580 research outputs found

    Domain adaptive learning with disentangled features

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    Recognizing visual information is crucial for many real artificial-intelligence-based applications, ranging from domestic robots to autonomous vehicles. However, the success of deep learning methods on visual recognition tasks is highly dependent on access to large-scale labeled datasets, which are expensive and cumbersome to collect. Transfer learning provides a way to alleviate the burden of annotating data, which transfers the knowledge learned from a rich-labeled source domain to a scarce-labeled target domain. However, the performance of deep learning models degrades significantly when testing on novel domains due to the presence of domain shift. To tackle the domain shift, conventional domain adaptation methods diminish the domain shift between two domains with a distribution matching loss or adversarial loss. These models align the domain-specific feature distribution and the domain-invariant feature distribution simultaneously, which is sub-optimal towards solving deep domain adaptation tasks, given that deep neural networks are known to extract features in which multiple hidden factors are highly entangled. This thesis explores how to learn effective transferable features by disentangling the deep features. The following questions are studied: (1) how to disentangle the deep features into domain-invariant and domain-specific features? (2) how would feature disentanglement help to learn transferable features under a synthetic-to-real domain adaptation scenario? (3) how would feature disentanglement facilitate transfer learning with multiple source or target domains? (4) how to leverage feature disentanglement to boost the performance in a federated system? To address these needs, this thesis proposes deep adversarial feature disentanglement: a class/domain identifier is trained on the labeled source domain and the disentangler generates features to fool the class/domain identifier. Extensive experiments and empirical analysis demonstrate the effectiveness of the feature disentanglement method on many real-world domain adaptation tasks. Specifically, the following three unsupervised domain adaptation scenarios are explored: (1) domain agnostic learning with disentangled representations, (2) unsupervised federated domain adaptation, (3) multi-source domain adaptation

    Does a Neural Network Really Encode Symbolic Concepts?

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    Recently, a series of studies have tried to extract interactions between input variables modeled by a DNN and define such interactions as concepts encoded by the DNN. However, strictly speaking, there still lacks a solid guarantee whether such interactions indeed represent meaningful concepts. Therefore, in this paper, we examine the trustworthiness of interaction concepts from four perspectives. Extensive empirical studies have verified that a well-trained DNN usually encodes sparse, transferable, and discriminative concepts, which is partially aligned with human intuition

    Census-Independent Population Estimation using Representation Learning

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    Knowledge of population distribution is critical for building infrastructure, distributing resources, and monitoring the progress of sustainable development goals. Although censuses can provide this information, they are typically conducted every 10 years with some countries having forgone the process for several decades. Population can change in the intercensal period due to rapid migration, development, urbanisation, natural disasters, and conflicts. Census-independent population estimation approaches using alternative data sources, such as satellite imagery, have shown promise in providing frequent and reliable population estimates locally. Existing approaches, however, require significant human supervision, for example annotating buildings and accessing various public datasets, and therefore, are not easily reproducible. We explore recent representation learning approaches, and assess the transferability of representations to population estimation in Mozambique. Using representation learning reduces required human supervision, since features are extracted automatically, making the process of population estimation more sustainable and likely to be transferable to other regions or countries. We compare the resulting population estimates to existing population products from GRID3, Facebook (HRSL) and WorldPop. We observe that our approach matches the most accurate of these maps, and is interpretable in the sense that it recognises built-up areas to be an informative indicator of population
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