3 research outputs found

    Construction of initial solution population for curriculum-based course timetabling using combination of graph heuristics

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    The construction of population of initial solution is a crucial task in population-based metaheuristic approach for solving curriculum-based university course timetabling problem because it can affect the convergence speed and also the quality of the final solution.This paper presents an exploration on combination of graph heuristics in construction approach in curriculum based course timetabling problem to produce a population of initial solutions.The graph heuristics were set as single and combination of two heuristics.In addition, several ways of assigning courses into room and timeslot are implemented.All settings of heuristics are then tested on the same curriculum based course timetabling problem instances and are compared with each other in terms of number of population produced.The result shows that combination of largest degree followed by saturation degree heuristic produce the highest number of population of initial solutions.The results from this study can be used in the improvement phase of algorithm that uses population of initial solution

    Construction of Initial Solution Population for Curriculum-Based Course Timetabling using Combination of Graph Heuristics

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    The construction of population of initial solution is a crucial task in population-based metaheuristic approach for solving curriculum-based university course timetabling problem because it can affect the convergence speed and also the quality of the final solution. This paper presents an exploration on combination of graph heuristics in construction approach in curriculum based course timetabling problem to produce a population of initial solutions. The graph heuristics were set as single and combination of two heuristics. In addition, several ways of assigning courses into room and timeslot are implemented. All settings of heuristics are then tested on the same curriculum based course timetabling problem instances and are compared with each other in terms of number of population produced. The result shows that combination of largest degree followed by saturation degree heuristic produce the highest number of population of initial solutions. The results from this study can be used in the improvement phase of algorithm that uses population of initial solution

    A modified migrating bird optimization for university course timetabling problem

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    University course timetabling problem is a dilemma which educational institutions are facing due to various demands to be achieved in limited resources. Migrating bird optimization (MBO) algorithm is a new meta-heuristic algorithm which is inspired by flying formation of migrating birds. It has been applied successfully in tackling quadratic assignment problem and credit cards fraud detection problem. However, it was reported that MBO will get stuck in local optima easily. Therefore, a modified migrating bird optimization algorithm is proposed to solve post enrolment-based course timetabling. An improved neighbourhood sharing mechanism is used with the aim of escaping from local optima. Besides that, iterated local search is selected to be hybridized with the migrating bird optimization in order to further enhance its exploitation ability. The proposed method was tested using Socha’s benchmark datasets. The experimental results show that the proposed method outperformed the basic MBO and it is capable of producing comparable results as compared with existing methods that have been presented in literature. Indeed, the proposed method is capable of addressing university course timetabling problem and promising results were obtained