1 research outputs found

    Human Action Recognition in Drone Videos using a Few Aerial Training Examples

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    Drones are enabling new forms of human actions surveillance due to their low cost and fast mobility. However, using deep neural networks for automatic aerial action recognition is difficult due to the need for a large number of training aerial human action videos. Collecting a large number of human action aerial videos is costly, time-consuming, and difficult. In this paper, we explore two alternative data sources to improve aerial action classification when only a few training aerial examples are available. As a first data source, we resort to video games. We collect plenty of aerial game action videos using two gaming engines. For the second data source, we leverage conditional Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Networks to generate aerial features from ground videos. Given that both data sources have some limitations, e.g. game videos are biased towards specific actions categories (fighting, shooting, etc.,), and it is not easy to generate good discriminative GAN-generated features for all types of actions, we need to efficiently integrate two dataset sources with few available real aerial training videos. To address this challenge of the heterogeneous nature of the data, we propose to use a disjoint multitask learning framework. We feed the network with real and game, or real and GAN-generated data in an alternating fashion to obtain an improved action classifier. We validate the proposed approach on two aerial action datasets and demonstrate that features from aerial game videos and those generated from GAN can be extremely useful for an improved action recognition in real aerial videos when only a few real aerial training examples are available.Comment: CVIU, 202