15 research outputs found

    How Algorithmic Confounding in Recommendation Systems Increases Homogeneity and Decreases Utility

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    Recommendation systems are ubiquitous and impact many domains; they have the potential to influence product consumption, individuals' perceptions of the world, and life-altering decisions. These systems are often evaluated or trained with data from users already exposed to algorithmic recommendations; this creates a pernicious feedback loop. Using simulations, we demonstrate how using data confounded in this way homogenizes user behavior without increasing utility

    Incentivizing Exploration with Selective Data Disclosure

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    We study the design of rating systems that incentivize (more) efficient social learning among self-interested agents. Agents arrive sequentially and are presented with a set of possible actions, each of which yields a positive reward with an unknown probability. A disclosure policy sends messages about the rewards of previously-chosen actions to arriving agents. These messages can alter agents' incentives towards exploration, taking potentially sub-optimal actions for the sake of learning more about their rewards. Prior work achieves much progress with disclosure policies that merely recommend an action to each user, but relies heavily on standard, yet very strong rationality assumptions. We study a particular class of disclosure policies that use messages, called unbiased subhistories, consisting of the actions and rewards from a subsequence of past agents. Each subsequence is chosen ahead of time, according to a predetermined partial order on the rounds. We posit a flexible model of frequentist agent response, which we argue is plausible for this class of "order-based" disclosure policies. We measure the success of a policy by its regret, i.e., the difference, over all rounds, between the expected reward of the best action and the reward induced by the policy. A disclosure policy that reveals full history in each round risks inducing herding behavior among the agents, and typically has regret linear in the time horizon TT. Our main result is an order-based disclosure policy that obtains regret O~(T)\tilde{O}(\sqrt{T}). This regret is known to be optimal in the worst case over reward distributions, even absent incentives. We also exhibit simpler order-based policies with higher, but still sublinear, regret. These policies can be interpreted as dividing a sublinear number of agents into constant-sized focus groups, whose histories are then revealed to future agents

    Breaking Feedback Loops in Recommender Systems with Causal Inference

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    Recommender systems play a key role in shaping modern web ecosystems. These systems alternate between (1) making recommendations (2) collecting user responses to these recommendations, and (3) retraining the recommendation algorithm based on this feedback. During this process the recommender system influences the user behavioral data that is subsequently used to update it, thus creating a feedback loop. Recent work has shown that feedback loops may compromise recommendation quality and homogenize user behavior, raising ethical and performance concerns when deploying recommender systems. To address these issues, we propose the Causal Adjustment for Feedback Loops (CAFL), an algorithm that provably breaks feedback loops using causal inference and can be applied to any recommendation algorithm that optimizes a training loss. Our main observation is that a recommender system does not suffer from feedback loops if it reasons about causal quantities, namely the intervention distributions of recommendations on user ratings. Moreover, we can calculate this intervention distribution from observational data by adjusting for the recommender system's predictions of user preferences. Using simulated environments, we demonstrate that CAFL improves recommendation quality when compared to prior correction methods

    DPR: An Algorithm Mitigate Bias Accumulation in Recommendation feedback loops

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    Recommendation models trained on the user feedback collected from deployed recommendation systems are commonly biased. User feedback is considerably affected by the exposure mechanism, as users only provide feedback on the items exposed to them and passively ignore the unexposed items, thus producing numerous false negative samples. Inevitably, biases caused by such user feedback are inherited by new models and amplified via feedback loops. Moreover, the presence of false negative samples makes negative sampling difficult and introduces spurious information in the user preference modeling process of the model. Recent work has investigated the negative impact of feedback loops and unknown exposure mechanisms on recommendation quality and user experience, essentially treating them as independent factors and ignoring their cross-effects. To address these issues, we deeply analyze the data exposure mechanism from the perspective of data iteration and feedback loops with the Missing Not At Random (\textbf{MNAR}) assumption, theoretically demonstrating the existence of an available stabilization factor in the transformation of the exposure mechanism under the feedback loops. We further propose Dynamic Personalized Ranking (\textbf{DPR}), an unbiased algorithm that uses dynamic re-weighting to mitigate the cross-effects of exposure mechanisms and feedback loops without additional information. Furthermore, we design a plugin named Universal Anti-False Negative (\textbf{UFN}) to mitigate the negative impact of the false negative problem. We demonstrate theoretically that our approach mitigates the negative effects of feedback loops and unknown exposure mechanisms. Experimental results on real-world datasets demonstrate that models using DPR can better handle bias accumulation and the universality of UFN in mainstream loss methods

    In the Eye of the Beholder: Robust Prediction with Causal User Modeling

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    Accurately predicting the relevance of items to users is crucial to the success of many social platforms. Conventional approaches train models on logged historical data; but recommendation systems, media services, and online marketplaces all exhibit a constant influx of new content -- making relevancy a moving target, to which standard predictive models are not robust. In this paper, we propose a learning framework for relevance prediction that is robust to changes in the data distribution. Our key observation is that robustness can be obtained by accounting for how users causally perceive the environment. We model users as boundedly-rational decision makers whose causal beliefs are encoded by a causal graph, and show how minimal information regarding the graph can be used to contend with distributional changes. Experiments in multiple settings demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.Comment: Accepted to NeurIPS 202