4 research outputs found

    How to Teach DNNs to Pay Attention to the Visual Modality in Speech Recognition

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    Audio-Visual Speech Recognition (AVSR) seeks to model, and thereby exploit, the dynamic relationship between a human voice and the corresponding mouth movements. A recently proposed multimodal fusion strategy, AV Align, based on state-of-the-art sequence to sequence neural networks, attempts to model this relationship by explicitly aligning the acoustic and visual representations of speech. This study investigates the inner workings of AV Align and visualises the audio-visual alignment patterns. Our experiments are performed on two of the largest publicly available AVSR datasets, TCD-TIMIT and LRS2. We find that AV Align learns to align acoustic and visual representations of speech at the frame level on TCD-TIMIT in a generally monotonic pattern. We also determine the cause of initially seeing no improvement over audio-only speech recognition on the more challenging LRS2. We propose a regularisation method which involves predicting lip-related Action Units from visual representations. Our regularisation method leads to better exploitation of the visual modality, with performance improvements between 7% and 30% depending on the noise level. Furthermore, we show that the alternative Watch, Listen, Attend, and Spell network is affected by the same problem as AV Align, and that our proposed approach can effectively help it learn visual representations. Our findings validate the suitability of the regularisation method to AVSR and encourage researchers to rethink the multimodal convergence problem when having one dominant modality.Comment: in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing (to appear

    Should we hard-code the recurrence concept or learn it instead ? Exploring the Transformer architecture for Audio-Visual Speech Recognition

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    The audio-visual speech fusion strategy AV Align has shown significant performance improvements in audio-visual speech recognition (AVSR) on the challenging LRS2 dataset. Performance improvements range between 7% and 30% depending on the noise level when leveraging the visual modality of speech in addition to the auditory one. This work presents a variant of AV Align where the recurrent Long Short-term Memory (LSTM) computation block is replaced by the more recently proposed Transformer block. We compare the two methods, discussing in greater detail their strengths and weaknesses. We find that Transformers also learn cross-modal monotonic alignments, but suffer from the same visual convergence problems as the LSTM model, calling for a deeper investigation into the dominant modality problem in machine learning.Comment: Submitted to INTERSPEECH 202

    End-to-end Audio-visual Speech Recognition with Conformers

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    In this work, we present a hybrid CTC/Attention model based on a ResNet-18 and Convolution-augmented transformer (Conformer), that can be trained in an end-to-end manner. In particular, the audio and visual encoders learn to extract features directly from raw pixels and audio waveforms, respectively, which are then fed to conformers and then fusion takes place via a Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP). The model learns to recognise characters using a combination of CTC and an attention mechanism. We show that end-to-end training, instead of using pre-computed visual features which is common in the literature, the use of a conformer, instead of a recurrent network, and the use of a transformer-based language model, significantly improve the performance of our model. We present results on the largest publicly available datasets for sentence-level speech recognition, Lip Reading Sentences 2 (LRS2) and Lip Reading Sentences 3 (LRS3), respectively. The results show that our proposed models raise the state-of-the-art performance by a large margin in audio-only, visual-only, and audio-visual experiments.Comment: Accepted to ICASSP 202

    Learning to Count Words in Fluent Speech enables Online Speech Recognition

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    Sequence to Sequence models, in particular the Transformer, achieve state of the art results in Automatic Speech Recognition. Practical usage is however limited to cases where full utterance latency is acceptable. In this work we introduce Taris, a Transformer-based online speech recognition system aided by an auxiliary task of incremental word counting. We use the cumulative word sum to dynamically segment speech and enable its eager decoding into words. Experiments performed on the LRS2, LibriSpeech, and Aishell-1 datasets of English and Mandarin speech show that the online system performs comparable with the offline one when having a dynamic algorithmic delay of 5 segments. Furthermore, we show that the estimated segment length distribution resembles the word length distribution obtained with forced alignment, although our system does not require an exact segment-to-word equivalence. Taris introduces a negligible overhead compared to a standard Transformer, while the local relationship modelling between inputs and outputs grants invariance to sequence length by design.Comment: Accepted at the 8th IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop (SLT 2021