43 research outputs found

    The maximal length of a gap between r-graph Tur\'an densities

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    The Tur\'an density Ο€(F)\pi(\cal F) of a family F\cal F of rr-graphs is the limit as nβ†’βˆžn\to\infty of the maximum edge density of an F\cal F-free rr-graph on nn vertices. Erdos [Israel J. Math 2 (1964) 183--190] proved that no Tur\'an density can lie in the open interval (0,r!/rr)(0,r!/r^r). Here we show that any other open subinterval of [0,1][0,1] avoiding Tur\'an densities has strictly smaller length. In particular, this implies a conjecture of Grosu [E-print arXiv:1403.4653v1, 2014].Comment: 7 page

    Hypergraphs do jump

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    We say that α∈[0,1)\alpha\in [0,1) is a jump for an integer rβ‰₯2r\geq 2 if there exists c(Ξ±)>0c(\alpha)>0 such that for all Ο΅>0\epsilon >0 and all tβ‰₯1t\geq 1 any rr-graph with nβ‰₯n0(Ξ±,Ο΅,t)n\geq n_0(\alpha,\epsilon,t) vertices and density at least Ξ±+Ο΅\alpha+\epsilon contains a subgraph on tt vertices of density at least Ξ±+c\alpha+c. The Erd\H os--Stone--Simonovits theorem implies that for r=2r=2 every α∈[0,1)\alpha\in [0,1) is a jump. Erd\H os showed that for all rβ‰₯3r\geq 3, every α∈[0,r!/rr)\alpha\in [0,r!/r^r) is a jump. Moreover he made his famous "jumping constant conjecture" that for all rβ‰₯3r\geq 3, every α∈[0,1)\alpha \in [0,1) is a jump. Frankl and R\"odl disproved this conjecture by giving a sequence of values of non-jumps for all rβ‰₯3r\geq 3. We use Razborov's flag algebra method to show that jumps exist for r=3r=3 in the interval [2/9,1)[2/9,1). These are the first examples of jumps for any rβ‰₯3r\geq 3 in the interval [r!/rr,1)[r!/r^r,1). To be precise we show that for r=3r=3 every α∈[0.2299,0.2316)\alpha \in [0.2299,0.2316) is a jump. We also give an improved upper bound for the Tur\'an density of K4βˆ’={123,124,134}K_4^-=\{123,124,134\}: Ο€(K4βˆ’)≀0.2871\pi(K_4^-)\leq 0.2871. This in turn implies that for r=3r=3 every α∈[0.2871,8/27)\alpha \in [0.2871,8/27) is a jump.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure, 42 page appendix of C++ code. Revised version including new Corollary 2.3 thanks to an observation of Dhruv Mubay

    On hypergraph Lagrangians

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    It is conjectured by Frankl and F\"uredi that the rr-uniform hypergraph with mm edges formed by taking the first mm sets in the colex ordering of N(r){\mathbb N}^{(r)} has the largest Lagrangian of all rr-uniform hypergraphs with mm edges in \cite{FF}. Motzkin and Straus' theorem confirms this conjecture when r=2r=2. For r=3r=3, it is shown by Talbot in \cite{T} that this conjecture is true when mm is in certain ranges. In this paper, we explore the connection between the clique number and Lagrangians for rr-uniform hypergraphs. As an implication of this connection, we prove that the rr-uniform hypergraph with mm edges formed by taking the first mm sets in the colex ordering of N(r){\mathbb N}^{(r)} has the largest Lagrangian of all rr-uniform graphs with tt vertices and mm edges satisfying (tβˆ’1r)≀m≀(tβˆ’1r)+(tβˆ’2rβˆ’1)βˆ’[(2rβˆ’6)Γ—2rβˆ’1+2rβˆ’3+(rβˆ’4)(2rβˆ’7)βˆ’1]((tβˆ’2rβˆ’2)βˆ’1){t-1\choose r}\leq m \leq {t-1\choose r}+ {t-2\choose r-1}-[(2r-6)\times2^{r-1}+2^{r-3}+(r-4)(2r-7)-1]({t-2\choose r-2}-1) for rβ‰₯4.r\geq 4.Comment: 10 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1312.7529, arXiv:1211.7057, arXiv:1211.6508, arXiv:1311.140

    Lagrangians of Hypergraphs

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