17 research outputs found

    Formal Concept Lattice Representations and Algorithms for Hypergraphs

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    There is increasing focus on analyzing data represented as hypergraphs, which are better able to express complex relationships amongst entities than are graphs. Much of the critical information about hypergraph structure is available only in the intersection relationships of the hyperedges, and so forming the "intersection complex" of a hypergraph is quite valuable. This identifies a valuable isomorphism between the intersection complex and the "concept lattice" formed from taking the hypergraph's incidence matrix as a "formal context": hypergraphs also generalize graphs in that their incidence matrices are arbitrary Boolean matrices. This isomorphism allows connecting discrete algorithms for lattices and hypergraphs, in particular s-walks or s-paths on hypergraphs can be mapped to order theoretical operations on the concept lattice. We give new algorithms for formal concept lattices and hypergraph s-walks on concept lattices. We apply this to a large real-world dataset and find deep lattices implying high interconnectivity and complex geometry of hyperedges

    Hypergraph Topological Features for Autoencoder-Based Intrusion Detection for Cybersecurity Data

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    In this position paper, we argue that when hypergraphs are used to capture multi-way local relations of data, their resulting topological features describe global behaviour. Consequently, these features capture complex correlations that can then serve as high fidelity inputs to autoencoder-driven anomaly detection pipelines. We propose two such potential pipelines for cybersecurity data, one that uses an autoencoder directly to determine network intrusions, and one that de-noises input data for a persistent homology system, PHANTOM. We provide heuristic justification for the use of the methods described therein for an intrusion detection pipeline for cyber data. We conclude by showing a small example over synthetic cyber attack data

    Size-Aware Hypergraph Motifs

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    Complex systems frequently exhibit multi-way, rather than pairwise, interactions. These group interactions cannot be faithfully modeled as collections of pairwise interactions using graphs, and instead require hypergraphs. However, methods that analyze hypergraphs directly, rather than via lossy graph reductions, remain limited. Hypergraph motif mining holds promise in this regard, as motif patterns serve as building blocks for larger group interactions which are inexpressible by graphs. Recent work has focused on categorizing and counting hypergraph motifs based on the existence of nodes in hyperedge intersection regions. Here, we argue that the relative sizes of hyperedge intersections within motifs contain varied and valuable information. We propose a suite of efficient algorithms for finding triplets of hyperedges based on optimizing the sizes of these intersection patterns. This formulation uncovers interesting local patterns of interaction, finding hyperedge triplets that either (1) are the least correlated with each other, (2) have the highest pairwise but not groupwise correlation, or (3) are the most correlated with each other. We formalize this as a combinatorial optimization problem and design efficient algorithms based on filtering hyperedges. Our experimental evaluation shows that the resulting hyperedge triplets yield insightful information on real-world hypergraphs. Our approach is also orders of magnitude faster than a naive baseline implementation

    Attributed Stream Hypergraphs: temporal modeling of node-attributed high-order interactions

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    Recent advances in network science have resulted in two distinct research directions aimed at augmenting and enhancing representations for complex networks. The first direction, that of high-order modeling, aims to focus on connectivity between sets of nodes rather than pairs, whereas the second one, that of feature-rich augmentation, incorporates into a network all those elements that are driven by information which is external to the structure, like node properties or the flow of time. This paper proposes a novel toolbox, that of Attributed Stream Hypergraphs (ASHs), unifying both high-order and feature-rich elements for representing, mining, and analyzing complex networks. Applied to social network analysis, ASHs can characterize complex social phenomena along topological, dynamic and attributive elements. Experiments on real-world face-to-face and online social media interactions highlight that ASHs can easily allow for the analyses, among others, of high-order groups' homophily, nodes' homophily with respect to the hyperedges in which nodes participate, and time-respecting paths between hyperedges.Comment: Submitted to "Applied Network Science

    Stepping out of Flatland: Discovering Behavior Patterns as Topological Structures in Cyber Hypergraphs

