1 research outputs found

    How to Track Online SLA

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    SLA (Service level agreement) is defined by an organization to fulfil its client requirements, the time within which the deliverables should be turned over to the clients. Tracking of SLA can be done manually by checking the status, priority of any particular task. Manual SLA tracking takes time as one has to go over each and every task that needs to be completed. For instance, you ordered a product from a website and you are not happy with the quality of the product and want to replace the same on urgent basis, You send mail to the customer support department, the query/complaint will be submitted in a queue and will be processed basis of its priority and urgency (The SLA for responding back to customers concern are listed in the policy). This online SLA tracking system will ensure that no queries/complaints are missed and are processed in an organized manner as per their priority and the date by when it should be handled. The portal will provide the status of the complaints for that particular day and the ones which have been pending since last week. The information can be refreshed as per the client need (within what time frame the complaint should be addressed)