in support of very large databases

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    Software database management systems were developed in response to the needs of early data processing applications. Database machine research developed as a result of certain performance deficiencies of these software systems. This thesis discusses the history of database machines designed to improve the performance of database processing and focuses primarily on the Teradata DBC/1012, the only successfully marketed database machine that supports very large databases today. Also reviewed is the response of IBM to the performance needs of its database customers; this response has been in terms of improvements in both software and hardware support for database processing. In conclusion, an analysis is made of the future of database machines, in particular the DBC/1012, in light of recent IBM enhancements and its immense customer base

    NSSDC Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies for Space and Earth Science Applications, volume 1

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    Papers and viewgraphs from the conference are presented. This conference served as a broad forum for the discussion of a number of important issues in the field of mass storage systems. Topics include magnetic disk and tape technologies, optical disks and tape, software storage and file management systems, and experiences with the use of a large, distributed storage system. The technical presentations describe, among other things, integrated mass storage systems that are expected to be available commercially. Also included is a series of presentations from Federal Government organizations and research institutions covering their mass storage requirements for the 1990's

    Progress in Hemodialysis

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    Hemodialysis (HD) represents the first successful long-term substitutive therapy with an artificial organ for severe failure of a vital organ. Because HD was started many decades ago, a book on HD may not appear to be up-to-date. Indeed, HD covers many basic and clinical aspects and this book reflects the rapid expansion of new and controversial aspects either in the biotechnological or in the clinical field. This book revises new technologies and therapeutic options to improve dialysis treatment of uremic patients. This book consists of three parts: modeling, methods and technique, prognosis and complications

    Manned Operations of a Large Pointing System

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    This article addresses the role of man in operating on orbit a large pointing system such as the IPS currently under development in Europe. After a brief introduction and project overview, the main areas for manned interaction are described followed by an illustration of the key operational features of the IPS and the crew involvement in each of these functions. The paper highlights the man-machine interfaces and concludes with an example description of a typical IPS operation

    The molecular and behavioral function of SLC6A15, a novel candidate gene for depression

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    pengaruh Corporate Social Responsibility, Intellectual Capital, dan Gender Diversity Eksekutif Terhadap Firm Value pada Perusahaan Sektor Aneka Industri yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2015-2018.

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Corporate Social Responsibility, Intellectual Capital, dan Gender Diversity Eksekutif Terhadap Firm Value pada Perusahaan Sektor Aneka Industri yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2015-2018. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif. Data yang digunakan penelitian ini adalah data sekunder. Populasi sebanyak 45 perusahaan, dengan teknik pengambilan sampel metode purposive sampling. Dari metode tersebut diperoleh sampel sejumlah 12 perusahaan x 4 tahun = 48 data laporan keuangan. Analisis yang digunakan metode analisis regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa corporate social responsibility secara parsial berpengaruh terhadap firm value dengan nilai signifikansi sebesar 0,0010,05, dan gender diversity eksekutif secara parsial berpengaruh terhadap firm value dengan nilai signifikansi sebesar 0,000<0,05. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa apabila perusahaan memperhatikan Corporate Social Responsibility, gender diversity eksekutif akan memberikan nilai tambah pada firm value, sehingga para calon investor tertarik untuk menanamkan modalnya pada perusahaan. Kata kunci : Corporate Social Responsibility, Intellectual Capital, Gender Diversity Eksekutif, Firm Valu