3 research outputs found

    A New QKD Protocol Based Upon Authentication By EPR Entanglement State

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    Cryptographic world has faced multiple challenges that are included in encoding and decoding transmitting information into a secure communication channel. Quantum cryptography may be another generation of the cryptography world, which is based on the law of physics. After decades of using the classical cryptography, there is an essential need to move a step forward through the most trusted systems, especially enormous amount of data flows through billions of communicating channels (e.g. The internet), and keeping this transmitting information away from eavesdropping is obligatory. Moreover, quantum cryptography has proved its standing against many weaknesses in the classical cryptography. One of these weaknesses is the ability to copy any type of information using a passive attack without an interruption, which is impossible in the quantum system. Theoretically, several quantum observables are utilized to diagnose an action of one particle. These observables are included in measuring mass, movement, speed, etc. The polarization of one photon occurs normally and randomly in the space. Any interruption that happens during sending of a light will cause a deconstruction of the light polarization. Therefore, particles’ movement in a three-dimensional space is supported by Non-Cloning theory that makes eavesdroppers unable to interrupt a communication system. In case an eavesdropper tried to interrupt a photon, the photon will be destroyed after passing the photon into a quantum detector or any measurement device. In the last decades, many Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) protocols have been created to initiate a secret key during encoding and decoding transmitted data operations. Some of these protocols were proven un-secure based on the quantum attacks that were released early. Even though the power of physics is still active and the Non-Cloning theory is unbroken, some QKD protocols failed during the security measurements. The main reason of the failure is based on the inability to provide the authentication between the end users during the quantum and classical channels. The proposed QKD protocol was designed to utilize some advantages of quantum physics as well as solid functions that are used in the classical cryptography. The authentication is a requirement during different communication channels, where both legitimate parties must confirm their identities before starting to submit data (plain-text). Moreover, the protocol uses most needed scenarios to finish the communication without leaking important data. These scenarios have been approved in existing QKD protocols either by classical or quantum systems. The matrix techniques also are used as a part of the preparation of the authentication key, where the end users communicate by an EPR (related to Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen theory in 1935) channel. The EPR channel will be supported by an entanglement of particles. If the EPR communication succeeded, transferring the converted plain-text is required. Finally, both end users will have an authenticated secret key, and the submission will be done without any interruption