4,307 research outputs found

    Deep High-Resolution Representation Learning for Human Pose Estimation

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    This is an official pytorch implementation of Deep High-Resolution Representation Learning for Human Pose Estimation. In this work, we are interested in the human pose estimation problem with a focus on learning reliable high-resolution representations. Most existing methods recover high-resolution representations from low-resolution representations produced by a high-to-low resolution network. Instead, our proposed network maintains high-resolution representations through the whole process. We start from a high-resolution subnetwork as the first stage, gradually add high-to-low resolution subnetworks one by one to form more stages, and connect the mutli-resolution subnetworks in parallel. We conduct repeated multi-scale fusions such that each of the high-to-low resolution representations receives information from other parallel representations over and over, leading to rich high-resolution representations. As a result, the predicted keypoint heatmap is potentially more accurate and spatially more precise. We empirically demonstrate the effectiveness of our network through the superior pose estimation results over two benchmark datasets: the COCO keypoint detection dataset and the MPII Human Pose dataset. The code and models have been publicly available at \url{https://github.com/leoxiaobin/deep-high-resolution-net.pytorch}.Comment: accepted by CVPR201

    Deep Appearance Models: A Deep Boltzmann Machine Approach for Face Modeling

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    The "interpretation through synthesis" approach to analyze face images, particularly Active Appearance Models (AAMs) method, has become one of the most successful face modeling approaches over the last two decades. AAM models have ability to represent face images through synthesis using a controllable parameterized Principal Component Analysis (PCA) model. However, the accuracy and robustness of the synthesized faces of AAM are highly depended on the training sets and inherently on the generalizability of PCA subspaces. This paper presents a novel Deep Appearance Models (DAMs) approach, an efficient replacement for AAMs, to accurately capture both shape and texture of face images under large variations. In this approach, three crucial components represented in hierarchical layers are modeled using the Deep Boltzmann Machines (DBM) to robustly capture the variations of facial shapes and appearances. DAMs are therefore superior to AAMs in inferencing a representation for new face images under various challenging conditions. The proposed approach is evaluated in various applications to demonstrate its robustness and capabilities, i.e. facial super-resolution reconstruction, facial off-angle reconstruction or face frontalization, facial occlusion removal and age estimation using challenging face databases, i.e. Labeled Face Parts in the Wild (LFPW), Helen and FG-NET. Comparing to AAMs and other deep learning based approaches, the proposed DAMs achieve competitive results in those applications, thus this showed their advantages in handling occlusions, facial representation, and reconstruction

    Learning Pose Grammar to Encode Human Body Configuration for 3D Pose Estimation

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    In this paper, we propose a pose grammar to tackle the problem of 3D human pose estimation. Our model directly takes 2D pose as input and learns a generalized 2D-3D mapping function. The proposed model consists of a base network which efficiently captures pose-aligned features and a hierarchy of Bi-directional RNNs (BRNN) on the top to explicitly incorporate a set of knowledge regarding human body configuration (i.e., kinematics, symmetry, motor coordination). The proposed model thus enforces high-level constraints over human poses. In learning, we develop a pose sample simulator to augment training samples in virtual camera views, which further improves our model generalizability. We validate our method on public 3D human pose benchmarks and propose a new evaluation protocol working on cross-view setting to verify the generalization capability of different methods. We empirically observe that most state-of-the-art methods encounter difficulty under such setting while our method can well handle such challenges.Comment: Accepted by AAAI 201

    High-Resolution Representations for Labeling Pixels and Regions

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    High-resolution representation learning plays an essential role in many vision problems, e.g., pose estimation and semantic segmentation. The high-resolution network (HRNet)~\cite{SunXLW19}, recently developed for human pose estimation, maintains high-resolution representations through the whole process by connecting high-to-low resolution convolutions in \emph{parallel} and produces strong high-resolution representations by repeatedly conducting fusions across parallel convolutions. In this paper, we conduct a further study on high-resolution representations by introducing a simple yet effective modification and apply it to a wide range of vision tasks. We augment the high-resolution representation by aggregating the (upsampled) representations from all the parallel convolutions rather than only the representation from the high-resolution convolution as done in~\cite{SunXLW19}. This simple modification leads to stronger representations, evidenced by superior results. We show top results in semantic segmentation on Cityscapes, LIP, and PASCAL Context, and facial landmark detection on AFLW, COFW, 300300W, and WFLW. In addition, we build a multi-level representation from the high-resolution representation and apply it to the Faster R-CNN object detection framework and the extended frameworks. The proposed approach achieves superior results to existing single-model networks on COCO object detection. The code and models have been publicly available at \url{https://github.com/HRNet}

