1 research outputs found

    How top performing enterprises govern IT

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    Firms with superior IT governance have more than 20% higher profits than firms with poor governance given the same strategic objectives. These top performers have custom designed IT governance for their strategies. Just as corporate governance aims to ensure quality decisions about all corporate assets, IT governance links IT decisions with company objectives and monitors performance and accountability. The session will present insights for effective IT governance from MIT studies of over 1000 firms in 60 countries examining how the best performers govern. Effective IT governance coordinates five key IT decisions: IT principles, architecture, infrastructure, application needs and investment. Case studies in firms such as: Airtel, BMW, P&G, PwC, State Street Corporation, Procter and Gamble, Neptune Orient Lines and Tetra Pak will illustrate best practice and “IT governance on one page”. Using a simple tool each student will be asked to assess the IT governance performance of an enterprise enabling benchmarking against the firms studied and analysis of next steps