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    Data breaches and ransomware attacks occur so often that they have become part of our daily news cycle. This is due to a myriad of factors, including the increasing number of internet-of-things devices, shift to remote work during the pandemic, and advancement in adversarial techniques, which all contribute to the increase in both the complexity of data captured and the challenge of protecting our networks. At the same time, cyber research has made strides, leveraging advances in machine learning and natural language processing to focus on identifying sophisticated attacks that are known to evade conventional measures. While successful, the shortcomings of these methods, particularly the lack of interpretability, are inherent and difficult to overcome. Consequently, there is an ever-increasing need to develop new tools for analyzing cyber data to enable more effective attack detection. In this paper, we present a novel framework based in the theory of hypergraphs and topology to understand data from cyber networks through topological signatures, which are both flexible and can be traced back to the log data. While our approach's mathematical grounding requires some technical development, this pays off in interpretability, which we will demonstrate with concrete examples in a large-scale cyber network dataset. These examples are an introduction to the broader possibilities that lie ahead; our goal is to demonstrate the value of applying methods from the burgeoning fields of hypernetwork science and applied topology to understand relationships among behaviors in cyber data.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures. This paper is written for a general audienc

    A Hypergraph-Based Machine Learning Ensemble Network Intrusion Detection System

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    Network intrusion detection systems (NIDS) to detect malicious attacks continues to meet challenges. NIDS are vulnerable to auto-generated port scan infiltration attempts and NIDS are often developed offline, resulting in a time lag to prevent the spread of infiltration to other parts of a network. To address these challenges, we use hypergraphs to capture evolving patterns of port scan attacks via the set of internet protocol addresses and destination ports, thereby deriving a set of hypergraph-based metrics to train a robust and resilient ensemble machine learning (ML) NIDS that effectively monitors and detects port scanning activities and adversarial intrusions while evolving intelligently in real-time. Through the combination of (1) intrusion examples, (2) NIDS update rules, (3) attack threshold choices to trigger NIDS retraining requests, and (4) production environment with no prior knowledge of the nature of network traffic 40 scenarios were auto-generated to evaluate the ML ensemble NIDS comprising three tree-based models. Results show that under the model settings of an Update-ALL-NIDS rule (namely, retrain and update all the three models upon the same NIDS retraining request) the proposed ML ensemble NIDS produced the best results with nearly 100% detection performance throughout the simulation, exhibiting robustness in the complex dynamics of the simulated cyber-security scenario.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    The magnitude homology of a hypergraph

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    The magnitude homology, introduced by R. Hepworth and S. Willerton, offers a topological invariant that enables the study of graph properties. Hypergraphs, being a generalization of graphs, serve as popular mathematical models for data with higher-order structures. In this paper, we focus on describing the topological characteristics of hypergraphs by considering their magnitude homology. We begin by examining the distances between hyperedges in a hypergraph and establish the magnitude homology of hypergraphs. Additionally, we explore the relationship between the magnitude and the magnitude homology of hypergraphs. Furthermore, we derive several functorial properties of the magnitude homology for hypergraphs. Lastly, we present the K\"{u}nneth theorem for the simple magnitude homology of hypergraphs

    Hypergraph models of biological networks to identify genes critical to pathogenic viral response

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    BACKGROUND: Representing biological networks as graphs is a powerful approach to reveal underlying patterns, signatures, and critical components from high-throughput biomolecular data. However, graphs do not natively capture the multi-way relationships present among genes and proteins in biological systems. Hypergraphs are generalizations of graphs that naturally model multi-way relationships and have shown promise in modeling systems such as protein complexes and metabolic reactions. In this paper we seek to understand how hypergraphs can more faithfully identify, and potentially predict, important genes based on complex relationships inferred from genomic expression data sets. RESULTS: We compiled a novel data set of transcriptional host response to pathogenic viral infections and formulated relationships between genes as a hypergraph where hyperedges represent significantly perturbed genes, and vertices represent individual biological samples with specific experimental conditions. We find that hypergraph betweenness centrality is a superior method for identification of genes important to viral response when compared with graph centrality. CONCLUSIONS: Our results demonstrate the utility of using hypergraphs to represent complex biological systems and highlight central important responses in common to a variety of highly pathogenic viruses