239,265 research outputs found

    How to Cover a Point Set with a V-Shape of Minimum Width

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    A balanced V-shape is a polygonal region in the plane contained in the union of two crossing equal-width strips. It is delimited by two pairs of parallel rays that emanate from two points x, y, are contained in the strip boundaries, and are mirror-symmetric with respect to the line xy. The width of a balanced V-shape is the width of the strips. We first present an O(n^2 log n) time algorithm to compute, given a set of n points P, a minimum-width balanced V-shape covering P. We then describe a PTAS for computing a (1+epsilon)-approximation of this V-shape in time O((n/epsilon)log n+(n/epsilon^(3/2))log^2(1/epsilon)). A much simpler constant-factor approximation algorithm is also described.Comment: In Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Algorithms and Data Structures (WADS), p.61-72, August 2011, New York, NY, US

    Expanding the expressive power of Monadic Second-Order logic on restricted graph classes

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    We combine integer linear programming and recent advances in Monadic Second-Order model checking to obtain two new algorithmic meta-theorems for graphs of bounded vertex-cover. The first shows that cardMSO1, an extension of the well-known Monadic Second-Order logic by the addition of cardinality constraints, can be solved in FPT time parameterized by vertex cover. The second meta-theorem shows that the MSO partitioning problems introduced by Rao can also be solved in FPT time with the same parameter. The significance of our contribution stems from the fact that these formalisms can describe problems which are W[1]-hard and even NP-hard on graphs of bounded tree-width. Additionally, our algorithms have only an elementary dependence on the parameter and formula. We also show that both results are easily extended from vertex cover to neighborhood diversity.Comment: Accepted for IWOCA 201

    Meta-Kernelization with Structural Parameters

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    Meta-kernelization theorems are general results that provide polynomial kernels for large classes of parameterized problems. The known meta-kernelization theorems, in particular the results of Bodlaender et al. (FOCS'09) and of Fomin et al. (FOCS'10), apply to optimization problems parameterized by solution size. We present the first meta-kernelization theorems that use a structural parameters of the input and not the solution size. Let C be a graph class. We define the C-cover number of a graph to be a the smallest number of modules the vertex set can be partitioned into, such that each module induces a subgraph that belongs to the class C. We show that each graph problem that can be expressed in Monadic Second Order (MSO) logic has a polynomial kernel with a linear number of vertices when parameterized by the C-cover number for any fixed class C of bounded rank-width (or equivalently, of bounded clique-width, or bounded Boolean width). Many graph problems such as Independent Dominating Set, c-Coloring, and c-Domatic Number are covered by this meta-kernelization result. Our second result applies to MSO expressible optimization problems, such as Minimum Vertex Cover, Minimum Dominating Set, and Maximum Clique. We show that these problems admit a polynomial annotated kernel with a linear number of vertices
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