1 research outputs found

    Hybrid NN/HMM Acoustic Modeling Techniques for Distributed Speech Recognition

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    Distributed speech recognition (DSR) where the recognizer is split up into two parts and connected via a transmission channel offers new perspectives for improving the speech recognition performance in mobile environments. In this work, we present the integration of hybrid acoustic models using tied posteriors in a distributed environment. A comparison with standard Gaussian models is performed on the AURORA2 task and the WSJ0 task. Word-based HMMs and phoneme-based HMMs are trained for distributed and non-distributed recognition using either MFCC or RASTA-PLP features. The results show that hybrid modeling techniques can outperform standard continuous systems on this task. Especially the tied-posteriors approach is shown to be usable for DSR in a very flexible way since the client can be modified without a change at the server site and vice versa