3 research outputs found

    Development of Web-Enabled Online Learning Effectiveness Model Based on Online Video Tutorial

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    Information technology has a major impact on knowledge-sharing activities. The combination of knowledge-sharing tools such as Web 2.0 and multimedia embodied in the use of tutorial videos on web-enabled online learning is the solution. The solution is expected to improve individual performance in solving troubleshooting problems. The model was developed which explained the relationship between knowledge sharing and individual performance in troubleshooting problems and identified the factors that influence it. The research data is obtained by distributing questionnaires online to Telkomsel service users who have experienced problems troubleshooting products or services. The conceptual model was tested based on 205 samples obtained online. From the test results, it can be seen that web-enabled online learning is effective because tacit knowledge sharing that occurs directly increases individual performance while the effect of explicit knowledge sharing is mediated by tacit knowledge sharing. The factors that drive knowledge-sharing activities can influence individual performance, namely trust, IT usage, and usability

    Examining SCRM approach and its role in facilitating tacit knowledge sharing & creation, and exploring its integration effects

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    Tacit knowledge resides in a person's mind, which is highly personal and very difficult to interpret & transfer. It can be transferred if individuals reside in the same environment for an extended period of time i.e. through shared experiences. Therefore, finding the right method to acquire tacit knowledge has always been difficult for organizations, as face-to-face interactions or sharing experiences in the same environment is not achievable all the time (due to geographic constraints, lack of mobility, etc.). Over and above that, tacit knowledge sharing through Information Technology (IT) and IT tools is extremely limited or totally impossible. But with the rise of the social web (online collaboration tools, social media, discussion forums, interactive blogs, etc.), tacit knowledge can be created and shared frequently. The main objective of this research is to investigate Social Customer Relationship Management (SCRM) approach and its role in facilitating tacit knowledge sharing & creation and the modification it brings about, due to the integration of social media activities. Based on literature review, in-depth interviews (qualitative approach) and data analysis, this research revisits and explains the concept of SCRM approach, and examines the key enablers required for SCRM approach to exist. Following the above starting point, this research explores if SCRM approach facilitates tacit knowledge creation and if yes, how. To do so, this research adopts Nonaka's 'Dynamic Theory of Organizational Knowledge Conversion & Creation' and investigates if SCRM approach facilitates all the four modes – Socialization, Externalization, Combination, and Internalization – in the SECI model (Micro-Level Analysis) and if yes, how. This study also examines online collaborative platforms or 'online spaces' implemented under SCRM approach that facilitate tacit knowledge sharing and creation. Simultaneously, this study explores the relationship of online spaces with BA', the shared context for knowledge creation (Micro-Level Analysis). This research adopts 'Mechanism of Co-ordination' to examine the effects of social media on R&D department's structure. It also describes new processes that are integrated within the New Product Development (NPD) process (Meso-Level Analysis). The integration of SECI model of knowledge creation and BA' in an SCRM setting is useful both to academia and practitioners. This research adds to the existing literature, which believes social media can facilitate tacit knowledge sharing and creation, and also helps practitioners understand the importance of generating customer knowledge through social media rather than relying on historical and transactional data