228 research outputs found

    Distributed Hypothesis Testing with Privacy Constraints

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    We revisit the distributed hypothesis testing (or hypothesis testing with communication constraints) problem from the viewpoint of privacy. Instead of observing the raw data directly, the transmitter observes a sanitized or randomized version of it. We impose an upper bound on the mutual information between the raw and randomized data. Under this scenario, the receiver, which is also provided with side information, is required to make a decision on whether the null or alternative hypothesis is in effect. We first provide a general lower bound on the type-II exponent for an arbitrary pair of hypotheses. Next, we show that if the distribution under the alternative hypothesis is the product of the marginals of the distribution under the null (i.e., testing against independence), then the exponent is known exactly. Moreover, we show that the strong converse property holds. Using ideas from Euclidean information theory, we also provide an approximate expression for the exponent when the communication rate is low and the privacy level is high. Finally, we illustrate our results with a binary and a Gaussian example

    Mean Estimation from Adaptive One-bit Measurements

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    We consider the problem of estimating the mean of a normal distribution under the following constraint: the estimator can access only a single bit from each sample from this distribution. We study the squared error risk in this estimation as a function of the number of samples and one-bit measurements nn. We consider an adaptive estimation setting where the single-bit sent at step nn is a function of both the new sample and the previous n1n-1 acquired bits. For this setting, we show that no estimator can attain asymptotic mean squared error smaller than π/(2n)+O(n2)\pi/(2n)+O(n^{-2}) times the variance. In other words, one-bit restriction increases the number of samples required for a prescribed accuracy of estimation by a factor of at least π/2\pi/2 compared to the unrestricted case. In addition, we provide an explicit estimator that attains this asymptotic error, showing that, rather surprisingly, only π/2\pi/2 times more samples are required in order to attain estimation performance equivalent to the unrestricted case

    Distributed Binary Detection with Lossy Data Compression

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    Consider the problem where a statistician in a two-node system receives rate-limited information from a transmitter about marginal observations of a memoryless process generated from two possible distributions. Using its own observations, this receiver is required to first identify the legitimacy of its sender by declaring the joint distribution of the process, and then depending on such authentication it generates the adequate reconstruction of the observations satisfying an average per-letter distortion. The performance of this setup is investigated through the corresponding rate-error-distortion region describing the trade-off between: the communication rate, the error exponent induced by the detection and the distortion incurred by the source reconstruction. In the special case of testing against independence, where the alternative hypothesis implies that the sources are independent, the optimal rate-error-distortion region is characterized. An application example to binary symmetric sources is given subsequently and the explicit expression for the rate-error-distortion region is provided as well. The case of "general hypotheses" is also investigated. A new achievable rate-error-distortion region is derived based on the use of non-asymptotic binning, improving the quality of communicated descriptions. Further improvement of performance in the general case is shown to be possible when the requirement of source reconstruction is relaxed, which stands in contrast to the case of general hypotheses.Comment: to appear on IEEE Trans. Information Theor

    On the Reliability Function of Distributed Hypothesis Testing Under Optimal Detection

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    The distributed hypothesis testing problem with full side-information is studied. The trade-off (reliability function) between the two types of error exponents under limited rate is studied in the following way. First, the problem is reduced to the problem of determining the reliability function of channel codes designed for detection (in analogy to a similar result which connects the reliability function of distributed lossless compression and ordinary channel codes). Second, a single-letter random-coding bound based on a hierarchical ensemble, as well as a single-letter expurgated bound, are derived for the reliability of channel-detection codes. Both bounds are derived for a system which employs the optimal detection rule. We conjecture that the resulting random-coding bound is ensemble-tight, and consequently optimal within the class of quantization-and-binning schemes

    Justification of Logarithmic Loss via the Benefit of Side Information

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    We consider a natural measure of relevance: the reduction in optimal prediction risk in the presence of side information. For any given loss function, this relevance measure captures the benefit of side information for performing inference on a random variable under this loss function. When such a measure satisfies a natural data processing property, and the random variable of interest has alphabet size greater than two, we show that it is uniquely characterized by the mutual information, and the corresponding loss function coincides with logarithmic loss. In doing so, our work provides a new characterization of mutual information, and justifies its use as a measure of relevance. When the alphabet is binary, we characterize the only admissible forms the measure of relevance can assume while obeying the specified data processing property. Our results naturally extend to measuring causal influence between stochastic processes, where we unify different causal-inference measures in the literature as instantiations of directed information