9 research outputs found

    When Do Users Change Their Profile Information on Twitter?

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    We can see profile information such as name, description and location in order to know the user on social media. However, this profile information is not always fixed. If there is a change in the user's life, the profile information will be changed. In this study, we focus on user's profile information changes and analyze the timing and reasons for these changes on Twitter. The results indicate that the peak of profile information change occurs in April among Japanese users, but there was no such trend observed for English users throughout the year. Our analysis also shows that English users most frequently change their names on their birthdays, while Japanese users change their names as their Twitter engagement and activities decrease over time.Comment: IEEE BigData 2017 Workshop : The 2nd International Workshop on Application of Big Data for Computational Social Science (accepted

    Social Media’s Correlation to Fan Behavior

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    Social media and fan behavior are two very interesting topics. More and more people are learning more about social media everyday and it is here to stay, it is not a fad, and people expect organization to be posting about games or events so that they can find out the information on social media. It is important for organizations to be on Twitter or Facebook because it is important to integrate into people’s lives. Fan behavior research proves that environmental factors are one of the biggest deterrents for fans when it comes to trying to attend games and that record and atmosphere of the games is the biggest projector of fan support throughout the season. Using a survey distributed on Twitter there were questions asked to find out if there was a correlation between Social Media and Fan Behavior

    Визуальное представление и кластерный анализ социальных сетей

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    Статья посвящена анализу социальных сетей, представленных графом. В работе приводятся подходы к моделированию распределений социальных сетей, а также алгоритмы, используемые для отыскания сообществ, а также аккаунтов, оказывающих наибольшее влияние на сообщества

    Исследование данных и связей, в социальных сетях

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    Данная работа посвящена анализу данных и связей в социальных сетях. Рассматривается подход представления социальной сети в виде графа. Исследованы и намечены к доработке алгоритмы отыскания сообществ и основных узлов («хабов»), являющихся аккаунтами, оказывающими наибольшее влияние на сообщества. Исследованы существующие программные среды по визуализации данных социальных сетей, разработан программный комплекс

    Visualization and Cluster Analysis of So-cial Networks

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    Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of social networks, which are presented by graphs. The paper presents approaches to the modeling of distributions of social networks as well as the algorithms used for finding communities, as well as accounts that have the greater impact on the community

    Highly tweeted science articles: who tweets them? An analysis of Twitter user profile descriptions

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    In this study we examined who tweeted academic articles that had at least one Finnish author or co-author affiliation and that had high altmetric counts on Twitter. In this investigation of national level altmetrics we chose the most tweeted scientific articles from four broad areas of science (Agricultural, Engineering and Technological Sciences; Medical and Health Sciences; Natural Sciences; Social Sciences and Humanities). By utilizing both quantitative and qualitative methods of analysis, we studied the data using research techniques such as keyword categorization, co-word analysis and content analysis of user profile descriptions. Our results show that contrary to a random sample of Twitter users, users who tweet academic articles describe themselves more factually and by emphasizing their occupational expertise rather than personal interests. The more field-specific the articles were, the more research-related descriptions dominated in Twitter profile descriptions. We also found that scientific articles were tweeted to promote ideological views especially in instances where the article represented a topic that divides general opinion.</p

    How people describe themselves on Twitter

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