2 research outputs found

    How to Cope with the Spectrum of SPECTRUM

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    . The specification language Spectrum [BFG + 93] melts a wide range of concepts into a single language frame: three-valued first-order logic, polymorphism, type classes, higher-order functions, infinite objects. The desire of identifying and relating sub-languages satisfying certain constraints given by syntactical and pragmatic considerations appears. In this paper we consider the constructive oriented algebraic sub-language ACT ONE as an example of a specification sub-language of Spectrum. As a candidate for an implementation language of Spectrum we focus on the functional language Opal. The overall intention is to establish a semantically compatible embedding of ACT ONE and Opal into Spectrum. However, in this paper we will not describe all aspects of this embedding. As a first step of our ongoing work we will relate the underlying logical systems using the concept of institutions, i.e. we will relate the loose semantics of ACT ONE and Opal specifications with the lo..

    How to Cope with the Spectrum of Spectrum

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    The specification language Spectrum [BFG + 93] melts a wide range of concepts into a single language frame: three-valued first-order logic, polymorphism, type classes, higher-order functions, infinite objects. The desire of identifying and relating sub-languages satisfying certain constraints given by syntactical and pragmatic considerations appears. In this paper we consider the constructive oriented algebraic sub-language ACT ONE as an example of a specification sub-language of Spectrum. As a candidate for an implementation language of Spectrum we focus on the functional language Opal. The overall intention is to establish a semantically compatible embedding of ACT ONE and Opal into Spectrum. However, in this paper we will not describe all aspects of this embedding. As a first step of our ongoing work we will relate the underlying logical systems using the concept of institutions, i.e. we will relate the loose semantics of ACT ONE and Opal specifications with the lo..