1,586 research outputs found

    Mr. Acephalous: The procedure of the individual stop-motion animation

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    Using the individual stop-motion animation Mr. Acephalous as a sample, this paper explores the change and restructuring of the commercial animation design and production process to create an individual stop-motion animation. Usually, commercial stop-motion animation involves a mature team, adequate funding, an enhanced production system, high-quality craftsmanship, and large-scale production space. However, in the individual stop-motion animation production explored in this paper, the animators are independent, usually students or film enthusiasts, who are not working with the manufacturing conditions of typical commercial animation. Utilizing the basis of commercial stop-motion animation, the author combined the process and experience of stop-motion to animate the film. This involved integrating the production process and production case used in commercial animation for a student in an individual, stop-motion animation. The paper studies the application of commercial design and production methods in a personal, stop-motion animation to accomplish a reasonable planning and production process. The filmmakers’ creation process and production of content are recorded in detail, beginning with the creation of the project’s concept to actual production. At the same time, this work deeply discusses the project’s academic and ideological development

    An empirical model of Onecut binding activity at the sea urchin SM50 C-element gene regulatory region

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    Studying the formation of endoskeleton in many species is complex and difficult. The sea urchin embryo offers an unparalleled platform for understanding this process because of the ease with which its skeletogenic mesenchyme cells can be manipulated. In this study, preliminary evidence from biochemical studies towards understanding the role of the Onecut transcription factor during sea urchin skeletogenic mesenchyme cell specification is presented. Based on the evidence, an empirical model is proposed showing how Onecut, together with associated co-factors, may be using the C-element of the SM50 gene regulatory region in advance of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus spicule development. In the model, Onecut recognizes and binds the DNA sequence CATCGATCTC in the C-element without temporal restriction. Onecut then utilizes different sets of co-factors to switch from its unknown function early in development (four cell stage to the mesenchyme blastula stage), to its known role in the oral-aboral boundary thereafter. At the writing of this report, definitive evidence as to whether the “early” factors are expressed in all cells except the micromere lineages, or whether the “late” factors are expressed in micromere descendants or ectodermal precursors only are lacking. The former would suggest a possible Onecut repression function for the early co-factors outside the micromere lineages; the latter scenario would suggest a Onecut activation function for the late co-factors in the presumptive ciliary band

    The Rocketbox Library and the Utility of Freely Available Rigged Avatars

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    As part of the open sourcing of the Microsoft Rocketbox avatar library for research and academic purposes, here we discuss the importance of rigged avatars for the Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR, AR) research community. Avatars, virtual representations of humans, are widely used in VR applications. Furthermore many research areas ranging from crowd simulation to neuroscience, psychology, or sociology have used avatars to investigate new theories or to demonstrate how they influence human performance and interactions. We divide this paper in two main parts: the first one gives an overview of the different methods available to create and animate avatars. We cover the current main alternatives for face and body animation as well introduce upcoming capture methods. The second part presents the scientific evidence of the utility of using rigged avatars for embodiment but also for applications such as crowd simulation and entertainment. All in all this paper attempts to convey why rigged avatars will be key to the future of VR and its wide adoption

    Barriers to Removing Barriers of Online Learning

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    In response to the turmoil and anxiety created by the COVID-19 pandemic, many universities transitioned to online delivery with limited support and resources. University teachers adapted to the online environment to ensure the effectiveness of students’ reaching their outcomes. Using the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) as a framework, this study analysed ethnographic data from two experienced university teacher narratives about their online teaching strategies in two different university settings, in a developed and a developing country. The results showed that teachers used similar strategies based on the affordances provided within the Learning Management Systems (LMS) and by accessing other existing technological tools. However, the results showed inequalities in students’ participation due to their financial, economic, and socio-cultural backgrounds. This paper emphasises the need to investigate personalised and inclusive learning for consolidating and accommodating social and geographical barriers to minimise inequalities in students’ access to education. Students should not be deprived by the digital and technical divide limiting equal opportunities for learning and development in the so-called ‘global village’ in the 21st century and beyond

    Computer-assisted animation creation techniques for hair animation and shade, highlight, and shadow

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    制度:新 ; 報告番号:甲3062号 ; 学位の種類:博士(工学) ; 授与年月日:2010/2/25 ; 早大学位記番号:新532

    Poetry and Neuroscience: : An Interdisciplinary Conversation

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    Dialogues and collaborations between scientists and non-scientists are now widely understood as important elements of scientific research and public engagement with science. In recognition of this, the authors, a neuroscientist and a poet, use a dialogical approach to extend questions and ideas first shared during a lab-based poetry residency. They recorded a conversation and then expanded it into an essayistic form, allowing divergent disciplinary understandings and uses of experiment, noise, voice and emotion to be articulated, shared and questioned

    Modular Verification of Biological Systems

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    Systems of interest in systems biology (such as metabolic pathways, signalling pathways and gene regulatory networks) often consist of a huge number of components interacting in different ways, thus exhibiting very complex behaviours. In biology, such behaviours are usually explored by means of simulation techniques applied to models defined on the basis of system observation and of hypotheses on its functioning. Model checking has also been recently applied to the analysis of biological systems. This analysis technique typically relies on a state space representation whose size, unfortunately, makes the analysis often intractable for realistic models. A method for trying to avoid the state space explosion problem is to consider a decomposition of the system, and to apply a modular verification technique. In particular, properties to be verified often concern only a small portion of the modelled system rather than the system as a whole. Hence, for each property it would be useful to be able to isolate a minimal fragment of the model that is necessary to verify such a property. In this thesis we introduce a modular verification technique in which the system of interest is described by means of an automata-based formalism, called sync-programs, that supports modular construction. Our modular verification technique is based on results of Grumberg et al.~and on their application to the theory of concurrent systems proposed by Attie and Emerson. In particular, we adapt Attie and Emerson's approach to deal with biological systems by allowing automata to synchronise by performing transitions simultaneously. Modular verification allows qualitative aspects of systems to be analysed with the guarantee that properties proved to hold in a suitable model fragment also hold in the whole model. The correctness of the verification technique is proved. The class of properties preserved is ACTL^{-}, the universal fragment of temporal logic CTL. The preservation holds only for positive answers and negative answers are not necessarily preserved. In order to verify properties we use the NuSMV model checker, which is a well-established and efficient instrument. We provide a formal translation of sync-programs to simpler automata, which can be given as input to NuSMV. We prove the correspondence of the verification problems. We show the application of our verification technique in some biological case studies. We compare the time required to verify the property on the whole model with the time needed to verify the same property by only considering those modules which are involved in the behaviour of the system related to the property. In order to handle modelling and verification of more realistic biological scenarios, we propose also a dynamic version of our formalism. It allows entities to be created dynamically, in particular by other already running entities, as it often happens in biological systems. Moreover, multiple copies of the same entities can be present at the same time in a system. We show a correspondence of our model with Petri Nets. This has a consequence that tools developed for Petri Nets could be used also for dynamic sync-programs. Modular verification allows properties expressed as DACTL- formulae (dynamic version of ACTL-) to be verified on a portion of the model. The results of analysis of the case study of the MAP kinase cascade activated by surface and internalised EGF receptors, which consists of 143 species and 80 reactions, suggest applicability and scalability of the approach. The results raise the prospect of rendering tractable problems that are currently intractable in the verification of biological systems. In addition, we expect that the techniques developed in the thesis could be applied with profit not only to models of biological systems, but more generally to models of concurrent systems