12 research outputs found

    Capturing Dialogue State Variable Dependencies with an Energy-based Neural Dialogue State Tracker

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    Dialogue state tracking requires the population and maintenance of a multi-slot frame representation of the dialogue state. Frequently, dialogue state tracking systems assume independence between slot values within a frame. In this paper we argue that treating the prediction of each slot value as an independent prediction task may ignore important associations between the slot values, and, consequently, we argue that treating dialogue state tracking as a structured prediction problem can help to improve dialogue state tracking performance. To support this argument, the research presented in this paper is structured into three stages: (i) analyzing variable dependencies in dialogue data; (ii) applying an energy-based methodology to model dialogue state tracking as a structured prediction task; and (iii) evaluating the impact of inter-slot relationships on model performance. Overall, we demonstrate that modelling the associations between target slots with an energy-based formalism improves dialogue state tracking performance in a number of ways

    Energy-Based Modelling for Dialogue State Tracking

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    The uncertainties of language and the complexity of dialogue contexts make accurate dialogue state tracking one of the more challenging aspects of dialogue processing. To improve state tracking quality, we argue that relationships between different aspects of dialogue state must be taken into account as they can often guide a more accurate interpretation process. To this end, we present an energy-based approach to dialogue state tracking as a structured classification task. The novelty of our approach lies in the use of an energy network on top of a deep learning architecture to explore more signal correlations between network variables including input features and output labels. We demonstrate that the energy-based approach improves the performance of a deep learning dialogue state tracker towards state-of-the-art results without the need for many of the other steps required by current state-of-the-art methods

    Fully statistical neural belief tracking

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    This paper proposes an improvement to the existing data-driven Neural Belief Tracking (NBT) framework for Dialogue State Tracking (DST). The existing NBT model uses a hand-crafted belief state update mechanism which involves an expensive manual retuning step whenever the model is deployed to a new dialogue domain. We show that this update mechanism can be learned jointly with the semantic decoding and context modelling parts of the NBT model, eliminating the last rule-based module from this DST framework. We propose two different statistical update mechanisms and show that dialogue dynamics can be modelled with a very small number of additional model parameters. In our DST evaluation over three languages, we show that this model achieves competitive performance and provides a robust framework for building resource-light DST models

    F-Measure Optimisation and Label Regularisation for Energy-Based Neural Dialogue State Tracking Models

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    In recent years many multi-label classification methods have exploited label dependencies to improve performance of classification tasks in various domains, hence casting the tasks to structured prediction problems. We argue that multi-label predictions do not always satisfy domain constraint restrictions. For example when the dialogue state tracking task in task-oriented dialogue domains is solved with multi-label classification approaches, slot-value constraint rules should be enforced following real conversation scenarios. To address these issues we propose an energy-based neural model to solve the dialogue state tracking task as a structured prediction problem. Furthermore we propose two improvements over previous methods with respect to dialogue slot-value constraint rules: (i) redefining the estimation conditions for the energy network; (ii) regularising label predictions following the dialogue slot-value constraint rules. In our results we find that our extended energy-based neural dialogue state tracker yields better overall performance in term of prediction accuracy, and also behaves more naturally with respect to the conversational rules

    A Multi-Task Approach to Incremental Dialogue State Tracking

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    Incrementality is a fundamental feature of language in real world use. To this point, however, the vast majority of work in automated dialogue processing has focused on language as turn based. In this paper we explore the challenge of incremental dialogue state tracking through the development and analysis of a multi-task approach to incremental dialogue state tracking. We present the design of our incremental dialogue state tracker in detail and provide evaluation against the well known Dialogue State Tracking Challenge 2 (DSTC2) dataset. In addition to a standard evaluation of the tracker, we also provide an analysis of the Incrementality phenomenon in our model’s performance by analyzing how early our models can produce correct predictions and how stable those predictions are. We find that the Multi-Task Learning-based model achieves state-of-the-art results for incremental processing