97 research outputs found

    Modeling Meaning for Description and Interaction

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    Language is a powerful tool for communication and coordination, allowing us to share thoughts, ideas, and instructions with others. Accordingly, enabling people to communicate linguistically with digital agents has been among the longest-standing goals in artificial intelligence (AI). However, unlike humans, machines do not naturally acquire the ability to extract meaning from language. One natural solution to this problem is to represent meaning in a structured format and then develop models for processing language into such structures. Unlike natural language, these structured representations can be directly processed and interpreted by existing algorithms. Indeed, much of the digital infrastructure we have built is mediated by structured representations (e.g. programs and APIs). Furthermore, unlike the internal representations of current neural models, structured representations are built to be used and interpreted by people. I focus on methods for parsing language into these dually-interpretable representations of meaning. I introduce models that learn to predict structure from language and apply them to a variety of tasks, ranging from linguistic description to interaction with robots and digital assistants. I address three thematic challenges in modeling meaning: abstraction, sensitivity, and ambiguity. In order to be useful, meaning representations must abstract away from the linguistic input. Abstractions differ for each representation used, and must be learned by the model. The process of abstraction entails a kind of invariance: different linguistic inputs mapping to the same meaning. At the same time, meaning is sensitive to slight changes in the linguistic input; here, similar inputs might map to very different meanings. Finally, language is often ambiguous, and many utterances have multiple meanings. In cases of ambiguity, models of meaning must learn that the same input can map to different meanings

    Core Challenges in Embodied Vision-Language Planning

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    Recent advances in the areas of multimodal machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) have led to the development of challenging tasks at the intersection of Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, and Embodied AI. Whereas many approaches and previous survey pursuits have characterised one or two of these dimensions, there has not been a holistic analysis at the center of all three. Moreover, even when combinations of these topics are considered, more focus is placed on describing, e.g., current architectural methods, as opposed to also illustrating high-level challenges and opportunities for the field. In this survey paper, we discuss Embodied Vision-Language Planning (EVLP) tasks, a family of prominent embodied navigation and manipulation problems that jointly use computer vision and natural language. We propose a taxonomy to unify these tasks and provide an in-depth analysis and comparison of the new and current algorithmic approaches, metrics, simulated environments, as well as the datasets used for EVLP tasks. Finally, we present the core challenges that we believe new EVLP works should seek to address, and we advocate for task construction that enables model generalizability and furthers real-world deployment.Comment: 35 page

    Scalable and Quality-Aware Training Data Acquisition for Conversational Cognitive Services

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    Dialog Systems (or simply bots) have recently become a popular human-computer interface for performing user's tasks, by invoking the appropriate back-end APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) based on the user's request in natural language. Building task-oriented bots, which aim at performing real-world tasks (e.g., booking flights), has become feasible with the continuous advances in Natural Language Processing (NLP), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and the countless number of devices which allow third-party software systems to invoke their back-end APIs. Nonetheless, bot development technologies are still in their preliminary stages, with several unsolved theoretical and technical challenges stemming from the ambiguous nature of human languages. Given the richness of natural language, supervised models require a large number of user utterances paired with their corresponding tasks -- called intents. To build a bot, developers need to manually translate APIs to utterances (called canonical utterances) and paraphrase them to obtain a diverse set of utterances. Crowdsourcing has been widely used to obtain such datasets, by paraphrasing the initial utterances generated by the bot developers for each task. However, there are several unsolved issues. First, generating canonical utterances requires manual efforts, making bot development both expensive and hard to scale. Second, since crowd workers may be anonymous and are asked to provide open-ended text (paraphrases), crowdsourced paraphrases may be noisy and incorrect (not conveying the same intent as the given task). This thesis first surveys the state-of-the-art approaches for collecting large training utterances for task-oriented bots. Next, we conduct an empirical study to identify quality issues of crowdsourced utterances (e.g., grammatical errors, semantic completeness). Moreover, we propose novel approaches for identifying unqualified crowd workers and eliminating malicious workers from crowdsourcing tasks. Particularly, we propose a novel technique to promote the diversity of crowdsourced paraphrases by dynamically generating word suggestions while crowd workers are paraphrasing a particular utterance. Moreover, we propose a novel technique to automatically translate APIs to canonical utterances. Finally, we present our platform to automatically generate bots out of API specifications. We also conduct thorough experiments to validate the proposed techniques and models

    Proceedings of the Eighth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics CliC-it 2021

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    The eighth edition of the Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2021) was held at Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca from 26th to 28th January 2022. After the edition of 2020, which was held in fully virtual mode due to the health emergency related to Covid-19, CLiC-it 2021 represented the first moment for the Italian research community of Computational Linguistics to meet in person after more than one year of full/partial lockdown

    Automatic grammar induction from free text using insights from cognitive grammar

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    Automatic identification of the grammatical structure of a sentence is useful in many Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications such as Document Summarisation, Question Answering systems and Machine Translation. With the availability of syntactic treebanks, supervised parsers have been developed successfully for many major languages. However, for low-resourced minority languages with fewer digital resources, this poses more of a challenge. Moreover, there are a number of syntactic annotation schemes motivated by different linguistic theories and formalisms which are sometimes language specific and they cannot always be adapted for developing syntactic parsers across different language families. This project aims to develop a linguistically motivated approach to the automatic induction of grammatical structures from raw sentences. Such an approach can be readily adapted to different languages including low-resourced minority languages. We draw the basic approach to linguistic analysis from usage-based, functional theories of grammar such as Cognitive Grammar, Computational Paninian Grammar and insights from psycholinguistic studies. Our approach identifies grammatical structure of a sentence by recognising domain-independent, general, cognitive patterns of conceptual organisation that occur in natural language. It also reflects some of the general psycholinguistic properties of parsing by humans - such as incrementality, connectedness and expectation. Our implementation has three components: Schema Definition, Schema Assembly and Schema Prediction. Schema Definition and Schema Assembly components were implemented algorithmically as a dictionary and rules. An Artificial Neural Network was trained for Schema Prediction. By using Parts of Speech tags to bootstrap the simplest case of token level schema definitions, a sentence is passed through all the three components incrementally until all the words are exhausted and the entire sentence is analysed as an instance of one final construction schema. The order in which all intermediate schemas are assembled to form the final schema can be viewed as the parse of the sentence. Parsers for English and Welsh (a low-resource minority language) were developed using the same approach with some changes to the Schema Definition component. We evaluated the parser performance by (a) Quantitative evaluation by comparing the parsed chunks against the constituents in a phrase structure tree (b) Manual evaluation by listing the range of linguistic constructions covered by the parser and by performing error analysis on the parser outputs (c) Evaluation by identifying the number of edits required for a correct assembly (d) Qualitative evaluation based on Likert scales in online surveys
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