24 research outputs found

    Impossible Differential Cryptanalysis of Pelican, MT-MAC-AES and PC-MAC-AES

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    In this paper, the impossible differential cryptanalysis is extended to MAC algorithms \textsc{Pelican}, MT-MAC and PC-MAC based on AES and 4-round AES. First, we collect message pairs that produce the inner near-collision with some specific differences by the birthday attack. Then the impossible differential attack on 4-round AES is implemented using a 3-round impossible differential property. For \textsc{Pelican}, our attack can recover the internal state, which is an equivalent subkey. For MT-MAC-AES, the attack turns out to be a subkey recovery attack directly. The data complexity of the two attacks is 285.52^{85.5} chosen messages, and the time complexity is about 285.52^{85.5} queries. For PC-MAC-AES, we can recover the 256-bit key with 285.52^{85.5} chosen messages and 21282^{128} queries

    Distinguishing Attacks on MAC/HMAC Based on A New Dedicated Compression Function Framework

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    A new distinguishing attack on HMAC and NMAC based on a dedicated compression function framework H, proposed in ChinaCrypt2008, is first presented in this paper, which distinguish the HMAC/NMAC-H from HMAC/NMAC with a random function. The attack needs 2^{17} chosen messages and 223 queries, with a success rate of 0.873. Furthermore, according to distinguishing attack on SPMAC-H, a key recovery attack on the SPMAC-H is present, which recover all 256-bit key with 2^{17)chosen messages, 2^{19} queries, and (t+1)x8 times decrypting algorithms

    Distinguishing Attack and Second-Preimage Attack on the CBC-like MACs

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    In this paper, we first present a new distinguisher on the CBC-MAC based on a block cipher in Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode. It can also be used to distinguish other CBC-like MACs from random functions. The main results of this paper are on the second-preimage attack on CBC-MAC and CBC-like MACs include TMAC, OMAC, CMAC, PC-MAC and MACs based on three-key encipher CBC mode. Instead of exhaustive search, this attack can be performed with the birthday attack complexity

    Improved Impossible Differential Cryptanalysis of CLEFIA

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    This paper presents an improved impossible differential attack on the new block cipher CLEFIA which is proposed by Sony Corporation at FSE 2007. Combining some observations with new tricks, we can filter out the wrong keys more efficiently, and improve the impossible differential attack on 11-round CLEFIA-192/256, which also firstly works for CLEFIA-128. The complexity is about 2103.12^{103.1} encryptions and 2103.12^{103.1} chosen plaintexts. By putting more constraint conditions on plaintext pairs, we give the first attack on 12-round CLEFIA for all three key lengths with 2119.12^{119.1} encryptions and 2119.12^{119.1} chosen plaintexts. For CLEFIA-192/256, our attack is applicable to 13-round variant, of which the time complexity is about 21812^{181}, and the data complexity is 21202^{120}. We also extend our attack to 14-round CLEFIA-256, with about 2245.42^{245.4} encryptions and 2120.42^{120.4} chosen plaintexts. Moreover, a birthday sieve method is introduced to decrease the complexity of the core precomputation

    Distinguishing and Forgery Attacks on Alred and Its AES-based Instance Alpha-MAC

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    In this paper, we present new distinguishers of the MAC construction \textsc{Alred} and its specific instance \textsc{Alpha}-MAC based on AES, which is proposed by Daemen and Rijmen in 2005. For the \textsc{Alred} construction, we describe a general distinguishing attack which leads to a forgery attack directly. The complexity is 264.52^{64.5} chosen messages and 264.52^{64.5} queries with success probability 0.63. We also use a two-round collision differential path for \textsc{Alpha}-MAC, to construct a new distinguisher with about 265.52^{65.5} queries. The most important is that the new distinguisher can be used to recover the internal state, which is an equivalent secret subkey, and leads to a second preimage attack. Moreover, the distinguisher on \textsc{Alred} construction is also applicable to the MACs based on CBC and CFB encryption mode

    Construction of secure and fast hash functions using nonbinary error-correcting codes

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    Turbo SHA-2

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    In this paper we describe the construction of Turbo SHA-2 family of cryptographic hash functions. They are built with design components from the SHA-2 family, but the new hash function has three times more chaining variables, it is more robust and resistant against generic multi-block collision attacks, its design is resistant against generic length extension attacks and it is 2 - 8 times faster than the original SHA-2. It uses two novel design principles in the design of hash functions: {\em 1. Computations in the iterative part of the compression function start by using variables produced in the message expansion part that have the complexity level of a random Boolean function, 2. Variables produced in the message expansion part are not discarded after the processing of the current message block, but are used for the construction of the three times wider chain for the next message block.} These two novel principles combined with the already robust design principles present in SHA-2 (such as the nonlinear message expansion part), enabled us to build the compression function of Turbo SHA-2 that has just 16 new variables in the message expansion part (compared to 48 for SHA-256 and 64 for SHA-512) and just 8 rounds in the iterative part (compared to 64 for SHA-256 and 80 for SHA-512)

    A Framework for Iterative Hash Functions - HAIFA

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    Since the seminal works of Merkle and Damgard on the iteration of compression functions, hash functions were built from compression functions using the Merkle-Damgard construction. Recently, several flaws in this construction were identified, allowing for pre-image attacks and second pre-image attacks on such hash functions even when the underlying compression functions are secure. In this paper we propose the HAsh Iterative FrAmework (HAIFA). Our framework can fix many of the flaws while supporting several additional properties such as defining families of hash functions and supporting variable hash size. HAIFA allows for an online computation of the hash function in one pass with a fixed amount of memory independently of the size of the message. Besides our proposal, the recent attacks initiated research on the way compression functions are to be iterated. We show that most recent proposals such as randomized hashing, the enveloped Merkle-Damgard, and the RMC and ROX modes can be all be instantiated as part of the HAsh Iterative FrAmework (HAIFA)