    Densely Semantically Aligned Person Re-Identification

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    We propose a densely semantically aligned person re-identification framework. It fundamentally addresses the body misalignment problem caused by pose/viewpoint variations, imperfect person detection, occlusion, etc. By leveraging the estimation of the dense semantics of a person image, we construct a set of densely semantically aligned part images (DSAP-images), where the same spatial positions have the same semantics across different images. We design a two-stream network that consists of a main full image stream (MF-Stream) and a densely semantically-aligned guiding stream (DSAG-Stream). The DSAG-Stream, with the DSAP-images as input, acts as a regulator to guide the MF-Stream to learn densely semantically aligned features from the original image. In the inference, the DSAG-Stream is discarded and only the MF-Stream is needed, which makes the inference system computationally efficient and robust. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to make use of fine grained semantics to address the misalignment problems for re-ID. Our method achieves rank-1 accuracy of 78.9% (new protocol) on the CUHK03 dataset, 90.4% on the CUHK01 dataset, and 95.7% on the Market1501 dataset, outperforming state-of-the-art methods.Comment: IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR2019

    cvpaper.challenge in 2016: Futuristic Computer Vision through 1,600 Papers Survey

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    The paper gives futuristic challenges disscussed in the cvpaper.challenge. In 2015 and 2016, we thoroughly study 1,600+ papers in several conferences/journals such as CVPR/ICCV/ECCV/NIPS/PAMI/IJCV

    Improved training of binary networks for human pose estimation and image recognition

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    Big neural networks trained on large datasets have advanced the state-of-the-art for a large variety of challenging problems, improving performance by a large margin. However, under low memory and limited computational power constraints, the accuracy on the same problems drops considerable. In this paper, we propose a series of techniques that significantly improve the accuracy of binarized neural networks (i.e networks where both the features and the weights are binary). We evaluate the proposed improvements on two diverse tasks: fine-grained recognition (human pose estimation) and large-scale image recognition (ImageNet classification). Specifically, we introduce a series of novel methodological changes including: (a) more appropriate activation functions, (b) reverse-order initialization, (c) progressive quantization, and (d) network stacking and show that these additions improve existing state-of-the-art network binarization techniques, significantly. Additionally, for the first time, we also investigate the extent to which network binarization and knowledge distillation can be combined. When tested on the challenging MPII dataset, our method shows a performance improvement of more than 4% in absolute terms. Finally, we further validate our findings by applying the proposed techniques for large-scale object recognition on the Imagenet dataset, on which we report a reduction of error rate by 4%

    Matrix and tensor decompositions for training binary neural networks

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    This paper is on improving the training of binary neural networks in which both activations and weights are binary. While prior methods for neural network binarization binarize each filter independently, we propose to instead parametrize the weight tensor of each layer using matrix or tensor decomposition. The binarization process is then performed using this latent parametrization, via a quantization function (e.g. sign function) applied to the reconstructed weights. A key feature of our method is that while the reconstruction is binarized, the computation in the latent factorized space is done in the real domain. This has several advantages: (i) the latent factorization enforces a coupling of the filters before binarization, which significantly improves the accuracy of the trained models. (ii) while at training time, the binary weights of each convolutional layer are parametrized using real-valued matrix or tensor decomposition, during inference we simply use the reconstructed (binary) weights. As a result, our method does not sacrifice any advantage of binary networks in terms of model compression and speeding-up inference. As a further contribution, instead of computing the binary weight scaling factors analytically, as in prior work, we propose to learn them discriminatively via back-propagation. Finally, we show that our approach significantly outperforms existing methods when tested on the challenging tasks of (a) human pose estimation (more than 4% improvements) and (b) ImageNet classification (up to 5% performance gains)

    Learning Compositional Neural Information Fusion for Human Parsing

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    This work proposes to combine neural networks with the compositional hierarchy of human bodies for efficient and complete human parsing. We formulate the approach as a neural information fusion framework. Our model assembles the information from three inference processes over the hierarchy: direct inference (directly predicting each part of a human body using image information), bottom-up inference (assembling knowledge from constituent parts), and top-down inference (leveraging context from parent nodes). The bottom-up and top-down inferences explicitly model the compositional and decompositional relations in human bodies, respectively. In addition, the fusion of multi-source information is conditioned on the inputs, i.e., by estimating and considering the confidence of the sources. The whole model is end-to-end differentiable, explicitly modeling information flows and structures. Our approach is extensively evaluated on four popular datasets, outperforming the state-of-the-arts in all cases, with a fast processing speed of 23fps. Our code and results have been released to help ease future research in this direction.Comment: ICCV2019. Websie: https://github.com/ZzzjzzZ/CompositionalHumanParsin

    Modeling of Facial Aging and Kinship: A Survey

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    Computational facial models that capture properties of facial cues related to aging and kinship increasingly attract the attention of the research community, enabling the development of reliable methods for age progression, age estimation, age-invariant facial characterization, and kinship verification from visual data. In this paper, we review recent advances in modeling of facial aging and kinship. In particular, we provide an up-to date, complete list of available annotated datasets and an in-depth analysis of geometric, hand-crafted, and learned facial representations that are used for facial aging and kinship characterization. Moreover, evaluation protocols and metrics are reviewed and notable experimental results for each surveyed task are analyzed. This survey allows us to identify challenges and discuss future research directions for the development of robust facial models in real-world conditions
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