50,459 research outputs found

    Human Image Preference and Document Degradation Models

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    Because most degraded documents are created by people, the preferences individuals have in relation to degraded documents are quite important. Their preferences may determine whether or not the documents they created are appropriate for machines. The goal of this study was to find relationships between preference and several parameters of a scanner degradation model. It was found that the difference in binarization threshold and the difference in edge displacement caused by the degradation both had strong linear relationships to preference. The width of the point spread function did not show such a relationship. These relationships were counterintuitive because degraded characters with thicker stroke widths than the original were preferred to those that had stroke widths closer to the original character

    Director Field Model of the Primary Visual Cortex for Contour Detection

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    We aim to build the simplest possible model capable of detecting long, noisy contours in a cluttered visual scene. For this, we model the neural dynamics in the primate primary visual cortex in terms of a continuous director field that describes the average rate and the average orientational preference of active neurons at a particular point in the cortex. We then use a linear-nonlinear dynamical model with long range connectivity patterns to enforce long-range statistical context present in the analyzed images. The resulting model has substantially fewer degrees of freedom than traditional models, and yet it can distinguish large contiguous objects from the background clutter by suppressing the clutter and by filling-in occluded elements of object contours. This results in high-precision, high-recall detection of large objects in cluttered scenes. Parenthetically, our model has a direct correspondence with the Landau - de Gennes theory of nematic liquid crystal in two dimensions.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Learning Surrogate Models of Document Image Quality Metrics for Automated Document Image Processing

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    Computation of document image quality metrics often depends upon the availability of a ground truth image corresponding to the document. This limits the applicability of quality metrics in applications such as hyperparameter optimization of image processing algorithms that operate on-the-fly on unseen documents. This work proposes the use of surrogate models to learn the behavior of a given document quality metric on existing datasets where ground truth images are available. The trained surrogate model can later be used to predict the metric value on previously unseen document images without requiring access to ground truth images. The surrogate model is empirically evaluated on the Document Image Binarization Competition (DIBCO) and the Handwritten Document Image Binarization Competition (H-DIBCO) datasets

    Learning Visual Features from Snapshots for Web Search

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    When applying learning to rank algorithms to Web search, a large number of features are usually designed to capture the relevance signals. Most of these features are computed based on the extracted textual elements, link analysis, and user logs. However, Web pages are not solely linked texts, but have structured layout organizing a large variety of elements in different styles. Such layout itself can convey useful visual information, indicating the relevance of a Web page. For example, the query-independent layout (i.e., raw page layout) can help identify the page quality, while the query-dependent layout (i.e., page rendered with matched query words) can further tell rich structural information (e.g., size, position and proximity) of the matching signals. However, such visual information of layout has been seldom utilized in Web search in the past. In this work, we propose to learn rich visual features automatically from the layout of Web pages (i.e., Web page snapshots) for relevance ranking. Both query-independent and query-dependent snapshots are considered as the new inputs. We then propose a novel visual perception model inspired by human's visual search behaviors on page viewing to extract the visual features. This model can be learned end-to-end together with traditional human-crafted features. We also show that such visual features can be efficiently acquired in the online setting with an extended inverted indexing scheme. Experiments on benchmark collections demonstrate that learning visual features from Web page snapshots can significantly improve the performance of relevance ranking in ad-hoc Web retrieval tasks.Comment: CIKM 201

    Improving Image Restoration with Soft-Rounding

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    Several important classes of images such as text, barcode and pattern images have the property that pixels can only take a distinct subset of values. This knowledge can benefit the restoration of such images, but it has not been widely considered in current restoration methods. In this work, we describe an effective and efficient approach to incorporate the knowledge of distinct pixel values of the pristine images into the general regularized least squares restoration framework. We introduce a new regularizer that attains zero at the designated pixel values and becomes a quadratic penalty function in the intervals between them. When incorporated into the regularized least squares restoration framework, this regularizer leads to a simple and efficient step that resembles and extends the rounding operation, which we term as soft-rounding. We apply the soft-rounding enhanced solution to the restoration of binary text/barcode images and pattern images with multiple distinct pixel values. Experimental results show that soft-rounding enhanced restoration methods achieve significant improvement in both visual quality and quantitative measures (PSNR and SSIM). Furthermore, we show that this regularizer can also benefit the restoration of general natural images.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure
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